Reviews from

in the past

Bem, Drakengard tinha problemas, mas não nego que se destacava por sua criatividade. Drakengard 3, entretanto, decide após o primeiro 1/4 de jogo , cair de qualidade. Muito. Muito mesmo.

Dessa vez a história é muito menos interessante e o jogo é muito menos artístico. Ainda sim, no final das contas, tudo se amarra e a experiência começa a valer a pena. Zero é uma das melhores personagens de Yoko Taro e mesmo humor do jogo falhando, é obrigatório para fãs hardcore de JRPG. Não se engane, a gameplay é mais chata que a de Drakengard mesmo com o começo de jogo bom. Mas o maior ponto positivo de Drakengard é mantido: é um jogo único do caralho e nenhum outro jogo tem a mesma sensação. Nenhum outro jogo vai fazer uma reta final igual. Prepare-se para chorar!

The best kusoge of all time.

"You don't get it bro it's supposed to be bad."
I love this game and hate it so much at the same time.

Were it not for the framerate, this would be perfect.

UI!!!!!!!!!!!!! UI!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEXOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! SEXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O

I'm gonna tell my kids this was madoka magica.

Doo-do doo-do doo-do doo-do doo-do doo-do doo
My name is Mikhail! My name is Mikhaiiil!
I really love me some Ze-e-rooo
I'm not a stinky dragon nor am I a dirty dragon
Hop on my back and let's go for a ride

Worth a play, game is laggy unless you own a monster PC, but other than that really good game

Great game, only complaint is performance is pretty bad on PS3 (though this can be fixed with emulation but that needs a really good PC) and the sex jokes feel overused after a while, but still play this game

Behind layers and layers of (important) dick jokes, paywalled characterization and sidematerial lies one of the kindest stories about coming to terms with oneself and the world. Perfect ending and final boss too but ehrm that might just be my post dod1 masochist brain speaking.

It's cool despite that final boss making me want to end my shit


me encanta este juego y no se lo recomiendo a nadie

Zero makes this 5 stars alone

This game is broken and the frame rate is like 3 half the time but if you say it's bad I'll cut your throat. It's asinine and so horny in a way that actually puts the women in positions of power in a fucking ANIME GAME, and the score by Keichi Okabe is god-tier. I'll kill you if you disagree!! The gameplay is also fun button-mashy action/adventure shit which I am literally always down for. Please GOD if you play this game play every ending and get to that final, FINAL boss. You'll either hate it or love it more than anything and I hope you're the latter. Also the STORY IS FUN AND COOL!!!

i simultaneously love and hate this game. the narrative is great, but it starts off pretty damn bad and the gameplay is sewage

kuroi hana

The beggining of the end. For me, the best entry on the Drakengard series and a MUST if you like Yoko Taro's work. Just get it on the PSN and enjoy.

This game is honest to god unplayable but the Automata-Only folk who sidelined a DOD3 cast shoot at a Yoko Taro gathering bumped this up to a 5, an absolutely magical experience than transcends reality.

Octa's cock is fucking massive and that's my one takeaway from this game

don't care that the frame rate is awful; don't care that the combat is asinine; don't care that the game is unpolished, janky, ugly, and poorly considered in every respect; don't care that it was subject to predatory dlc; don't care that accord's requests are emblematic of some of the worst there is in side quest design; don't care don't care don't care

what i do care about is that this is the ultimate manifestation of YT's disinclination to work in games juxtaposed with his earnest belief in the medium as a vessel for greater things. in his grimmest failure, he finds light at the end of the tunnel. an astonishing exercise in empathy generation, one of the best finales in a game, and the only one of yoko taro's works that makes great use of backwards scripting + sequential playthroughs

Me he pasado el final A que es el mas parecido al canonico o algo asi asique que te den por culo yoko taro

the game is clunky, rushed, performs as well as a damp flipbook and a lot of characterisation for the cast is hidden behind a stupid pay wall....this is one of my favourite games of all time.

Aggressively unfun. I really like this game.

Only a complete package with the DLC (Fuck you Square Enix for doing that. Locking great story for its cast behind it), but a great story with tech limitations (I have not played it through emulation but plan to)

I also want Zero to step on me repeatedly

A flawed masterpiece. If this game didn't have the insane performance issues it does it would be in my top 5 for sure

has some of the very best stuff in the series, but overall comes out as the least good entry so far with drakenier

zero and the intoners are amazing spare five, the accord/old world stuff is really fucking cool to think about and mikhail/micheal is one of the best characters in the series.

yet the pacing thats worse than dod1 and poor character dialogue between disciples (shitpost tier stuff, but dod1 shitposted this kind of stuff way better) bring it way down.

not even mentioning the gameplay and music, which is extremely unambitious and doesn't live up to the pure energy and insanity that drak 1 had despite that game being in the stone age compared to this one technically.

the only time i feel like it lives up the past entry is when its imitating it during that moment (although i think it's a way better take on the idea, fucking evil)

If I had to summarise this game in a sentence it would be:
I want sisters dead so I can fuck bird boyfriends and also rule the world.
Game is a mess, honestly don't play it. Yoko Taru can make amazing stories, but this game is not an example to give.

literally tying my shoes would be a more fun, profound experience than this game. plays out like r/im14andthisisdeep. music rocks though