Reviews from

in the past

these are actually my favorite AC games so yeah

As a collection of three games, these are pretty serviceable. It does make me wish that they made full-fledged open-world games with these time periods however.

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Unless you are a diehard AC fan you will probably hate this

Assassins Creed: Chronicles is really 3 Arcade games in one set. China, India and Russia. All of these are 2.5D side scroller/ platformer arcade games. Even though this is a side scroller it works very much like a traditional AC game. It’s mostly stealth based and follows an in animus past only story of 3 different characters in 3 different eras. These games are hard especially Russia and the stories in these games aren't great with Russia having the best story. The gameplay of all 3 of these plays the same way mostly with some improvements and new equipment each game and all 3 stories involve the precursor box from AC Rogue.

Gameplay/ Story:
China: you have minimal equipment like throwing knifes and smoke bombs. The gameplay of this one seems to be the longest with the most sequences and you are definitely encouraged to stealth 90% of this game if not all of it because it gets hard, and you gain reward bonuses for stealth and assassinations. You could go in and just fight but will probably die right away within a few hits if you don't have upgrades. Most of this game you spend it climbing around stealth killing people and getting keys for doors. The story takes place after Assassins Creed Embers and old Ezio does have a small training cameo. The story is about Shoe Jun returning to China after the events of AC Embers in 1596 to take back her country from the templars and retrieve the precursor box that was scene in AC Rogue, aside from this it’s a very boring story.

India: The gameplay is mostly the same, but it improves in some areas with movement and different equipment. I had a few glitches happen with spawning in this game and almost got stuck but the game fixed itself. The story of this game is similar to China and honestly just as forgettable. Arbaaz Mir is the main character of this one who I guess is Henry Greens dad from syndicate or something. Again he's trying to stop an evil templar and get the precursor box back in the year 1841, There are some cool moments in this game where you snipe from a sniper rifle in first person. This game and Russia also felt shorter and definitely had fewer sequences than China, which is probably a good thing.

Russia: The gameplay of this one is probably the most unique having new ways of movement, a sniper rifle grapple gun and an overall much higher level of difficulty here. This game is my favorite of the 3 but also my least favorite at the same time. The way the challenge rewards work in this game is different and was much harder to get so I basically went through this entire game with almost no upgrades which made it even harder to play. One thing I can say about all 3 of these games that sucks is the “run away from something mechanic” that has one part to it that's almost impossible to get past if you are off with timing and die then the game saves in that spot and makes continuing crazy difficult. In China it’s the runaway from fire segments. In India it’s a runaway from oversized elephants’ part which glitched on me and I respawned behind the elephants and got stuck and in Russia it was the runaway from tank segment which was just crazy hard to keep up with and I had to google it to see how someone else did it in order to continue at one part. These segments are crazy frustrating and damn near made me quit on all 3 of these games. Russia at least had the most interesting story to it. So much so, I kinda wished this was a real AC game. Russia takes place in 1918, in this one you play as Nikolaï Orelov who infiltrates the house where the tsar's family is being held by the Bolsheviks and steals the precursor box. He ends up helping Anastasia escape who is like possessed by Shoe Jun (somehow from the precursor box.) This allows for Anastasia segments where you can play as her too. Like I said cool story but broken gameplay that I pretty much had to keep googling every other level to complete the game.

Graphics, Voice Acting and Music for all 3 games: The graphics and Art style of all 3 of these games is fantastic and probably the highlight of these games. China looking very pastel colored, India looking super colorful and bright and Russia looking very black, white and Red to fit in with Russian propaganda posters (very cool stuff). The voice acting is average, not bad but not great either and the music is dull minimal background noise just made to fit the scenes nothing great and nothing terrible either. Also no out of animus modern day story is present here.

Overall China 6/10 India 6/10 Russia 5.5/10

Belle tentative mais malheureusement en tant que jeu de plateforme ils sont mauvais. Seul le Russia à réussir à me tenir en halène et encore je me suis forcer. Très mal rythmée que ce soit dans le scénar ou le gameplay. Dommage car le personnages principal de Chine était très intéressant et les épisodes possédait une DA un peu recherché (encre de chine mais les contraste de couleurs aurait du etre plus appuyé pour moi, la russie se partageait entre édulcorations de nuances de rouges et gris, et tableau froid et sombre et selon moi l'équilibre aurait du être moins marquée). L'épisode inde était le moins bon.

I played this for like 20 minutes and haven’t thought about it since.

This game was marketed to the wrong crowd. I don't want to claim that AC fans 'couldn't handle' these games being different, people are entitled to their opinion on the concept. I will argue that it's a weird take to claim Chronicles "took away the chance of playing a """real""" AC game in these settings" There's no evidence of this take and it has nothing to do with the merit of the trilogy.

If you've ever played Mark of the Ninja, you'll like this.

if you like stealth, there's an extremely compelling take on it here.

The trilogy peaks at India, Russia isn't that bad, but it's the most restrictive and harshest to play.

Movement and controls are impressively weighty and responsive even on the vita port (my favorite cause I'm weird like that.)

China feels the most polished and encourages multiple playstyles/playthroughs.

India improves the base mechanics and the first half offers some genuinely impressive level designs, it starts to feel rushed by the latter half with a lot more restrictive levels.

The tightening of options that the latter half of the trilogy does feels like a rushed way to spike difficulty towards a 'climax' Russia does this heavily.

That said, Russia has some genuine innovations to it with the tools offered and one or two of the levels are genuinely cool. but yeah... it doesn't go too well in the end. before you know it Russia has you literally railroading through aggressively tight and specific corridors of enemies and fighting a contextual button prompt of a boss.

The aesthetic across all three is excellent. story is not, but I don't really care ngl.

These games have a very special place in my heart and I deeply regret that they will forever stand as a 'mixed reviews' in the pages of gaming history.

Between this and Mark of the Ninja, there could have been a really excellent 2.5d stealth game with semi-3d open-ended stealth levels and advanced tool combat (and maybe grab the world tendency idea from Dishonored and tie it to the playstyle system from Chronicles allowing players to play the way they want and be rewarded with more engaging challenge in later levels.).

between the two I honestly prefer chronicles as it controls smoother.

Quite fun AC 2D game, just played a bit but might want to do it more in the future.