Reviews from

in the past

Pure unadulterated demented zaniness in a Jaguar cartridge.

Oh yes, I have been awaiting this moment where I would finally play the owner of one of my favorite titles in gaming history. I've only been playing mid from the console until now just to make it feel more special to me.

Wikipedia describes AOTMP as a "tower defense game with action, platform, puzzle and real-time strategy elements". Truly a game that transcends genre, even if I would personally just consider it a tower defense game that predates those lovely custom Starcraft maps I used to spam back during the youth of my PC gaming career. To almost match it's thematic insanity, AOTMP also has a slight learning curve to it which is part of the reason this is the one Jaguar game so far that I've played for longer than a day, aside from the fact that it actually kinda rules. I could sit here and try to describe how the game works to you, but I'd rather not bore you with the details aside from things like gremlins being your resource/slave labor, and the objective being to keep alien penguins from walking to the Doomscale and outweighing the friendly penguins. I should also note to you that the alien penguins wear hats, which proves my theory that people who wear hats aren't the most trustworthy. They're obviously hiding something.

If you dislike animal cruelty then I'm afraid AOTMP won't be the best game for you, as while you're technically against aliens masquerading as penguins there are still depictions of them being slaughtered in fan blades and getting viciously clubbed to death by the main characters who seem to resemble a cough drop of sorts and a pear. For the most part it's still cartoonish violence just with a bit of adult surrealism added in, but probably worth a share for those less sadistic than me who could be interested in this and might want to know.

If there's stuff worth complaining about it's that hit-detection ain't the greatest on attacks, gremlins sometimes are annoying to pick up again once they're done with their task, and power orbs often get scattered into areas where you can't walk to. This game also kinda got pretty easy once I knew what I was doing and scoped the level out good enough at the beginning, and the game's OST seems to be nothing but the demonic breathing of what I assume to be the Doomscale who also occasionally chuckles to himself to mix it up. AOTMP isn't an all timer, but it's something I would've played the shit out of if my family actually gave a damn about Atari products in 1995. I feel like I say it a bunch, but I truly do mean it, goddamn do I fucking love it when videos games are video games.

Also, don't buy the version on Steam it's published by the Piko Interactive people who like NFTs and enjoy stomping on game preservation. They also want you to buy Impossimole for eight bucks, which I'm pretty sure is a war crime and against the geneva conventions.

From what I understand you fuck a bunch of penguins and from there they go to the doom scale, yeah the doom scale. They jump in the doom scale, yeah the doom scale, and then appear on the doom scale, yeah the doom scale. So you gotta stop the penguins by using a weapon, for example: a key right? NOOO the doom scale, yeah the doom scale. Baseball bat, how do you get the bat? You gotta get the bat. (Heheh-heheh!) You gotta collect letters that spell the word BAAAAAAAA. Where do you find the letters? Inside THE DOOM SCALE.