Reviews from

in the past

Fairly fun for what it is. A short, arcade-style shooter with some really fun mechanics and weapons to mess around with, but there are a few glaring issues with the game.

While I eventually got used to there not being any jump button, I found some of the mechanics of the game to feel rather useless, primarily in some of the weapons available to use that are frankly gimmick weapons when compared to more useful tools. I only really stuck to around five weapons I used on repeat, only bringing out other weapons if I needed a quick switch to a new gun on the fly.

I also found the story to be total hot garbage, which wasn't a big surprise if I'm to be honest. While the gameplay remains mostly a great time (it kinda peters out in the end but it thankfully ends before things get too repetitive), the story is a jumbled assortment of stale cliches helmed by stereotypical characters. The story isn't also helped by the severe amount of racist and sexist dialog both our protagonist and antagonist characters spout. More than anything else, Bulletstorm comes off as being edgy for the sake of being edgy, than telling any sort of actual coherent narrative. The fact that the story ends on a major cliffhanger that'll seemingly never be resolved also bites.

I picked this up on a Steam sale where it was like four or five bucks, and that's what I honestly feel it's worth. A fun little way to kill some time in the gameplay department, but it certainly isn't anything special like how it wants you to think it is. I'll certainly do another run of the game in the future with the Duke Nukem DLC when the time comes to play that.

Everything about this game is outdated.

All in all, doesn't add anything to Bulletstorm in any way shape or form. Doesn't take anything away from it though. A fun revisit of a game that doesn't work in todays gaming climate. Maybe only fun for the nostalgia of it all

An arcade shooter that's all about killing in the most stylish way possible, and it's great at making you do that. Nothing else matters.

Awful, uninteresting, but an extra half star for being able to play as Duke Nukem.

Fun base mechanics with good weapon variety and gravity boots and a leash allows you to kick, slide kick, or pull your enemies and objects into the air in slow motion. Nice colorful locations and area diversity allows you to frequently see something new or get into new situations. Characters can quickly go from being sort of funny to extremely annoying. The scoring mechanics really aren't that interesting, made less so by the main reason for getting points just being to spend them on ammo. Good update to the 2011 version with improved graphics, lighting, and the ability to play through the game as Duke Nukem with different lines from him.

Bullestorm is a game I last played on Steam in 2012 for 7.5 hours. It was kind of memorable and I always meant to get back to it, but I had the Full Clip Edition through PS+ so I thought, why not clear it from the backlog. Well I'm not sure how much I actually played the first go round, but I've probably now played enough Bulletstorm for the rest of my life. Basically the hook of Bulletstorm is you do wildly over the top kills and get creative to score points. This was pretty fun and definitely has the hallmarks of Gears of War designer Cliff Bleszinski all over it, and I quite enjoyed trying to get all the skill shots, etc even if some of the controls were a little 2011. The not good of this game is that it can get a little stale after a while, even with all the variety, and also the script. My god. I'm not sure if it's meant to be a parody of edgy but WOW. Some of it is legit funny and talented voice actors Steven Blum and Jennifer Hale manage to pull of a few feats making sound half palatable. But racial, ableist, sexist, misogynistic slurs...even done "ironically" are still slurs and in the context of this game it's just too much; you could have achieved the same effect with better writing. That and the game trying to be SO edgy but also mix in a story about redemption etc, it really just doesn't land. Bullestorm is worth checking out if you want a different flavour of shooter and a curio from days gone, but you'll also have to check out your brain as well.

My friends keep telling me this game is the shit, and to be fair the wave mode looks fun as heck, but I kinda... got bored of it. The aesthetic is completely unappealing to me and the gameplay is just... another shooter game. Idk. And if I want a great wave shooter I can play Halo's firefight or any cod zombies or Killing Floor. I... eh. Maybe I'll bring myself to finish it sometime.

One of the best FPS' ive ever played in quite some time!

You can shoot a miniboss in its ass to make his butthole explode AND you get bonus skill points for it.

No pienso ni hablar en aspectos narrativos de este juego , a menos que quieran morir del cringe , ignoren todo dialogo del juego.

En cuanto a lo jugable, recordaba muy divertido a este juego , y si lo es ... las primeras 2 horas. El problema principal con bulletstorm es lo anticlimatico que se siente en las horas finales , ya que en las primeras horas peleas con una rueda gigante , un wanabe godzilla y una planta de muy mal gusto que son extremadamente divertidos, para en los tramos finales pelear contra los mismos psicopatas carne de cañon del juego , pero con trajes y mas resistentes. El juego es bueno , pero ese ultimo tramo hace que se vuelva olvidable muy rapido, solo lo recordare por el latigo , una muy buena mecanica de gameplay


É um dos melhores shootters com uma histórinha ok até, mas o que te prende nele é claramente a necessidade de fazer os pontos e as mortes diferenciadas, poxa, eles tem uma lista de formas diferentes para ganhar cada vez mais pontos, e com esses pontos você faz upgrade das suas armas.

A campanha dele é incrivelmente divertida, mesmo pra um jogo tão simples, a comédia dele até que acerta as vezes, mas não é nem um pouco a parte principal do jogo. Talvez a nostalgia de zerar esse jogo de novo, depois de anos que zerei no Xbox 360, eu sinto que ele se sustentou e vale a pena jogar ele!

