Reviews from

in the past

It’s much better than a "Сatalyst" campaign, there really is some kind of dynamics and a change of actions that doesn’t let you get bored and allows you to go through the campaign in one breath, normal characters, and at the end game are rewarded you with some kind of "Crysis" vibe, but I didn’t noticed any Remedy-style vibes in story.

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Уже лучше, чем Catalyst, действительно есть какая-то динамика и смена действий, не дающая особо заскучать и позволяющая пройти кампанию на одном дыхании, нормальные персонажи, а в конце нас награждают неким подобием "Крайзиса", но никакого сюжета в духе "Remedy" я тут не заметил.

Very good, it's a shame that the end of the story wasn't complete.