Reviews from

in the past

Unbreakable... Unstoppable... Uncontrollable... Unplayable....

It was alright. You took what you could get for super heroes

Jugabilidad media, difícil de controlar ciertos movimientos, gráficamente esta acorde a la consola ni mas ni menos, el soundtrack es decepcionante esta muy por debajo de lo que la consola podía lograr.

Es un juego que al principio es muy desafiante, pero que con el pasar de los niveles va decreciendo en su dificultad, lo que es muy raro, por lo general la dificultad se mantiene o va creciendo, pero en este caso no es así.

Friend separated these two versions on IGDB so I'm moving this review from yesterday over here

Yknow something, after the horrors of the SNES version I've never been more glad to play a hard 3 in my life. It doesn't sound like much but I'm telling you that version is completely unplayable.

Controls are still pretty bleh here but it actually feels like I can control where he goes now, the music is a bit more samey but a good deal better, and best of all the stupid ass timer is actually fucking visible at all times, only costs one life rather than a game over, and even gets reset at certain checkpoints. You also don't have to play nonsense guessing games of which enemies you have to kill and which ones you don't, because there's no requirement to do so at all here.

Still sucks ass overall though lmao get fucked wolverine dumb idio

SNES: 0/10
Genesis: 3/10