Reviews from

in the past

Who was the intended audience for this?

Why was this mobile exclusive?
No wonder it died

It looked great and had potential

might have been kinda fun if it wasn't for all the gacha trash, the only thing that sucks about it being killed of is it's one of the only Yu-Gi-Oh! games currently to feature any of the Rush Duels stuff.

This might be too big brained for me idk.

I like the new take on Yu-Gi-Oh, and love the 3D models, but the gameplay is unbalanced and promotes ganging up on the weakest player since games end when one person reaches 0 instead of allowing the game to continue to last man standing.

Also it takes FOREVER for a single turn to end.

Konami really put money in 3D models, social links, voice acting and a whole new fucking game only to make it unplayable in anything but 3 phones.

this is just terrible
nothing about this is Yugioh aside from the recognizable characters
and that would be fine if the gameplay was good but it's really not, while it seems to try to appeal to a casual crowd that most likely has some nostalgia for Yugioh the anime that probably can't play proper Yugioh the gameplay ends up being over convoluted and matches feel too slow and too long also the game itself is terrible from a technical standpoint this thing no joke will turn ur phone into a cooking grill whilst draining the fuck out of ur battery

the game is dead lmao
3d models and character icons were cool but other than that this game was really bad
here's a drive of every icon

Solo jugué esta cosa por Playmaker.

the gameplay was a bit dull but not unfun; the problem is how terrible the gacha rates seem to be as well as the way premium currency and the grind are handled. the game also looks really... odd, feeling rather placeholdery with the weird vtuber character models tacked on.

the game is a promise of shitty, boring, and repetitive grinding to power up monsters you might not even like or need because the gachas seem to only spit out normal or rare cards. the better gachas are all also locked behind a premium currency that as far as i know is only obtained by spending money, while the secondary premium currency earned (slowly) through playing the game is used for fewer and lesser options. i don't know if i've ever played a gacha before whose introductory first-one's-free summons turned out to all be low-rarity without a single guarantee, but cross duel was somehow that. weird considering konami has already made two other yugioh gacha games before now.

like i said the gameplay itself isn't exactly bad, but it just seems really lacking in terms of depth compared to the tcg, so much so that even the other simplified versions of it (speed duel and rush duel) seem significantly more complex and interesting. cross duel is like the bare minimum of what a card game can be, and while it's fine, it's just... not really enough to feel like anything substantial.

these elements combined made my short playtime feel like all i needed to know this game wouldn't really be good or worth looking at.