Reviews from

in the past

this is peak "fake video game someone's kid is playing in the background of a tv show or movie" core

I get it in regards to how the game is the way it is, its 2002, the ps1 is basically dead in the water at this point but you still have to make a version of this game to push out alongside a Ps2 version which is going to get the attention. You're not going to really try properly are you?

Yeah this game feels like nobody gave that much of a crap in the making of it. It plays fine, its not buggy, there some decent music that sounds like it got ripped from other better games... Everythings so lifeless and boring though, theres no sense of speed, exploration of variety, not to mention its also incredibly short with barely any levels.

Its basically a 3d platformer developed on auto and it feels like it.

This game is pretty fun. But not gonna lie, the racing sections of this game can be very frustrating especially if you want to 100% this game and collect all collectibles available..

provavelmente o primeiro jogo que eu zerei concientemente e sozinho

At first I thought this game was just what I was looking for but now I realise it was just a checkpoint ꜀ₕₑ꜀ₖₚₒᵢₙₜ ꜀ₕₑ꜀ₖₚₒᵢₙₜ

A condensed version of Magenta's prior game Muppet Monster Adventure, which it itself is a Spyro-style collect-a-thon, Treasure Planet follows various scenes from the movie in a relatively harmless but not particularly long or interesting experience. Four of the levels are typical Spyro affairs where you play as Jim on foot; swinging a sword and using a blaster beam, collecting money from chests and completing occasional side quests for extra tokens. Four other levels are racing levels where you ride around a circuit for three minutes, collecting money and completing them under a time limit for more tokens. There's a decent bit of variety between each level but unfortunately that's the extent of the game; you'll be bouncing back and forth and neither of them get particularly deep in mechanics or difficulty. Two boss fights checkpoint the half-way and ending of the game, and they're both okay but are also about as straightforward as the rest of the game. Collecting every coin in each level is a bit arduous as some placements are rather tucked away or hard to reach using the rather stiff jump and glide controls (lacking the range Sparx had in Spyro), and there's not really any reward for doing this anyways. The music and visuals are pretty alright though (albeit this was released in late 2002 after much better looking games on contemporary consoles). It's a fun curiosity game though, but it's fairly short at just four hours, and there's better games that it's directly designed after that you should probably play before this.