Reviews from

in the past

Made obsolete by the remake, tbh

Beautiful and soulful horror game that is very emotional and still haunting with intense ghost encounters and atmospheric environments. Great story and music as well. Highly recommended to the fans of genre.

Interesting story, very well detailed enemies but very poor running mechanics like VERY slow.
Let's hope the Remaster for modern consoles has some improvements.

The Wii controls are terrible. So I emulated the game and mapped the control scheme into a Xbox 360 controller.
With this, the game is very, very enjoyable. Much better than I expected. The atmosphere is one of the best in all of the series. Really creepy, suffocating and frightening.
As a side note, it may be the easiest of all Fatal Frame games, but the one where you die the fastest if you get grabbed by the ghosts. Yeah, that's contradictory.

El primer fatal frame de Nintendo resulto ser algo decente, contando una historia alejada de la trilogía principal, llegando a ser menos emotiva y interesante que antes, acompañados de los personajes mas insípidos de la saga y donde la conclusión se siente muy repentina. Los enemigos son fáciles de derrotar, ya no presentando reto alguno, incluso el jefe final es decepcionante. Juego decente que no abarca mucho y que se queda en lo que es, algo pasajero.

Played a fan translation through an emulator, extremely upsetting game in all the best ways, made me want to play the rest of the Fatal Frame series.

My favorite in the series, and I am not saying that because I had to go through the dull process of soft-modding my Wii to get it (and the Fatal Frame 2 Wiimake) to work.

Despite it's use of an over-the-shoulder camera, Fatal Frame 4 feels decidedly classic in a time where classic survival horror was no longer in-vogue. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the reason Nintendo got cold feet when it came to publishing it abroad (among other reasons).

Luckily, in the year of our Lord, 2023, people from across the globe can finally play this bad boy through it's remaster, it's just a shame it took so long to get here. Better late than never, though!

Incredible atmosphere and sound design. Backtracking is a lot less stressful in this one since environments are well designed and the game basically tells you where to go most of the time.

The pace that the characters move at is miserably slow though and I had to use a mod that doubled the running speed to make it tolerable. Ghost encounters also started to become more annoying than scary the more I progressed since the combat is trivialized by the lock-on mechanic. The game is creepy all the way through but can sort of rely on jumpscares too much at times. Still really enjoyed this entry despite it's flaws, looking foward to the remaster!

Certainly the weakest fatal frame I've played yet, but it was still somewhat enjoyable despite the awful wii controls and ending not as impactful as 3's.

if nothing else it's surprising that the one time (aside from the movie which is far better than any of the games) fatal frame wandered from mediocrity to brief greatness was in 3 and not this given the grasshopper pedigree. there are parts of this that i do like, misaki's story in particular (also the buildup to the final fight is amazing), but like pretty much everything else in fatal frame it leaves my brain as soon as the game ends. just not remarkable

Fascinating story - very Fatal Frame in a lot of ways (including the negative ones). Some extremely unsettling ghost designs littered in the game - unfortunately the game is pretty easy, reducing a lot of the fear.

Also has an all-timer protagonist run - she runs in the most waifish way possible, it's hilarious. Big ups to Fatal Frame for consistently making it's ladies never upgrade their running speed to anything more than ''victorian trot''.

It's a shame that it was never localized officially, there is an english patch though. Really cool story but the game basically plays itself due to the lock-on that auto tracts all the enemies when you aren't playing the dude with the flashlight and the ridiculous amount of resources you can buy at any save point