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I wish more RPGs made the same that Fable did: a smaller scale world and storyline, but very dense in its roleplay mechanics, making it a fantasy life simulation of sorts.

I could fart on my wife which was the peak of comedy when I was 10 years old

It's a classic fart joke of a game, but that fart's got heart.

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I did not expect to like this game as much as I do. It really caught me off guard. Truly one of Gamings finest RPGs, and an Incredible Journey I won't forget. I have some minor complaints, but all and all I really loved this.

The title "Fable" couldn't be more on the nose. This game really does feel like you're in a Fable. The World they created here is so full of life and is really beautiful. Lots of awesome areas to explore, which I'm sure many I didn't even get to. The world traversal could have been a lot better, but I understand the hardware limitations for the OG Xbox, so I'll give the loading screens a pass, I've seen much worse from games released after this.

The Gameplay itself is a lot of fun. Combat was surprisingly nice and smooth, though Archery was fairly janky, but it was passable. Missions were more fun and more creative then I expected aswell. All around just some really good fun. The Demon Doors also add a bit more depth to the world, and the riddles or whatever you have to do to get them to open is usually pretty neat.

My biggest complaint with combat, though I thought it was really good, there are times where it falls a little short. Mainly, and this isn't all the time, mostly in near the end of the game, when an enemy hits you, you will get knocked down, and have to stumble back up. This is an animation, so it takes you a little to long, and once you get back up, there's a very good chance you'll get knocked down again, and again, and again, until you eventually break the cycle. This is not a regular occurrence, but when they throw like 4 or more (potentially at times like 20) enemies at you, it can be frustrating. I understand getting staggered, but knocked down? That might be a little to much.

Moving on, the Music was great. Really set the tone and atmosphere of every area. Nothing that I'd listen to in my free time, but that isn't what makes music good. It does what Music should always try to do in a video game, enhance the atmosphere the devs are pushing for.

Characters had really cool designs and stories. Jack of Blades, the Villain, has one I especially like. Your sister, Maze, The Guild Master, Whisper, etc. all great designs, and are voice acted well too.

Speaking of Jack of Blades, he is so damn evil. Spoilers, he burns down your village, kidnaps your Mom and Sister, as well as kills your dad and many of the Villagers. He cuts out your sisters eyes and leaves her blind for life. Imprisons you and your mother, inflicting a year of torture on you, and who knows how many years of it for your mother. Tries to rule the world and potentially end it. And the part that I'll remember forever, slits your mothers throat right in front of you to collect her blood. I didn't expect such an evil villain from a game with an art style like this, but I'm all here for it. He isn't just evil for the sake of it, he has legitimate ambitions and goals, and he really will destroy everything if you'd let him, all for himself. His Final Bossfight, or both of them, are both pretty cool. They could have been a little better, but not much to complain about.

The story was really good, though could have been a bit better paced. I though it was a bit to fast, but it was still very enjoyable. They did a decent job of making you give a damn about the world they want you to save, and the story had a lot of good memorable moments. Moments like the Village Burning, Growing up in the Guild, Fighting in the Arena (Which was amazing), finding your sister without her eyes after so many years, Jack of Blades Killing your Mom, and what I think is the most memorable, the game making you stay in jail for a straight year enduring horrific torture along the way. The prison thing really caught me off guard. I do wish they made it possible to escape on your first try, but It does make the whole thing more memorable. Story was entertaining, and was a fantastic adventure all they way.

The RPG elements is where this game really stands out. The peoples perception of you is dependent on what you do in the world. If you're Good, they will eventually cheer for you every time they see you. If you're evil, they will Boo you as you walk by. I'm not sure how much the game's story changes if you do the evil stuff, as I just wanted to play the hero, but I imagine it must be substantial. Besides how people see you, the upgrading of skills and powers is well done, and the upgrading of weapons is something I really liked as well. All around just great stuff.

Art style was something you had to keep playing to learn to love it. I wasn't a fan when I first saw the characters and the environments, but it really is beautiful in a way. It really pushes forward that Fable feel as well, and it feels Unique to this game.

