Reviews from

in the past

AKA “the GOOD Dragon Age.”

this is the only good dragon age game

Whoo man, look at the score spectrum on this one... Looks about right.

This game is super divisive, and I've found that the biggest indicator of where one's opinion is going to fall on this game is how much they liked Dragon Age Origins. Players who are expecting an actual sequel to that game that is similar in structure and scope will be very extremely disappointed by Dragon Age 2. Players who liked the strategic RPG elements of Origins and were hoping to see more of that will also be disappointed. Dragon Age 2 takes place entirely within the vicinity of one city, tells a much smaller and more personal story, and has a much more action-based combat system.

I had played Origins before Dragon Age 2, but really hadn't fallen in love with it yet. In fact I had burned myself out on it in such a way that my relationship with it had soured, and when I played it I was growing very bored of the formula that Bioware had settled into with KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect 1, etc. Dragon Age 2 was an impulse buy for me on its release, and I had not been following any coverage for the game before that. I didn't even know it was in development.

I had a fantastic experience with Dragon Age 2. I played it obsessively over the course of a weekend and I was enthralled. I had no particular love of Origin's combat, so I enjoyed the crunchy, satisfying, action-y feel of Dragon Age 2. I was completely drawn in by the story and continuously failed to predict where it was going to go next.

Now just because I happened to have a really good experience at that exact moment in my life, doesn't mean that this is an objectively well crafted game, and I find all the standard the complaints to be valid. I'd be interested to know what the reception would have been if it weren't presented as a sequel to Origins.

I remember I had a decent time at the start, but that slowly crumbled and it is today a game I consider to be one of the worst titles I've ever really played.

Yes, the dungeons are copypasted; no, we never leave kirkwall for almost a decade; yes, it's only one possible origin this time around.

And yet, this is the game I've replayed more than any other due to how intimately the narrative resonated with me. Marian Hawke is truly one of the best and most relatable protagonists of all gaming for me, and Bioware will never top the Isabela f!romance - nudge nudge wink wink

i'll admit, i am legitimately curious what the game we would've gotten would be if this had gotten like, half a year to another year of development time. as is? this is horribly written garbage. the characters are the best part of this game if you can get past the fact that one of them is a domestic terrorist who wants to sell one of your other friends into slavery again.

yeah the game reuses a lot of locations, but it's got a good story, fun combat, satisfying quests, and good party members.

bixo parecia que em todos os mapas eu tava preso em um labirinto e era tudo tao monotono bixo, a historia era boazinha mas meh

fuckin sue me the elf girl is cute, 4 stars

La segunda entrega de Dragon Age tuvo en su día muy mala fama (por No Ser Origins, básicamente). Y aunque es verdad que tiene apartados que dejan mucho que desear (debido a una producción apresurada, seguramente), este juego es MUY bueno. Y esencial si quieres comprender qué pasa entre DA: Origins y DA: Inquisition. Que la historia se escape a cierto punto de tu control es un elemento narrativo más: aquí no eres realmente el héroe, sólo Alguien que Pasaba Por Allí Mientras Pasan Las Cosas, y es algo que se debe aceptar antes de jugar. Dicho esto: siéntate, disfruta, y paséate por Kirkwall para conocer sus secretos.

A much better cast than the first game, although two characters are very annoying, one completely butchered from the previous game's expansion. Sarcastic femHawke is probably the best protagonist of all time. Combat can look cool but will also grate after a while, as waves of enemies just spawn in seemingly endlessly. Headbutting your desk is more fun than playing a Warrior. Technically not very impressive; the reuse of dungeon layout is very disappointing, considering they didn't have to do any extra work on the main hub, Kirkwall. The idea of focusing your story on a character arc and seeing them grow throughout the years is pretty neat, but the story doesn't do quite enough with it, and it can struggle to connect to the real main plot that goes on in this game.

I think between the them, I prefer DA1, but 2 has a lot going for it and was a lot of fun to play.

