Reviews from

in the past

spent as much of my life in this game as I did in Skyrim

Might genuinely have the best voice acting I have ever seen in a video game

The gameplay is excellent, the worldbuilding/art style is spectacular but everything about this game is too nihilistic for me to truly enjoy it. I think there's a lot to appreciate from a technical and stylistic perspective, but personally I despise the grungy atmosphere and disgusting implications of Pandora and its denizens.

This game is the best borderlands game and is secretly one of my favourite game, I love everything about this game, from the environment to the random bosses, and sitting on top of all those good things is Handsome jack, easily my favourite villain in games and fiction, truly terrifying and funny, its a masterpiece, go play it.

Easily one of the best looter shooters I've ever played. There may have been better games that have come out more recently, but there is something cozy about this game in particular. The humor isn't for everyone and it certainly can get a bit repetitive, but for its time it was a revolutionary game, and also still the best in the franchise in my opinion.

A falta de amigos pra jogar esse jogo é o grande motivo de eu nunca ter zerado ele, desde que zerei L4D2 cheguei a essa conclusão, impossível jogar um jogo desse sozinho, não é a mesma coisa, são jogos diferentes e esse jogo quando é jogado sozinho não é o mesmo jogo de jogar com amigos, nenhum jogo do gênero é a mesma coisa quando jogo Single e Multi.

Borderlands 2, hoje já considerado um clássico da antiga geração, é extremamente marcante pela sua escolha de designer. Ele aprimora muito do que nos foi apresentado em Borderlands 1 — ainda se mantendo fiel ao jogo anterior — e aqui nos trás uma continuação da história do universo do jogo, contando a história dos quatros (ou seis com as DLCs) Vault Hunters já apresentados antes, permitindo o jogador se colocar no papel e um deles.

Borderlands 2 brilha na sua jogabilidade incrivelmente divertida, que se atinge seu auge ao jogar com alguns amigos. Embora o jogo também possa ser aproveitado sozinho, se você é um fã da franquia.

O sistema de armas e grind que o jogo possuí, consegue te prender durante horas em busca de um set perfeito, tudo isso enquanto aproveita a incrível trilha sonora que o jogo possuí.
Borderlands 2 é sem dúvidas um prato cheio para quem busca um jogo mundo aberto centrado no first-person — loot — shooter.

Run around. Shoot some dudes. Have a few chuckles along the way. It certainly excels at what it is trying to do. Not much else to it than that.

Bought it on console when it came out -- found the writing unfunny and horribly irritating, the voice acting and visual design merely abrasive when it didn't slide all the way into being directly unpleasant, the reward mechanics unengaging, and the gunplay mildly diverting but not particularly special. Bought it on PC years later at a huge discount, and discovered to my astonishment that I liked the gunplay a little better on PC.

Solid ass game.

didn't pay much attention to the story as I picked it up here and there, BUT. This game has some of the most fun gameplay I have played in a while and I am glad i returned to this. Fucking awesome shooting villains in the head, blowing the arms off the robots etc. combat = satisfying.
However, difficulty spikes were fucking dumb. The dumb bosses at the end werent really fun to beat because THEY WERE SO FUCKING STRONG (I was lvl 29 before going to the endgame). That's really the only thing about the game I disliked. This is a game everyone needs to playthrough once.

Amazing best one by far best with friends

So you want to hear a review, eh? Well you are in luck because this one will be a lengthy one for sure!

Borderlands 2 is probably one of the most beloved games ever created and with a good reason. Insane amount of loot, great classes to choose from, decent skills, a beautiful art style and tons of creative scenarios will makes sure that you have a great time on Pandora. This was my sixth playthrough, and I was pretty excited to experience this whole package again, and while I found some things that annoyed me, overall, this is still a stellar game to play.

I enjoyed the chaotic writing, the jokes and the overall insane amount of content and creativity that went into creating absurd side missions and jokes. What I did not like is the fact that with this amount of side content, you need to choose after some hours in what you want to do. You focus on the side quests or do the story missions, because the story is very tight, and if you stop to do some side stuff between missions, it can quickly lose it's momentum. On the other hand, if you do not level yourself up, the game can really make you suffer, as your level will be way lower than what you need to catch up with the story.

The other bigger negative aspect is the gun variety, as the game sometimes does not offer loot that is satisfying, instead it throws in a bunch of shield and grenades as a filler. The weapons themselves are cool but they are lacking creativity even with the elemental stuff (Borderlands 3 improved this).

The writing can be hit-or-miss but it is mostly enjoyable and I found most of the jokes still funny, even though some were brutally dated even for it's own time. Characters from the previous entry provide very good dialogue though, so even if you do not vibe with the game, you will probably appreciate how well the writers implemented the previous cast into the game.

As for the new characters, I like almost all of them except for Salvador. He is fine, I just do not like his playstyle with the dual wielding. Axton and Gaige are probably my favorite, but I really like Maya and Zero as well. I weirdly never played with Krieg before. I recommend Axton and Gaige for solo plays and after getting familiar with the game, any class is okay to start with. Axton's turret can be a lifesaver, and Gaige's robot can tank everything for you if you use it right, so they both can be insanely OP.

And what about the DLCs? Well...

Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty:

A very decent new zone with lots of sand and a pirate theme. I really love Shade and his design, as he was obviously inspired by the character of Johnny Depp from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The bosses are okay and the overall DLC is very creative with the pirate stuff, I just wish the later missions weren't so boring, as the game tries to pan out them in order to make the experience longer (looking at you Herbert). Overall, fun DLC that is a little bit annoying in the end.

Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage:

Insanely fun DLC with Torgue's over the top performance that makes up for all of the things this DLC lacks. I do not want to spoil anything from it, because it has some very good writing, so you just better check this one out.

Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt:

The Big Game Hunt is the most hated one from the bunch and I can see why, even I hated parts from it and found some designs questionable but I liked what this one is going for with the old fashioned adventure movie vibe and the main bad guy. It is quite short, you can have some fun with it but you can skip it.

Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep:

The star of the show, the DLC that everyone loves for how creative it is with it's fantasy setting. To be honest, I loved this one too but I found the writing of Tina a bit too much for me. I did not like some parts of the campaign because of this, as it made me realize that I liked her way more in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, as her sadness and grief were portrayed much better there. Overall, this one is the best of them all, and I highly recommend checking it out.

I have attempted to finish borderlands 2 twice now, and even though I adore the story, characters and gameplay, I haven't been able to finish it. I do think that borderlands 2 is a very well made game, with great gameplay and a very good story, but It's not for me, and I think it's gonna stay that way.

Silly fun with friends. Gun go pow. Barrel go boom. Claptrap go brrr.

One of the best shooty tooty bang bang games i've ever played.

A great sequel to the first Borderlands game and may even be better! The story is great and makes it hard to put the game down. DLC was more fun than Borderlands 1.

Looter Shooter masterpiece. Fantastic writing and style, great gameplay with big funny numbers.