All and all, a great game. Despite any minor complaints, it's a great Adventure RPG, that In my opinion, doesn't get brought up enough. Glad to get this off the backlog. This might be the most pleasantly surprised a game has ever made me. If you like RPGs, Adventures, and/or Videogames in general, I recommend you play this game.

Score: 4.3/5
Letter Grade: A

This was probably a fine game (in that I recall having fun with it) but there's a part where you get captured and thrown into prison where you slave away for several years but when you finally escape NOBODY back home even acknowledges you being gone for a second. This pissed me off so bad in middle school I almost put the game down because of it

pissing farting and cumming GOTY edition

I sit and let the credits run for all games now, thanks to this game, damn it.

the lost chapters is the essential version of fable. the game isnt perfect and there's much, much better RPGs- but im very nostalgic for it and have enjoyed it immensely when i revisited it.

OG Fable but better, I can also wear a purple hat called "The Pimp Hat".

One of the first games to popularize a morality system. Unfortunately that system is just as nuanced as they today, in that they are not at all nuanced and are extremely black and White. But if ya like British humor its fun.

I really wanna like Fable, but dunno after 8 hours it becomes boring, shame because the music is enchanting.

This is the game where before they know you as hero, they know you as "chicken chaser" because you keep kickin chickens.
Graphics would be considered outdated in present times. Combat is actually not that bad. The story is simple yet, good. Has rpg elements where youre presented choices and consequences. Even for things you eat!!! Eating a live baby chick will be considered evil, even if youre desperate because your health is low. I love the effects of your character if youre too good or too evil (get halo + butterflies + aura or horns and flies). The npcs are hilarious and you can emote on them to curry favor by blowing them a kiss or make them hate you by farting on them. The npcs can be crude and disgusting, but hilarious. Other than emotes and able to marry, there's not much else for interacting.

For computer games, this was my first real dive into an actual rpg with actual rpg elements of having choices and consequences. It was pretty mindblowing for little kid me at its time, which is why i give it 4/5. I imagine if i played it for the first time today, itd most likely be 3 stars.

first Xbox game i ever played and it's my fav Fable game for sure

As a young'un I was so obsessed with this game for a period, sadly my middle school friends judged it harshly for its juvenile artstyle. In the age of God of War/RE4/DMC3 edge Molyneux's childish adventure stood no chance, so I went with the only reasonable tactic for making them play it - lying. You'd marry your wife then have to keep her happy else she'd cheat on you, I said. You could catch her in the act and have a choice of either correcting with your fists or taking it to court. If kept happy though she would give you a child. The child would grow on the course of your journey and even come adventuring with you. You could be a kind town mayor amassing wealth beyond measure or a cultist leader that sacrifices populations to sheitan for demon wings that of course enabled flight. The people you beat up as a kid would come for you later in the game Mordor's nemesis style, but assist you in boss fights if you helped them Dark Souls style.

Naturally, I wasn't aware of the controversies surrounding Fable as I invoked the king of lies. God bless you anglo bastard, may your dental surgeries go well.

Não tenho palavras pra descrever o meu amor por Fable, eu posso escrever um texto no tamanho de um livro de direito que ainda sim, não vai ser o suficiente pra demonstrar o quão foda e inesquecível é essa obra prima.

Vamos começar pela história. Resumidamente, você é um garoto que perde sua família por bandidos e é salvo por um mago chamado Maze e consequentemente, você entra em uma guilda de heróis e é treinado até a vida adulta para se tornar um herói (ou um vilão, vai de sua escolha). O Enredo é relativamente simples porém, muito cativante, com plot twist's bons e um vilão que dá um certo medo.

Um dos pontos mais relevantes de Fable na minha opinião, é a trilha sonora. Só de você ouvir uma música, você já vai saber de qual cidade é a música ou pelo menos vai saber que a música é do Fable. São músicas muito bem trabalhadas, cada uma com sua função certinha (Ex: A música quando você entra em uma demon door dá um desconforto mas ao mesmo tempo, uma certa paz)

A gameplay é bem simples, os gráficos são bonitinhos, SideQuest's engraçadas e marcantes, enfim, Compre Fable. Se você quer uma aventura cativante, engraçada e épica, vale muito a pena pegar esse incrível jogo.

