Reviews from

in the past

I just like seeing them hang out okay

Firion is soft banned, sorry I don't make the rules

I poured a ton of time into Dissidia and loved it. The fighting style was fun, and the story was fascinating; seeing all these familiar faces in new situations and dealing with each other was great. I particularly loved seeing the early games' characters, even those I didn't recognize.

Great fanservice, visuals, and combat, I just wish it wasn't stuck on PSP.

Fun but super turtley fighting system. Crappy leveling system and meh story mode.

An innovative over the top fighting/action/platformer game the likes of which has never been done before. It can take a while to figure out though and sadly the game is dunked in a pool of egregious shovelwarey RPG systems such as chocobo play plans (???) and a thing where you choose which day of the week will give you more exp (???) but it doesn't really matter. The gameplay feels rigorously tested and manages to stay compelling even after the hundreds of battles required by the story. Highlights include being able to equip new attacks on your favorite character (choose button mapping, even) and a brilliant postgame with AI that will push both you and the gameplay to its limits.

surpreendentemente mais divertido do que parece

Great crossover game with a lot of unique moves and fan service. Unfortunately, it was simply outclassed by the second game which has all the same content, but more.

Dissidia is one crazy innovative fighter / RPG hybrid game. A celebration of all things FF. There is just so much content and things to do in this game it's unreal. The roster being every main hero and villian from FF1 - FFX with one from FF11 and FF12. This game is great in single player and in multiplayer. All the characters can be fully customized with what attacks and moves to use. You can use pre determined stats or skills or you can individually level up and gear up with your characters from the campaign. The game has like 30 remastered music tracks new and old. Every character has their own campaign with cutscenes and voiced dialog with an overarching story and sequel campaign after. The game is a blast and I easily put 100 some hours into it.

FF fighting game lol it sucks

It's bloody fun but what's better? Its sequel.

It was really fun, fighting felt satisfying, but for a FF game it could've been a lot better, I don't even remember the story, or if there even was one.

It was a final fantasy fighting game that I always wanted I just wish the gameplay was more refined and he roster was bigger and maybe instead of a handheld it was a full console release.

Jogar dissidia é tipo ser masoquista.

Crazy how Arena Fighters are cool and good when they aren't made by the shitty shovelware teams at Bamco.

Second only to Duodecim, this game is one of the best examples of fanservice for a long running franchise I've ever seen. I poured over 100 hours into it back in the day, and with good reason. The story mode is so robust, and it has great moments between characters that feel way more natural than they should.

Can't recommend it over the sequel though, since the entire original plot and cast are in Duodecim as well.

Chaos, Cosmos, harmony or balance, little matter. Just throw Cecil against Exdeath in the Emperor's Pandemonium and watch pure magic happen.

That's a freakin' crossover for you.

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy I find it hard to believe you would dislike this game.

This is fan-service done right. Amazing visuals, super polished and fun combat, addicting multiplayer, great music and a very entertaining story.

The only reason I don't give this a 5/5 is simply because 012 took this concept and just improved upon it in every way and added even more characters to an already fantastic cast.

this is one of the most horrifically unbalanced fighting games ever and I kind of love it for that

I still can't forgive how they pronounced TIDUS

No inicio é legal mas haja paciência lá perto do final, o CPU vira player 2 pro (sei lá foi noobada minha hehehe), tive que penar com Cloud e mais uns personagens com LVL apelão.

80% concluído, confesso que é um porre evoluir os chars, DP é ruim de ficar alto até por causa dos desafios.

OBS: assim que fechar o jogo, pode transferir os dados do save com Duoncemi 012, caso feche ele continua com lvls e habilidades onde parou.
At the beginning it's cool but be patient towards the end, the CPU becomes player 2 pro (I don't know it was noobada my hehehe), I had to struggle with Cloud and a few more characters with LVL appeal.

80% completed, I confess that it is a pain to evolve the characters, DP is bad to get high even because of the challenges.

NOTE: as soon as you close the game, you can transfer the save data with Duoncemi 012, if you close it, it continues with lvls and skills where it left off.

As someone who has played every main series Final Fantasy game minus the MMOs, I was really looking forward to a big crossover FF fighter. Unfortunately the mechanics here are just dull. It's been a while since I've played this but iirc you only get like 6 moves divided into 3 for when you're on the ground and 3 for when you're in the air. There's not a whole lot to the movement either, you're mainly just locking onto something and dashing towards it in a straight line. The story is also not much to think of, basically being a big good vs evil fight. While the novelty of all my favorite Final Fantasy characters interacting was enough for me as a teen, I fear many of these interactions boil down to "What is the biggest most stereotypical trait of this character, let's have them do that." If you're really craving a better Final Fantasy crossover game, and you aren't totally averse to chibi anime style humor, I'd say skip this series and go on over to World of Final Fantasy, which I enjoyed much more.

I thought it was neat at first but it's just mashy and boring and I don't really care what's happening in the story

Great game with incredibly fun gameplay.

The final boss is a grindy motherfucker though, fuck that.

Tries to be too many things at once, not a good fighting game or arena brawler but not particularily bad.

This was my first Final Fantasy game, what a wild experience it was as a kid!
I also wrote a Christian Warrior of Light poem in the style of Dr. Seuss. for my Bible Teacher in High School.
It holds ups pretty well! The game, that is.