Reviews from

in the past

this game breaks my heart. it is the best digital version of a real life tcg i've ever played, only really matched by the pokemon tcg game for gbc. it's clunky to control, it's not great about explaining some of the weirder mechanics, and online is pretty dead. but i would KILL for another tcg videogame like this one. but it's just never going to happen.

i have impulse control problems. i spent an obscene amount of money that wasn't mine to spend on hearthstone packs when i was a teenager. i burned money i needed for medication on mtg arena packs while that game was still in alpha. all this to say, i am not safe playing most online versions of card games even though it's a genre i love. this game shows a much better alternative. a digitized tcg with no microtransactions and lots of singleplayer content. playing this game made me realize instantly why no company will ever produce a non-online non-microtransaction based digital tcg again. when choosing between the better experience, and bleeding vulnerable people dry a corporation will make the same choice every time.

yea, the game's not technically perfect. but if getting more cards and a better ui means being subjected to the grossest most exploitative bloodsucking monetization system ever devised, then this becomes the best one by default. also i won from gimmick puppet leo's affect while playing once and it felt awesome.

Um bom resumo dos animes e também uma bela porta de entrada pra quem tá começando.

not worth getting since Master Duel is a thing.

The game's fun. Playing the singleplayer campaign lets you use a variety of decks and helped me get up to speed with the link mechanics. The largest detriments are in the online modes, as there's a chance you get stuck on the menu while in the lobby. Furthermore, if you want to play draft mode both players need to have completed enough campaign duels.

They gave the 5th guy an actual story this time and even added a 6th game, would've been nice if this was DLC instead of being a new game though.

Half-decent way to play the card game up to Ignition Assault, but I'm a bit bitter to the overabundance of Yugioh games that are just dueling sims with little flavor, as a fan of all of the anime series. There's no real reason to try this now that Master Duel is a thing.

>unlock Solomon's card pack, the cheapest there is
>buy so many til you can make a Gravekeeper's deck
>plow through every campaign with ease
Thanks Gravekeeper's!

Really amazing how serviceable this is

It's all fun and games up to 5D but after that good luck trying to get good with the bullshit summoning system of later stories.

It's at least fun to play historical duels. About it.

Very simplistic and frankly uninteresting, but a nice time if one just wants to chill on their couch and simulate some YGO with decks of their own design. Fuck Konami

Doesn't feel anywhere as much of a complete package as a game as the old DS World Championship series, but fuck it it'll do. Good for dicking around against AI decks of varying quality - the little VN segments before and after the duels are so barebones they might as well not even be there, though. But yeah it's still fuckin' Yu-Gi-Oh in the end

A nice packaged updated version of Yu-Gi-Oh TCG, all with just one purchase. The presentation could have been better though (especially after seeing Duel Links) but it's nice to have the full TCG available like this.

While this doesn't hold up much compared to the other YGO games I've played before, it does help and give you a better understanding of the meta. The story campaign really eases you in as you learn all the various mechanics of each series. Definitely got a better grasp at pendulum & link monsters now. Lol

This shit looks like a 2008 flash game. Imagine trying.

No he jugado lo suficiente para hacer una review clásica, pero es posiblemente el juego más feo y con menos elementos QoL que he visto en mi vida. Me encantan los juegos de cartas y me flipaba Yu-Gi-Oh! cuando era pequeño, especialmente los juegos de GBA, pero este juego es un auténtico dolor para un jugador que quiera adentrarse en el mundo del Duel Monsters.

Lo que más me ha sorprendido es que sea un juego de Konami y no haya micropagos. A parte de ello, me parece una buena puerta de entrada a la franquicia.

Sadly the ruleset is a bit outdated for modern playing but this is a great way for people who like the anime to get in the card game proper. For me personally I stopped around the XYZ era and this game helped me learn Pendulum, Link, and a whole bunch of the other new cards that have come since then.

I actually really like how clever they were in Story Duels in trying to recreate the Decks to be as close to how they were built in the show but using the real life rules.

The Duelist Challenges were sadly a bit less canon to the series' characters but did provide a fun way for many of the card game's archetype to be shown.

Having to unlock all the cards through RNG was a massive pain the ass. That's the major flaw I have with the game, along with weird difficulty spikes if you only do Story Decks.

Poderia ser muito bem uma DLC do Legacy of the Duelist, fora o fato de ser muito tosco você ter que fazer a história do clássico até o Arc-V tudo de novo só para chegar no Vrains

It's been more than a week now and I've intentionally launched duelingbook and set up matches to do with friends so I think it's very safe to say that I've been hooked again.

The campaigns on offer eased me back into all the mechanics, and its tutorials are so monumentally excellent??? Like there's the regular ingame tutorials that initially teach you the mechanics but then each first 'mission' of a campaign will thoroughly walk you through every single step and then the next missions after will give you a very simple premade deck to work around. Quite literally the best teacher you could ask for with this game that isn't human, unless Konami delivers on whatever their "excellent new tut series" is for their new Master game or whatever. Like I left the YGO scene I want to say at the tail end of synchro summons, so right before Xyz was a thing. But after a few days with this game I have a thorough handle on Xyz and Link summons! (Pendulum is still kind of weird though. I blame the ridiculous descriptions... Yugioh needs more keywords)

Also this is just a game made for me. The YuGiOh game I spent the most time on was GX Spirit Caller precisely because it had a lot of options where I could throw my dummy decks at AI opponents that ranged from dumb, dumber, and oh god that endgame AI had a OTK combo fuck. And now I have much much much more than that here. Being able to sort of 'reexperience' the campaign but I'm in control of the protag's decks, then unlock 100+ AI challenges who are actually balanced (or at least mostly balanced) around current rules is just nuts. How the hell did I only have to pay $40 for that though? Like that's what feels surreal. Every time I opened up card packs ingame I was thinking how I should be paying with real money because in another timeline you would be for every single roll. But no there's no monster on the shoulder going more more more, it's all free after purchase baby. Honestly the only thing missing here is card puzzles like spirit caller, but there's edopro or whatever for that and those are pretty difficult anyways.

For those who haven't played YGO because yes I am going to bring my toxic ffxiv habits and try to pull people in, it's an absurdly complex and speedy combo card game. Build around an archtype and fight to get your series of win conditions all at once. The meta has, at least as far as I've been told by the three people I know who still play, only gotten better and is in an excellent place right now. Honestly you can coast off the premade decks from the challenge mode, they're actually quite good and arguably viable. Maybe not in like... high ranked mode of current year but enough to play with friends for certain.

So yeah welcome to the newest episode of My Crazy Addiction I hope you enjoy your stay.

Literalmente el juego más insufrible, peor programado y optimizado de Yugioh en toda la existencia

Tiempo jugado: 165 horas...y todavía sigo jugando


I heard you like YGO? Well, it’s YGO and if you like children’s card games with a fun visual novel recap of the shows, well... this is the whole package.

An impressive achievement considering the sheer scope of modern Yu-Gi-Oh!. This is one of the last franchises that Konami still gives a damn about so maybe they should throw a little more money at development for these games.

Synchro was alright, XYZ was great, Pendulums were tolerable sometimes, Link monsters and the new rule changes are so fucking stupid. Why, just why. It ruins whole decks. I'm going back to ygopro.

One of the laziest Yu-Gi-Oh games ever made. I've played Wii/DS games with more charm and effort. The fucking MOBILE GAME is better than this.

An incredibly bare bones Yu-Gi-Oh sim compared to previous entries, but a reliable and ultimately fun one nonetheless.

I don't think card games are really for me