I can't say I was absolutely in love with every aspect of 'Dragon Age: Origins', but I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it for a majority of its runtime. 'Dragon Age II' had enjoyable moments, moments that explored the more complicated relations in the Dragon Age universe, such as the Templars and Mages. It's how they constructed, and ultimately executed said examination that left me yearning for more. The game takes place in a single city and with the amount that changes throughout the narrative the world never changed with it. This left a stagnant world that, also, forced combat scenarios without any narrative significance. Speaking of which, although choices do matter (in fact more so than I initially realized), the dialogue system was stripped bare of its organic flow that was seen in 'Origins'. Gone are the multilayered conversations and here we have, mainly, three options. Diplomatic/helpful, cheeky/charming, and aggressive/authoritative are the central choices at your disposal. This led to static conversations at times, with another downside being the protagonist's voice being a bit wooden mostly. There were moments where I enjoyed conversing with people like my companions, who had backstories and information I wanted to indulge in. Sadly, the game never allowed you to converse with them outside of their personal quests which left me waiting until they had something they wished to discuss. I can go on and on but my final feelings on the game are empty. I could go on and on but what's the point of doing so for a game that left me with such little satisfaction outside of some characters and scenes. Great moments doesn't equal a great game.

its been years and i can't stop replaying this

This is the best Dragon Age game actually

Not the best dragon age game but honestly still a five star from me. I love the allegory and I think the character arcs are the best of the series. Absolutely adore it. Definitely my comfort game.

Quite possibly the single worst video game I have ever played. Definitely the single worst video game I have ever 100%d.

no it's not the best game ever. yes it has many flaws. yes you can tell they rushed development. yes, that totally sucks. is it the trashfire game people make it out to be? absolutely not, at least for me. the game is probably the one that i've logged the least time in out of the series, but i'd honestly say that despite that, it's still my second favorite in the series and i enjoy it a lot! the main cast are all some shade of asshole but it's done in a way that makes them likable and relatable. it also has one of the most emotional sequences in the series for me.

It's almost like the city itself is a character

The level design and the story by the endgame suffered greatly because of EA heavily rushing the development, but the characters are very well written and, rushing aside, the story is pretty good and refreshing because of its smaller scale based on hawke's life in Kirkwall instead of being about saving the world.

on two separate playthroughs, i lost my save right as i was about to beat the same so i have never beat it again out of spite and a loss of interest in anything 2010s bioware (excluding mass effect)

i have over 200 hours in this game and i will put more into it. i have based my personality around this game for months at a time. it’s the best dragon age game i will murder you

You know how video games try to make you into a cool relevant hero that changes the world. That is not this game. Here you are an errand boy in a hack & slash that could be sold alongside the Werehog segments of Sonic Unleashed

I really dislike playing it but really like 90% of everything else going on with it. In particular the concept of spending years in the same place over a long period of time is fantastic and it's shocking more games haven't experimented with the idea

Dragon Age 2 was Good, Actually

Its scope is small which means it does very specific things with its story. You don't save the world, so you look at this unfolding political conflict in one city, and the many factors that contribute to that. Honestly some of the best Dragon Age storytelling - at the cost of all the caves being the same map. A trade off I'm fine with!

I'd put this at the same level as the original. I vastly preferred the cast of characters and the story (even if Act 3 is a bit of a mess) and maybe even the combat, but the game has a ridiculously smaller scope than the original. That's not an inherently bad thing, obviously (I even tend to prefer games with smaller scopes), but it doesn't feel...intentional here at all. Seemed like it was either a budgetary issue or a time management one, or both.

Still, I had fun and I really don't think it deserves all the hate that it gets.

I've always loved this and never really got the hate for it, especially after finding out that EA gave BioWare only a year to make them a game to fill a release schedule gap. Given what must have been a very restricted development, what they turned out was brilliant. It's the weakest of the trilogy for sure, but the companions are great, I like that it tried to tell a smaller scale story within the Dragon Age world and has enough variety in the dialogue and story beats to give it a bit of replay value. I must have played it six or seven times by now and I still thoroughly enjoy every run.