Reviews from

in the past

Daxter was one of the only PSP games I actually played on a regular basis.

i didnt understand that the beetle fighting was just rock paper scissors and was really bad at it

You know for a PSP game, I honestly expected worse.

I played this because it came with my PSP. It's pretty good.

This was one of the PSP's first killer apps. The graphics were awesome for the time. As a big Jak & Daxter fan, I was extremely excited for this game and it did a good job keeping me entertained. It's nothing spectacular but I have a lot of nostalgia for it.

Best game ever, if you think otherwise fight me

Jalea give it 5 stars or else

Eu lembro-me de ficar a andar pela cidade de mota sem basicamente fazer nada. Eu era demente quando era criança, meu deus do céu

El minijuego de la caldera me traumo de por vida y me entreno para god of war

Decent handheld platformer, nothing mind blowing but the characters & environments at least have personality. The analog stick on the PSP is actually just an 8-directional pad disguised as true analog, so don't expect precise controls when compared to the PS2 games.

Gıcığım sana amınakodumun zıçanı

Plataformas divertido que para unas horas está bien.

best game ever to be conceived, this is Naughty Dog's greatest achievement. I would pour over the same opening level for days as a child, I'd hastily run to my dad and have him complete the timed missions for me because my child hands weren't dexterous enough. I may have never completed this game, but I don't think the game needs completing. May Daxter live on forever!

young dumb me remembers this game was soooo fun but my older brother had to play some of the levels for me. looking forward replaying it again on emulator soon

I bought a PSP to play this back in the day and finished it half a dozen times somehow.

The story plays out like a bad fan fiction, and combat just ends up being mindless button mashing, but the Platforming is still good despite how hindered it is by the PSP’s design. But in the end, Daxter still delivers something to those that are really wanted to know what he was up to during that 2 year break between Jak and Daxter and Jak II. It’s not a bad game, but it certainly isn’t a good one either.

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This was a fund little Jak spin off, I really like Daxter as a character. I think this was my first psp game.

one of my first PSP games but I only recently finished it... on an emulator

This games is so great: why no one told me: the control are supersmooth, with a excellent gameplay, and ability unlocking via "Dreams event" who are in reality big old reference to the pop culture like matrix or bravehearth. I also find this game funny, even tho some jock fall flat. The level design is excellent here, and even if its generaly a linear 3d games, sometimes it became a semi open World, like this level on this technologic forest...the vehicule section are also pretty good even tho a little long sometimes...and even if the music is really forgettable, the graphism are absolutly great for a psp game. My two complain homewhere is the lack of good boss fight: they are only three boss and they are meh, and the story is shit with frankly annoying character...but thats maybe because im not a fan of jack and daxter (sry not sry)

Este foi meu primeiro jogo de psp. Algum dia com certeza irei rejogar, tenho boas lembranças com ele :)

Küçükken bitirmiştim tekrar oynadım

this was my shit back when i was 10

This is the only game that I've beaten more than twice. I think that should say enough.
Its fun, it doesnt go for too long (my third beat lasted about 6 hours) and it Has a lot of hidden collectibles for you to Search for that unlock some neat extras. There isn't much else to say about it - It's just what i consider a hidden gem.