Reviews from

in the past

It’s unsurprising to hear that this is a reboot of a Czech 2003 point-and-click adventure of the same name: the story is there, the game even has an atmosphere of it’s own thanks to impressive use of lighting and gothic design; but it's nevertheless a PS2-era piece of work at heart, going off of the hideously clunky controls and hilarious character animations, although the voice acting isn’t always terrible.
My main issue with it is the poor optimisation and, subsequently, the loading times. Such an enjoyably traditional adventure game, which pushes for challenging amounts of exploration and revisiting various rooms in the mansion, is totally ruined by having to wait almost minutes for each little area to load - it’s infuriating and, when playing on a PS4/5, pretty much unacceptable.

Every series needs a reboot that physically moves the location away from England + has a virtual haggis at one point that you can click to virtually eat it. Unfortunately this is the only series I know that does this, at present.

Hard to believe this was professionally released in 2017. This is no way to do a reboot.

o ano é 2017 e eles entregam um jogo assim kk

Calling all story centered game lovers.
This was a simple walk/interact game with a twisty story. Game was so easy, I ended up getting the platinum trophy without even trying.
If you're looking for a nice mindless game to play, I can recommend this game whole heartedly.

Um, it wasn't great. The first chapter started fairly strong. You're in this decrepit family mansion, sneaking around and solving cryptic puzzles. You are trying to follow your father's footsteps to stop this supposed family curse. Sounds interesting right? Well, sadly all that cool stuff was at the end. Since I didn't play the previous games, the ending felt rushed and not clear to me.

There's a ton of cutscenes and black loading screens in this game. I am not one to knock a game down for animation quality, but for the amount of cutscenes, it does leave much to be desired. The characters are incredibly stiff, with little mouth movement.

There are so many loading screens! An unreasonable amount. You will be sitting silently, looking at a black screen for a long time. I don't understand why some of the rooms or locations couldn't be connected to cut down on the shear amount of loading. There's a tiny hallway that literally only connects you to the living room from the parlor. Anytime you need that room, you get not one, but two loading screens. For a relatively small room. It's poor planning.

After chapter 1, there's less puzzles. Only one specific puzzle toward the end I can think of. The gameplay turns into a couple of boring tasks. Either run here and talk to this person then go back to speak with this person, or there's a "puzzle" but you just guess or mash a button until you get it correct. What happened to the multi-part desk puzzle that was thought out in the beginning?

There are fixed camera angles, which is part cool, part annoying. It was cool for atmosphere; but gameplay wise, trying to find clues was annoying when the camera had a mind of its own. I don't even know what to say about the characters. Everyone was so bare bones that when a name was mentioned you forgot who they were, lmao.

I don't know if this deserves a two, but I'd feel so bad if I gave it only one star. I feel like the team was TRYING. However, the finished product has so much wasted potential. I was looking forward to it but in the end, I couldn't stop laughing how absurd it turned out.

these loading screens are horrendous, come on!

Lange Ladezeiten, die PS4 ist von Anfang an überlastet, miese Framerate, das Menü ist komplett daneben, manche Passagen sind nicht übersetzt und auch wenn man das alles auf die PS4 Version schieben möchte, ist alles andere nicht besser.
Die Figur läuft zu langsam, neue Gegenstände werden nicht angezeigt, die Figuren wirken wie Marionetten, entweder sie sind absolut leblos oder overacten total.

An dem Spiel ist so vieles, so schlecht, dass man wirklich alle bemitleiden muss, die hier Arbeit reingesteckt haben.

Zumindest das Setting ist recht interessant..aber das mach wirklich gar nichts wett.

It was rather bad, with super goofy characters, a weird plot, and bad voice acting. Also very ugly. TBH forogt where I even got it but it done now.

i wish id played this on PC, but controlling the mc was a nightmare. story was pretty interesting, but ruined by the irritating controls

Devia ter comprado o Hotline Miami...

This game takes ages to load... static ps2 backgrounds.

It's an adventure/point and click game, with a mediocre plot, bad controls and some jank which will make you instantly fail and die if you don't react very quick and do exactly what the game wants you to do. Aside from those weird glitchy moments, the game and it's puzzles are quite easy.

A disappointing remake. The original PC version is a classic but this one falls short. Tedious gameplay, horrendous controls, lousy voice acting, etc although the game did have a cool mood and atmosphere. Started off interesting and pretty much lost interest by the 4th chapter. Stick with the original, you’re not missing much here…