Reviews from

in the past

Puzzles in AAA video games be like:

Some are okay. Some are annoying. Not especially fun but loved the meme concept.

You know the shitty mobile ad games you see on like twitter or tiktok or whatever that show someone playing some piss easy thing the wrong way so you wanna download it and prove them wrong but it's always a scam? This is a parody on those where they take five different notable examples of it and present them to you with no BS so you can finally satisfy the desire to them right.

That's basically all there is to it. Actual dev made it so there's some polish to it but it's pretty barebones. It's also boring and repetitive after a bit because they loaded a lot of "levels" of the same kind of game into it to justify the $8 price tag.

So yeah. It's just a collection of those shitty mobile ad games without any of the jank or scamming. Gets old after a while and I wish there was more variety as it is only those five concept games. Worth paying for to me just to see someone actually took the time to make this and take the piss out of the dumb ads but there's not much to it otherwise once you get your fill. Don't regret it but don't really recommend it either unless you have a crazy itch to be like THOSE FUCKERS ARE DOING THE PULL THE PIN PUZZLE WRONG LEMME SHOW THEM HOW ITS DONE. It scratches that itch if you have the same kind of brain poisoning I do. Otherwise, not a MUST PLAY game or anything lol

it is exactly what it says on the tin

just kinda wish there was more of them.

got it for the switch and i cant help but feel like this would have been perfect on mobile given the nature of the game and what it is parodying

İnstagram Reels kısmında gösterilen bi avuç aptalın reklam pazarlama bölümlerini geçemeyince bu oyunu yapmışlar. bi avuç aptalda bu oyunları oynamamızı istemiş. Oyunun özeti bu.

They weren't lying
They were those games

Shit kinda boring ngl, played around 30min

I am still playing it, but I can confidently say that FUCK cash run, somehow it has pinpoint accuracy levels and then the next will be the easiest shit, baffling compared to all of the other games

Premissa simples, competentemente executada, mas poderia ser um pouco melhor

Exactly what it says in the title. The fake ads for fake mobile games you see, funneled into a minigame structure. I think it could have benefited from some kind of WarioWare style randomized challenge, maybe a two-player feature where you race against each other. There’s exactly one randomized puzzle minigame, and its only unlocked after you’ve completed all 200+ of the original puzzles. Spice it up, gimme some variety! As it is, it's a perfectly fine $10 minigame collection.

It's not a game I can play for long fragments of time. When I was a kid, I loved playing puzzle games during road trips. I’d spend hours putting everything in the right order or navigating small digital labyrinths. But the thing about road trips is that I get 1. Aggressively car sick and 2. Incredibly existential. Those Games hit that exact emotional core, to the point that I can’t tell if its the game itself putting me into that existential nausea about if I’m wasting my life, or if that’s just how my brain connects those pieces of information. Hard to give an unbiased review with that in mind.

If you want silly puzzles, wait for a sale. That’s the best I can communicate.

This is a very cute idea for a game. I mean, a game of all those fake games from the mobile ads? Great idea! And yeah, most of the games are fun, because those ads look fun! Number tower is ass tho and it gets repetitive. Fine for 10 bucks tho.

The games where fun at first but they start to get stale rather fast. Got though about half of each of the games before stopping. The stars system makes it feel like you have to rush though them if you want a good score witch makes it more annoying than fun.

I think this game's true purpose was to make the player never ever ever want to feel even a little bit tempted by the sorts of ads the game's modes are based on. It succeeded. I 100%ed this and I both do and do not regret it. It has affected me for the rest of my days.

the title speaked for itself, although i think in hindsight i regret wanting "those games"

Only marking as played because ... man, I do not like the pin pull one. Otherwise, completed all the other games.

The premise is really funny; the games themselves go by quick, much like the mobile game ads. What can I really say? It's what you get from a novelty game. It is sort of addicting in a low-key IQ test way — especially the parking lot and colour lab games.

