Reviews from

in the past

If I had a nickel for every time there was a fetishized assault (to avoid using another, much worse, term for it) scene, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

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what do i even say about this. good ending we get together and live happily ever after bad ending u kill me in cold blood. seems balanced i love it

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Of course he has blue hair and pronouns :/

played this when i rly shouldnt have played it yet like seven years ago thanks to totally legal downloads and english patches
replayed the official steam release (with patch ofc) and finally finished all routes and endings.

a solid VN with an intresting plot, going for the different endings was fun, the Full Experience took me about 15 hours (altho i did make use of good save points and "skip repeat text" a lot)
i have to admit, some of the endings left me a bit... underwhelmed. although that might simply have been because of inflated expectations on my side due to the way people used to TALK about this game + my recent experience with more... Explicitly Explicit VN endings. still, most endings were enjoyable.
also man aoba has the IQ of a wet paper towel . good for him!

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this is a game where i genuinely dont understand the reception it gets. its good.
some of the stuff people say happens in this game doesnt actually happen.
some of the stuff people criticize this game for lacks extremely crucial context to the situation.
what i genuinely love about this game is its portrayal of trauma, its relatable and its just So Real and i think this might end up being something that people who were never victims of abuse might end up missing. but its deeply important. to me anyways.
i love aoba and ren but i just wish that ending was at least slightly different. its not really that weird but it sure does bother me.
all in all i loved it. it takes every idea i liked about togainu no chi and actually does it well.

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only game to make me cry during a sex scene

it was incredibly fun and enjoyable. cute story and disturbing at times. overall a great experience

i know.. it's weird to say one of your favorite games is a literally BL/yaoi. but dmmd means a lot to me. the characters, despite having silly tropes or weird quirks, are written so perfectly that i think about someone at least once a day. maybe i'm just weird, but i really did play this for the plot. the fact that the perfect man cough noiz is in this is just a plus. :)

I miss being 12 years old and scrolling tumblr until 4am every hot summer night. I miss playing with one earbud out so I could hurriedly minimize the window every time I thought I heard my family approaching. I miss trying to figure out how to set my system locale to JP for the first time. I miss Clear. Everything was simpler back then.

A mixed bag for me. The production values are nuts; this is easily the most well-produced traditional-style visual novel I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately the plot is… uhhhhhh… generously described as a hot mess. It felt about ten thousand times longer than it needed to be, especially since so many parts of the routes overlapped exactly. The villain especially is a real bore.

As for the erotica… hmm. Hugely subjective. For me, it felt like routes swung wildly between character-driven romantic hotness and just. Fucking weird. Which is fine, but like. Perhaps this suffers from trying to do too many kinks at once? Also lube does not exist in the future I guess. rip Aoba.

I acknowledge the point of having multiple routes is that not everything appeals to everyone but even bearing that in mind, I DID have to See Some Things to finally unlock the most uncomfortable “true ending” of all time so. Uh. Thanks for that.

I don’t know how I feel about this. Confused? Confused.
I’ll just stick with: the art is insanely gorgeous and Clear’s route alone almost makes up for the rest.

(completed the main four routes + their good ends for this replay, so no ren route)

still one of my favorite BL vns despite sweet pool existing and also some of the failings in it. all of the boys are great but the OFFICIAL RANKING clear = noiz > mink > koujaku (koujaku is dead last because his route is a certified sleeper snooze fest)

you have no idea of the impact of this in my teens, you just had to be there

I watched a friend stream this and it was one of the wildest experiences of my life

funny how most people say they read this younger for shits and giggles or downloaded it on accident when the process for it was a specific step by step tutorial that lead to several attempts for it to run.

If you've even heard about Dramatical Murder, chances are you've seen nothing but people talking about problematic and questionable things. Well, what if I tell you that's just a propaganda made by people who only saw (not so good) anime adaption or have played it, but somehow fell asleep during Ren route.

Yes, it has very disturbing scenes, but those are bad endings (that you don't even don't have to get). But all that makes sense, because it's made by fucking Nitro+chiral. They made other BL visual novels that are even more disturbing. DMMD is literally vanilla compared to their other series.

Ren route is absurd as fuck, no doubt it. But it's really not disgusting as some claim it. I mean Euphoria and Saya no Uta (which I like, mind you) are much more absurd and disgusting. So if you can play and enjoy those games, I don't see why would you shit DMMD for being ''weird''.

But not even surprised, because we all know that anything that is joseimuke will get more shit than other media that is targeted towards male audience.

Anyway, DMMD is a goddamn great BL visual novel. Hell, you can remove BL themes and you would still have very solid visual novel.
There is so much about it that is so good. The character design, the storytelling, the world building, the romance, the fucking soundtrack, just everything about it is well done and unique.
They literally didn't had to go this hard, but they did. God bless Nitro+chiral for making this. I'm sure that future releases will be much well written, but honestly nothing is gonna beat DMMD to me.

Also, Koujaku and Ren are the best boys!!!

as much as I hate fujoshis and yaoi ...
this game had actually a good world building and story so..

check trigger warnings for it before playing btw

every day i wonder why tumblr decided to make this a major fandom in 2014... that little kids were into and everything.

that aside the plot is really fascinating i still on and off think about this game sometimes. clear, aoba, and sei all deserved better than this

completely forgot to mark that we finished this a few weeks ago lol. it was fine.

i love fujoshis (i am a fujoshi) but damn these girls need to do their research and watch the real source material first... like

i know we all love gay sex but this was mid as hell and the camera kept cutting away from the gay sex anyways

full thoughts:

for the low price of free you too can vicariously re-experience the sheer bafflement felt initially playing this game by describing true route to a close and cherished friend while they have a fever

sovl. easily the best gay porn ever made

playing this with my friend who was on the scene in 2012 bc i sort of feel like i missed a big cultural moment. kind of just a concentrated blast of psychic damage i would say. somehow both the plot AND romance aspects are bizarrely paced and feel like rushed afterthoughts.

im still confused about how this had a death grip on tumblr in 2012 considering its Everything it has going on. did i hate it? no. was i losing my marbles over it? no. i will be completely real i mainly only played it to romance noiz and also see what the hell was going on. aoba is gay jesus yada yada im sure u know by now

also........ chefs kiss to noiz bad ending 1 im sorry 2 say. catering to me and me only

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i did all 4 of the main routes before going to ren’s/the true ending, and i’m a little ??? that almost all of the story and explanation was hidden behind that. like i thought maybe we would be revealed little bits of the overarching plot when in the other routes, but no :’) it was all jam-packed right at the end!
i did really enjoy the story once i actually got to it, though. and i love aoba ;w; he’s just a Guy