Reviews from

in the past

When Christian said "I never wanted to be your father, you had a father, but your father's dead"
that hit different

em unique? not sure what to say its not good like each charter has a unique vehicle i guess and there loads of weapons game modes like this has what it needs but it just sucks

The unstoppable combo of kid me and licensed video games cannot be stopped because I somehow kept playing absolute bangers.

Great multiplayer game. A rare type of game featuring WWE wrestlers and they're not wrestling, however through vehicular combat and magic powers.

Everything about the premise of this game should have made it the most exciting thing to play. It was not, really bad game design all around in its objectives, player controls and overall gameplay. at least the aesthetic is there.

o gameplay é mal programado e a hitbox quase não existe, mas a história é tão megalomaníaca, ridícula e sem noção que vale a pena jogar.

I thought this was mario kart with WWE wrestlers

Me: Mom, can I get Twisted Metal?
Mom: We have Twisted Metal at home
Twisted Metal at home: This fucking game