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in the past

Short experience with a cool idea. I do think it loses its "scary factor" when the scares get repetitive but it did get me at times. This being made by only two guys it isn't bad, a cool game to play during October. I hope they do something more with this game like expand on it or create something new.

Played this at a mate's house who wasted $13 on this streamer-bait game. Yeah the visuals are pretty because of Unreal Engine 5 but this game is such a pile of nothing. All the game has to offer at the moment is 18 minutes of randomised jumpscares as you walk around a generic forest map doing nothing. You don't even have any objectives, you just walk around for 18 minutes doing practically nothing as the God in the sky known as RNG decides to throw a cheap jumpscare at you to make you scream. In fact, screaming is the only way to die in this game. There's no monster or omnipresent threat that can kill you so there's no real sense of danger and the jumpscares are all the same loud screaming woman. The longer you survive, the more jumpscares occur and in the last 2-3 minutes we were getting bombarded by lame jumpscares we were trying so hard not to laugh so we don't die.
Only time we died was because my friend ended up sneezing next to me and that was apparently loud enough to be considered a game over.
Don't waste your time with this.

Joga fora uma boa ambientação imersiva com sustinhos e jumpscares baratos de zumbi genérico pulando na tela com um grito ou som alto

Eh, this was dumb and I'll probably forget about it as soon as I post this. I'm pretty jumpy so I thought this would be a good challenge, but the second you realise the entire game is just it throwing randomised jumpscares at you and there's no actual threat that can harm you takes all of the fear out of it. As soon as I registered that there was no actual danger, I wasn't even slightly nervous anymore, just counting down the timer until I could count it as finished.

Utilising the microphone and building a horror game around it is a neat concept, though I don't think it's the first to do so.

qnd vc percebe q vc só morre se gritar, até pokemon da mais medo q essa porra

It's an unusual game, especially going to it without any knowledge about it. RNG jumpscares, creepy vibes and surviving a certain amount of time without screaming. My only problem with it, is it's boring if you play it with mic, but if you do play it with mic - any certain sounds happening in your environment affects your gameplay, so you do need to get ready an absolute quiet environment.

L'insieme di cose che rendono non solo un videogioco noioso ma che fanno capire benissimo quanto non è chiaro il potenziale dell'immersione all'interno del videogioco, bypassando così il medium per giungere al prodotto per youtuber (cosa che ahimè soprattutto nell'horror mi sta risultando sempre più comune e sempre più evidente nelle opere più famose)

This game is so boring, the concept was really good but they executed it poorly. Even the jump scares were predictable.

really nice and spooky experience

my current system is not enough for playing this game

i thought this would be fun for a stream.. but literally nothing happens. it's frustrating to get like 10 minutes in without a jumpscare- or anything to happen, just for my dog to bark or i laugh & i have to start over completely. i know the point is that you're being punished but the beginning area is so boring & nothing happens for ~10 minutes no matter where you walk.

the timer is bugged in some spots- it's supposed to be that if you're moving the timer ticks, but in some spots it just completely stops so instead of looking around you're like uhh.. i guess i'll just skip this area..? (light spoiler: there's a building but if you walk around in it, your timer doesn't move.. maybe a bug?) there's no goal other than to walk around & reach 18 minutes. it's still early access so maybe wait for a nice update!

a ideia é legal, mas acho que podem ter mais variações de sustos e mais fatores pra causar medo e tensão, e um desenvolvimento melhor da lore. mas como tá em early access, acredito que vai melhorar


A good idea on paper, but once I realized none of the scares were actual threats, and were honestly just pretty generic screamers, the novelty wore off fast. Also, talking too loud gets you killed... that's not very fun. Screaming I can get, but this is just silly.

With some fine tuning it could be decent, but this is just sad on its own.

It's just randomized jumpscares and some of them are VERY noisy. My ears were bleeding when I completed it. The only problem is that the mic input is raw, which means that even the headphone slightly moves, it generates a sound and it exceeds the limit put by the game and you immediately die. I died only this way.
The idea is good though but not well executed.
And also, why 18 minutes?

I think theres some merit to the psychology of how this games set up, but the execution is incredibly generic and disposable. Despite the urgency the game pretends it has, its actually very hard to lose also. This was the worst way to make this idea (the thing at the end was cute tho)

The game is new and in early access. Mechanically a very different game. If there are improvements in optimisation and it becomes at least more scary, this game will be delicious.

The game has a great, unsettling ambience that is good at the beginning, but after a while in silence, the game just starts to throw jumpscares to make you do the minimum bit of noise possible, but yeah, it is creppy at first, but later it gets lame.

unreal engine 5 le yapmaları güzel olmuş oyun içi fizikler tatlı görünüyor ama vhx kaseti şeklindeki görsellikle korku eşiğini aşağıya çekmişler gibi. Filtreyi kaldırsalar ve random jumpscare ların sayısını ve eşsizliğini arttırsalar öyle bakmalık fena bir oyun olmazmış. Kötü oyun diyemem ama jumpscare oyunu la oyna geç.

Falta algun incentivo mas en el juego, que el juego se base solo en no gritar no va a hacer que sea muy rejugable

Holy shit actually one of the scariest games I played, we need more updates and lore!