Reviews from

in the past

Небольшая история времен второй мировой войны.

Геймплей представляет из себя диалоги разбавленные несколькими мини играми.

История нелоха - но чего-то не хватает.

Its a very well made piece of history told through art and story, but there is very little that makes this a "game". It has an INCREDIBLE amount of information, backstory and encyclopedia entries that will entertain history buffs. But if you're looking for something with real puzzles or gameplay this isn't it.

Zajmavý interaktivní dílo z dob nacismu.

It's always awkward starting with a studio/artist's later work and working your way back, as you can't help but see the progress made in its inverse. That is pretty much my summary of it, its like Svoboda 1945 but not as good, it feels weirdly harder? There wasn't much challenge to Svoboda but this definitely makes you pay attention and somewhat annoyingly it feels like some minigames have to be replayed in order to get the coins to be able to re do interviews.

The main thing is: Attentat 1942 is a mixed media FMV adventure game centering the Assassination of Reynhart Heydrich and generally WW2 era Czechia and The Holocaust. Its not as focused as Svoboda, instead of the plot device of the school and being a government worker evaluating the historical significance of a school building. Here its just sort of "Your grandpa is sick, investigate his past because reasons". Its still enjoyable and somber and informative and all that so it gets a recommendation from me

Felt like an interactive museum piece, and I mean that in a good way. Learned about a piece of history during WWII I had no clue about. Went on too long near the end. The acting was surprisingly good and the interviews were engaging.

Historia multimedia que aprovecha la interactividad para involucrar al jugador de una forma amena con el horror del nazismo y las profundas repercusiones de sus crímenes.

Siento que falta algo; a veces, en Charles Games, descuidan los fundamentos narrativos y terminan optando por soluciones conservadoras, pero es, al fin y al cabo, un material histórico invaluable.