Reviews from

in the past

I need a cross with aoba on it

Don’t play the mink route oh my god

It's not perfect, but pretty good for its time. The art, aesthetics, and soundtracks are amazing- Aoba's character design is really captivating and iconic, which probably added to the game's rise in popularity on the internet over the years. I haven't played a lot of Japanese BL VNs (in fact, this was my first) but this is probably one of the best you can find (officially localized in English). Sure the story may not be THAT great, but I still enjoyed it for what it is. I don't really like how once you're in a route, everyone just dips. Also, the "true ending" is... something.
I am one of the few people who did not touch DMMD at a young age, but I was aware of its existence. That Really Sensual Picture of Aoba Listening to Music and the "sounds gay I'm in" meme have been following me ever since I got my hands on social media.. so I was bound to play this game at some point.
I didn't read the trigger warnings or anything before playing and dived head first into the game. Don't be like me. This game is NOT for the faint of heart, especially the bad endings. Safe to say that 80% of the game my jaw was on the floor.
Anyways, I think it's cool to finally experience something that's been lingering on the internet for over a decade. There's a reason why we still see DMMD here and there today. You can tell that a lot of heart was put into this game. There's something really charming about DMMD that makes it stand where it is and a lot of people hold it close to their heart because of that.
p.s. Clear's my first and favourite route :) also, holy crap is the merch for DMMD super expensive...

is it the best visual novel out there? no, but it's pretty great for what it is and the time it's from

instalei um proxy para jogar isso meu Deus foi a fase mais obscura da minha vida.

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dating your robot dog's conscious in your dead long lost brother's body is not okay dude

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clear is the sweetest person ever he just wanted everyone to be happy and to sing his little songs on the roof. i would die for him

So this is how deftones listeners look like

something abt this game is really charming. maybe its the memories i associate with it-- of my friend and i bawling as we played clear's route, surprised by its unexpected sincerity; and of screaming as we watched playthroughs of the bad endings. but this enigma of a game is one ill remember fondly for a long time. its not the most well written visual novel or anything, its pacing is god-awful and the existence of mink gives me a headache, but play it with a friend and youll have a great time.

many people's baby's first blvn, which was my case too. i know this one is controversial specially for those who experienced tumblr's obsession with this one, but reading it for the first time back in 2020 (with 2020 eye, too) made me truly appreciate this story.
i think dramatical murder is a super fun vn, everything is extremely delightful. the music, background art and even character design is extremely remarkable. the music very prominently features chiptune elements, which was was popular back in the day but doesn't make it sound dated at all. it's very 2012, but in a good way. the art too - pastel colors, specially the millennium pink along with the light blue, are definitely the main colors you'll see throught the game, through the beautifully created background art and even the character designs - all characters have remarkable silhouettes, which can be hard to execute!
one thing that this vn might lack a little is in the story. which, i know, is the main point of a visual novel, but hear me out! i think the story is good enough. god, i wish - i truly wish this game had a more expansive lore. the setting is so intriguing and captivating, but unfortunately it definitely lacks exploration.
when it comes to character writing, i think aoba is a great and well written protagonist, and all other characters are very captivating, but... i wish mink was written better! i feel like he deserved better. his character is so interesting, but unfortunately his character development is stunted by racist native american tropes...
overall, i think dramatical murder is pretty great for what it is. it's iconic, charming, and captivating.

you have to do some awful guys route to do the route that i wanna do fuck this stupid yaoi game i hate my baka life

why did i even...
i finished the noiz and clear route.
and the mink one.......

yeah i don't care about what happens next in this game, even if its probably good, mink as a character disgusted me from it.

but i love clear

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Ruta Noiz y ruta Ren, final bueno y final malo en los dos:
Lo mas interesante es la historia que tiene por detrás junto el rollo 16 bits cuando entran a este mundo de batallas digitales, tambien el desarrollo de Aoba con las multipersonalidades y bueno, que cojones el puto Ren sea ligable teniendo una puta apariencia de perro en la vida real, da repelus a primera vista pero bueno, luego se sabe que no y esas sacadas de polla de los japoneses que siempre hacen.
Lo que me jodió al piratearlo es cambiar la puta region de mi pc cada vez que lo queria jugar, no se si tendrá otra versión o algo pero en su época lo jugué así.

i remember being 15 and following some tumblr instructions to run the cracked version of the game and half of my system language switched to japanese, good times man good times

i fucking love aoba so much

iirc i did 2 runs, first one was clear bad ending and i was mad bc i didn't like clear, then i did noiz good ending

objectively: it's fine. it's a decent bl game
but imo fuck this game

it's dramatical murder. what do you want me to say.

Noiz my beloved, I actually didn't played but watched the playthrough when I was 11

one little blue guy sucks and fucks his way to the top