Reviews from

in the past

As a young'un I was so obsessed with this game for a period, sadly my middle school friends judged it harshly for its juvenile artstyle. In the age of God of War/RE4/DMC3 edge Molyneux's childish adventure stood no chance, so I went with the only reasonable tactic for making them play it - lying. You'd marry your wife then have to keep her happy else she'd cheat on you, I said. You could catch her in the act and have a choice of either correcting with your fists or taking it to court. If kept happy though she would give you a child. The child would grow on the course of your journey and even come adventuring with you. You could be a kind town mayor amassing wealth beyond measure or a cultist leader that sacrifices populations to sheitan for demon wings that of course enabled flight. The people you beat up as a kid would come for you later in the game Mordor's nemesis style, but assist you in boss fights if you helped them Dark Souls style.

Naturally, I wasn't aware of the controversies surrounding Fable as I invoked the king of lies. God bless you anglo bastard, may your dental surgeries go well.

don't get me wrong i love this shit but it's pretty limited and it's like a parody of role playing games

Fable - the game that is 17 years old yet loses none of its charm. It is simply put magical and beautiful.

Compared to the Anniversary though, the game in my book is equal in rating and almost equally rated for the visual style.

Fable: The Lost Chapters is more simplistic and maybe some prefer it as the simplistic nature of it might be more visually pleasing than the remaster.

Nonetheless, Anniversary or The Lost Chapters I love this game.

charming game though I wish there were better gay romanceable options.

I love the polish translation. Szept is such a badass name. It just hits different than Whisper.

I really wanna like Fable, but dunno after 8 hours it becomes boring, shame because the music is enchanting.

I keep coming back to play it. With every replay its faults get more obvious but its charms sink deeper. Relaxing. The music is amazing.

Fable nur mehr und besser.

REPLAY: 01. Rota do mal.

A great RPG for its time
Combat can get repetitive once you find a universal optimal strategy for dealing with every enemy. Has a morality mechanic that feels more binary good/evil for the sake of roleplaying a character rather than personal choice.

This was probably a fine game (in that I recall having fun with it) but there's a part where you get captured and thrown into prison where you slave away for several years but when you finally escape NOBODY back home even acknowledges you being gone for a second. This pissed me off so bad in middle school I almost put the game down because of it

This is the game where before they know you as hero, they know you as "chicken chaser" because you keep kickin chickens.
Graphics would be considered outdated in present times. Combat is actually not that bad. The story is simple yet, good. Has rpg elements where youre presented choices and consequences. Even for things you eat!!! Eating a live baby chick will be considered evil, even if youre desperate because your health is low. I love the effects of your character if youre too good or too evil (get halo + butterflies + aura or horns and flies). The npcs are hilarious and you can emote on them to curry favor by blowing them a kiss or make them hate you by farting on them. The npcs can be crude and disgusting, but hilarious. Other than emotes and able to marry, there's not much else for interacting.

For computer games, this was my first real dive into an actual rpg with actual rpg elements of having choices and consequences. It was pretty mindblowing for little kid me at its time, which is why i give it 4/5. I imagine if i played it for the first time today, itd most likely be 3 stars.

I played this when I was a kid and it was the first game that let me be in a gay relationship and little me was just so excited. It was also my first game where decisions mattered, and that's now my favorite kind of game

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Jack of Blades is a fucking great villain, i really love this game

nostalgia goggles on hard. game sucks but i love it

Для своего времени была прикольная игра я думаю, но сейчас очень устарела. Ждём новую часть

que jogo magnifico, nunca perde o charme, que o novo fable seja tão bom quanto esse é

one of my favorite games from my youth

I really liked this one, probably one of the first open-world (or, in this case, "semi open-world") RPGs I played back in the day. I especially loved how I could turn into a hero or a despicable villain, so I played it through several times.

Wondering what Molyneux had in mind while developing this game.
The character menu is rather big for the few gear you can obtain through the game, food, weapons etc. Is pretty linear with only several sidequests and only one annoy part.

Me impressionou num tanto gigantesco que as pessoas não entenderiam. Facilmente um dos jogos da minha vida!

The beginning of something great

didnt get past the one barn level with your friend, didnt like it that much really

Idc what anyone says this game is goated

Molyneaux always lies his butt off, but this game also had a real impact on my childhood. I'm not sure how well it would hold up, but I enjoyed the reactivity in the game towards your actions quite a bit.

Played twice, both times were great

pissing farting and cumming GOTY edition