Reviews from

in the past

Death Stranding would take the gamification of labour and the gig economy here in a more critical direction, still kind of interesting though.

played it once at my good friend's place. he is addicted to sim games. he's got a full wheel and pedal setup for this thing

if you have steerwheel it's pretty nice


It was a fun game with friends on servers, but I won't play it that much.

I suck at driving these big haulers

Fun novelty. When I drove the M8 motorway in the game and then by coincidence ended up driving the same motorway later in the same day in my actual car, I had a definite "what am I doing with my life?" moment. I feel like I would need a wheel to properly enjoy this - trying to play it with a keyboard or even an Xbox pad feels simply all too much like work and not enough like a simulation.

State trooper pulled me over after he tagged me going 115 mph past the weigh station as I was hauling 12,000 lbs of steel beams. I roll down the window & he asks me, "Sir, is this the Dodge Ram that won 4 JD Power & Associate awards and is 2019s motor trend truck of the year!?" I said, "Yes sir, plus it also has a 5 star safety rating & is the most fuel efficient truck in America." He let me off the hook & immediately sped off to his local Dodge dealer to buy a Dodge Ram during RAM TRUCK MONTH so he could get $1,000 cash back!

had to uninstall because I couldn't make myself stop playing. (=it's very good)

Very chilled game
I don't know how I have more than 100 hours in this game

I have been playing this game for 8 years and have bought each expansion as it came out so it never felt that expensive to me in the moment, but uh...yeah, it costs maybe more money than it should to unlock the full map.

That said, there isn't a single game on earth that can soothe my anxious brain like this one. For many years I have longed for a true Road Trip Game, something where you have complete free reign over whatever region you're in and can just drive and vibe. I thought Final Fantasy XV would be that game, but it turned out I absolutely despised the combat and found the world map way too small. Making deliveries in Euro Truck Sim 2 and its American spinoff is about as close as I'll ever get, I suppose. Which sounds like a compromise but I do need to stress: this is one of my favorite games of all time.

"welp, when things get tough might as well get in the truck" (read this in an american southern accent)

There's something fundamentally beautiful about listening to the radio in a language you don't know as you trek a shipment of logs across central europe. As a truly awful real-life driver the option to skip actually getting the truck into the correct loading zone is greatly appreciated. Highly recommended.

something about simply driving through the european countryside while listening to your uploaded .mp3 files on the radio is therapeutic

Same thoughts as American Truck Simulator.

There's nothing more comfortable than driving through rainy rural Eastern Europe in the middle of the night while listening to a radio talk show in a language you don't understand

caminhoneiro simulator, nuice

Comfier than animal crossing will ever be

O apelo de Euro Truck Simulator 2 é difícil de explicar. Simuladores sempre foram um nicho nos games de PC, mas esse jogo sobre transportar cargas pelas estradas da Europa, com mais de 5 milhões de cópias vendidas e marcando presença constante nos mais jogados da Steam, é um sucesso fora da curva. O público de ETS 2 é muito maior do que a maioria dos outros jogos do gênero, o que leva à questão: Por que tanta gente gasta seu tempo livre em algo que é essencialmente um simulador de emprego?

A real é que ETS 2 não é só sobre entregar cargas e expandir sua transportadora, é sobre paisagens virtuais. Mesmo se você não sabe a diferença de um DAF para um MAN, ou não tem a menor ideia de como manobrar um reboque, ainda pode curtir os pores do sol em baixa resolução pelas estradas da Europa, a chuva e a neblina, ou a sensação de descobrir um novo caminho.

Poucas experiências nos games são tão terapêuticas quanto transformar a cabine do caminhão em uma cabine de DJ e navegar pelas estradas ouvindo música, sejam sets de minimal techno, as rádios do leste europeu presentes no jogo, ou, pra quem curte mesmo entrar no clima, os mixes do DJ Wagner, o favorito dos caminhoneiros da vida real.

i love this game. it's so casual and calm. it's nice to put this on while listening to youtube or some music. and the progression is at a perfect rate so it never feels like you're not getting anywhere, but it still takes a lot of work to progress.

gameplay gets a 5.

really fucking boring; probably herb's jam. 7.38/10

Holy shit, what a game. The only bad thing is that u have to pay a lot to get all the map

Calming and enjoyable experience!

When Eleanor told me about this I just assumed it was a meme game

one of those games they desperately don't want you to play but won't do anything to draw attention to it out of fear for what might happen if you started truckin across europe. embraces brotherhood of the open road, work ethic and appreciation for a type of labor that isn't therapy or tweeting at politicians, and a true communion between nations united by the big haul and russian radio night drives.