Reviews from

in the past

It's an entertaining RTS, the online system being so hard to make work and the gameplay being dated hurts it though.

Tal vez la nostalgia juegue un papel importante, pero éste es mi Age of Empires favorito. Faltan algunas mecánicas que ya teníamos asumidas y hay menos civilizaciones, pero cuenta con sus propias fortalezas: gráficamente es portentoso incluso a día de hoy, la música es genial y las civilizaciones tienen características únicas mucho más notorias.

Aunque he dedicado muchas más horas a Age of Empires II, es esta tercera entrega la que me produce ese cosquilleo tan agradable cada vez que aparece la pantalla de título.

Age of Empires III is my most played computer game for good reason. It is entertaining and has better combat than the other games with the introduction of guns and warships. I also love the chaos when you use cheats and make hundreds of soldiers spawn. I would only say that compared to the other games, empires 2 has better CPU ai. In this one, CPUs will not attack at all until you get to the final ages which kind of defeats the purpose.

O modo campanha é bem legal. Quando joguei, não me adaptei ao multiplayer. São poucas salas e, muito por ser um jogo antigo, dificilmente encontrará alguma que comporte um iniciante.

I remember playing this a lot as a child. Still find it quite fun nowadays.

I found the single-player campaigns to be worth at least one playthrough. The story was interesting and there's quite a twist at the end of it.
The game tried to experiment with some stuff and this didn't quite work out, which is probably why it still remains in AoE2's shadow to this day.
The home city and card system sounded like a really cool idea in theory but distanced it from a typical RTS experience and instead made it so that players with a higher level can wreck those who haven't played as long as they have.
The time period of early colonialism just isn't as interesting as the medieval period. The time period also created a big issue in the gameplay loop itself. Tactics switched towards being either heavily ranged or cavalry-focused, killing a lot of the diversity in army compositions.

Ruined friendships over and over again, what more could you want?