The menu music is awful but I liked the actual game music enough that I kept it on; it just gets repetitive and obnoxious.

You know what I really want to see? A game based on those ads where you shoot at incoming powerups with a big number on them so that you can then get those power-ups. The ads with that game are bad at the game on purpose and it feels infuriating.

Okayish game. I like how it's a well-polished parody of the annoying mobile ads. But I just don't see the point in adding a Splatoon 3-styled titling system. Other than that, I see this game as more of a time-killer than anything. It not being on mobile is a huge missed opportunity.

I love the concept of this game. The idea of having a compilation of fake mobile game ads as actual games sounds like a dumb and fun idea. However, whether intentional or not, the actual quality follows the same quality of said ads.

Looking at the games separately, Pin Pull and Color Lab are both fine in quality, just a bit too easy at times and that's about it. Cash Run is so picky when it comes to ranks and the controls aren't precise enough to work with them. Sometimes it comes down to 1 or 2 A-button presses or even just actual luck in some levels. Parking Lot is solid overall, but the thugs in later levels are just annoying instead of being any hint of a challenge, and the cars aren't on a grid which makes moving them frustrating when they collide at times despite looking like they shouldn't. Lastly, Number Tower is probably the game that'll make you think the most (or guess the most depending on how you approach it). It's fine but takes way too long for some levels, even when mashing.

Overall, the whole game compilation is fine and you get what you pay for, but this game could be much better with just some simple quality-of-life improvements or general polish. If the developers were intending it to have this same level of quality shown in the ads though, then they hit it perfectly.

gardenscapes dlc would make this worth the 15 dollars

i unironically played a color sort app for like 6 months, that shit hits so good

they should add a twerk race 3D running game mode so it can be peak gaming

I didn't come here for excellence, I came here to satisfy a curiosity. This collection serves a very specific purpose so I am rating it based on that purpose. I streamed it for a bunch of friends and we got just over an hour's worth of laughs out it. That's what we wanted from it and that's exactly what we got!

As for the games themselves, they did scratch my brain in the way I thought they would. Most were actually decently engaging puzzle games if I didn't expect the world from them. While the levels were slow to present any challenges, that felt true to the mobile game experience to me where there's fanfare for the simplest of puzzle clears to make you feel clever before stepping up the difficulty faster than expected. This collection doesn't attempt to add any quality or integrity to "these games" (yes, there's even an IQ stat!) and I love them for it. It does add some of its own personality though; shout out to the gyrating ogre in Number Tower.

For funsies, here's how I rank the various games from most to least liked:
1. Pin Pull - An order of operations puzzle that I genuinely liked
2. Parking Lot - Higher levels actually required some effort
3. Color Lab - Hideous colors but satisfying to the lizard brain
4. Cash Run - Nonsense budgeting / platforming combo? I guess?
5. Number Tower - Just math... but gyrating ogre

I played Those Games and now I know what the skeezy ads are all about. The itch has been scratched. I doubt I'll play this collection again anytime soon but the concept is entertaining and honestly did me a service. $10 on Steam for a funny stream with my friends and immunizing myself against weird ads? Worth it!

i mean, i guess im glad this exists. it does the bare minimum of what it needs to do to accomplish its goal of being a clone of those shitty mobile game ads. but those games are never destined to be good, no matter how badly you wanted to play them. at least theres no ads.

tbh I don't think I want them anymore.

Still this game needs to exist.


No for realness tho, good game but cons are no pause or reset button.

proves that "those games" are actually fun and you should want them

it is very much what it says on the tin though so if simple mobile games don't appeal to you at all then it won't do anything for you

I think 3 of the games are good simple fun though, number tower is decent at later levels but mindnumbingly easy for the first chunk, and cash run is...okay

i mean it's no umineko no naku koro ni that's for sure

Fun idea, poor execution. Bare bones shovelware ass game; the ads it is trying to parody look like more fun.