Skillshots are great, shooting is enjoyable, story ain't nothing new but has interesting characters. Buy it during massive sale, 40 euro is WAY too much,

Owned on PS4, played PS3 originally

This game is about dumping mags on spongy NPCs and then doing it again in style.
It's painfully generic visuals, non existent plot, and over the top characters is what i expected after my first hour, And i got what i expected.
The game is painfully expensive for the value it offers, get it on 50% off or "borrow" it.

I really loved this game before I played doom, which sorta makes it obsolete. The shooting is still a lot of fun and the shotgun is some of the best shit ever, but it really shows its age with a lack of jump button and overall lack of mobility. The kick and leash are still very cool ideas, and allow for some very cool concepts with the special kills mechanic. I have the mind of a toddler so the dialogue still entertains me but it's still quite bad, and shoehorning duke nukem in WITHOUT EVEN CHANGING THE CUT SCENES was embarrassing. Like seriously, the other characters still call him "grey" while you play as duke. Has some great ideas and will always have a special place in my heart, but really not the best.

Haven't played Bulleystorm since I was in high-school, so revisiting this was a blast, and it was every bit of fun I remember it being. Not a fan of the screen shake that occurs whenever you take damage, but aside from that I really have no complaints. It's a shame it never got the sequel it deserved because the ending leaves it wide open for one. Also the PC version ran pretty well for me, though there were one or two random crashes.

Pretty medicore 7th gen shooter game. Some guns feel amazing while others feels bad or not worth because of how expensive their ammo is. Story and characters are just dumb. Level design is honestly not that bad. Play without any big expectations and you won't be disappointed.

The characters are pretty bad and the story is nothing but the gameplay is some of my favorite shooter gameplay out there. The basic gunplay itself is really fun but the skillshot system is incredible. Having a gameplay reason to play creatively instead of just walking forward and shooting dudes is so great and some of the skillshots are really creative. All of the weapons feel great and the combo of the kick and leash give you some fun options in combat. The full clip edition looks great too it’s kinda insane how good the environments and weapons actually look in this version, the characters still look and animate really bad though.

I have a Love/Hate relationship with this game

From one side it's a game that for me have bad characters and a bad story

But from another side, it's one of the most fun shooting games that i ever played in the gameplay aspect

Todo lo relacionado con lo argumental y los diálogos da vergüenza ajena, pero si se obvia eso y uno se centra en el gunplay el juego se deja disfrutar a pesar de tener unos controles bastante particulares.

This is a product of its time and honestly should stay that way.

The developers of Painkiller disappointed me, yes, in the gameplay i see an attempt to bring something new to the shooters, but it`s not exciting enough+terrible character designs and setting.

One of my Favorite FPSs originally from 7th gen still holds up replaying it again for the most part. The gameplay is creative with the skillshot system and being able to use different combos with the leash amongst your arsenal of weapons that all have alternate charge firing modes unique to each and every single one of em to stand each other apart. While some wont enjoy it, The humor/dialogue is my kind of humor, so that's a bonus.

Only things holding it back is trends of shooters at the time, QTEs (including the final "boss"), a weapon limit for this kind of shooter (which is fixed with the overkill mode but you'd have to beat it first), Regenerating health which also screws with the flow of the combat, especially in the earlier parts of the campaign.

These are trends that they've took the piss out of in their promotional material in its 2011 original release with modern military shooters at the time, only to suffer the same problems that are mainly magnified because of how good the gameplay is with its skillshot/leash mechanics. Reminds me when Duke Nukem infamously took the piss out of Halos "power armor" only to suffer the same fate in DNF.

Speaking of which, since gearbox published this remaster, the only other thing thats advertised in this DLC, the Duke's World Tour, is half-assed to say the least. its enjoyable hearing duke again and him being plopped into someone else's story is funny, but its not worth the extra $5 as standalone DLC for a $40 game. I luckily got both in a bundle for $3. Some cutscenes are off with him not really lip syncing with grays (original protagonist) animations, due to them (most likely) plopped dukes 2011 DNF model into the game. Apparently it was worse before and had been fixed since then but somehow that inadvertently caused a bug that i also encountered on the PS4 version where gray couldn't speak in one of the final cutscenes which made it awkward.

Also, its a shame seeing no one playing the coop anarchy mode and the matchmaking is completely FUBAR, since it was a fun horde mode which relies on you and your squads skillshots than solely just your kills. While you can play it solo, its recommended to do two or more players so you can pull off some skillshots you cant really pull off otherwise.

Then there's Echoes mode which is basically short campaign sections of just straight up combat with a score limit/ranking with 3 stars, if you didnt wanna be bothered with the cutscenes or dialogue, and the more skillshots you pull off, the higher your score/more stars you earn, the higher you'll get up on the leaderboards. Fun for a little extra hrs on the game but its nothing to come back towards once you beat all of the echo levels with max stars.

To sum it up or TL;DR: I definitely recommend giving this a try on sale if you just wanna try the campaign and Echoes mode, Don't get the Duke DLC separately for $5, and if you wanna try anarchy mode you have to be willing to search for people online to play in a private match or solo it, otherwise you'll be stuck waiting for hours.