Fable - the game that is 17 years old yet loses none of its charm. It is simply put magical and beautiful.

Compared to the Anniversary though, the game in my book is equal in rating and almost equally rated for the visual style.

Fable: The Lost Chapters is more simplistic and maybe some prefer it as the simplistic nature of it might be more visually pleasing than the remaster.

Nonetheless, Anniversary or The Lost Chapters I love this game.

my sexual awakening was going to the brothel and paying for the dominatrix

the fact that it's an rpg that doesnt take 200 hours to finish is reason enough alone to give this one 5 stars

Still my favorite game in the Fable universe. Not sure if I've done everything in this game, but have played it countless times. There is something about the world in this one that makes it stick in my head.

Wondering what Molyneux had in mind while developing this game.
The character menu is rather big for the few gear you can obtain through the game, food, weapons etc. Is pretty linear with only several sidequests and only one annoy part.

When this dropped in my country in 2006 I legit lost control of my life for maybe a complete year. A beast of an rpg, absolutely fun if you know nothing of the developer. If not, it's still stupidly fun and kind hearted rpg with lots of barely functioning mechanics waiting for you to exploit them and overpower your character to the next dimension. Just don't play the remake, it's pretty bad.
If you play as a baddie you're a bad person irl tho.

Fable 1 is just a comfy rpg to play and my favourite game in the series. I love the heroes guild, the combat multiplier, and the villain.

I like the heroes guild, and I like that the Heroes are all just characters that are doing their own shit that you sometimes intersect with. Whisper, Thunder, Briar Rose, Maze, and Scythe are all cool and have dope designs. While Fable 2's heroes (Hammer, Garth, and Reaver) are also pretty cool, I'm kind of just bummed by the Heroes Guild just not being a thing anymore.

The combat in this game is more interesting to me than Fable 2 or 3 mainly for the fact of the combat multiplier. It is a good system, even though you can break it completely with the spell shield and just never lose combo, but that makes it even better to me. The fact that you can ingest XP potions and they multiply with the combo makes it so cool to me.

The villain in this game is just way more interesting than the rest of the series. Jack of Blades feels like a real motherfucker compared to like Lucian, sure he killed your sister, but like "ehhh?". Then compared to the Fable 3 dudes (your brother and the Dark) its like your brother is just a stock dictator, and the Dark doesnt get introduced until the like halfway point and still doesnt have much to it. Jack of Blades just has a awesome design and lore behind him.

God I just hope the Fable is awesome.

A bit dated, but worth playing nethertheless. Exudes charm from every pore. Shame we don't get RPGs like this anymore.

Was surprised with how much time and money was put into this, especially when the credits began rolling for two main studios with at least a hundred employees each. Granted, Lionhead and Microsoft likely weren't doing this stuff with RenderWare or Unity, beyond QA and sound management.
Competent combat that has a good amount of variety, which I mostly bruteforced with fantasy bullettime. Very visible technical/creative limitations that remains from every LOD level pop and cut content that even The Lost Chapters couldn't bring back. While not the easiest for the industry to see at the time, even in 2005 one can feel the friction of increasing demand of 'Triple-A' scale not being able to be matched. The game tries its best to depict an epic struggle with what its world of janky hallways and omnipresent guards(?) announcing day-night times more frequently than the main quest giver. And it's an effort that sucessfully hit with enough people to create multiple sequels including one in development right now.
Can't knock on this game too hard for succeeding in that regard. In retrospect however, Fable 1 really feels like a bellweather for how big budget games would start trending towards.

I keep coming back to play it. With every replay its faults get more obvious but its charms sink deeper. Relaxing. The music is amazing.

I've replayed this game twice per year since 2009 or so, pretty nice. My only complaint is that it's too easy.

My initial review of this game was kind of mean and I felt went from a lack of understanding of both game design and the actual mechanics that went into the game

Not to say my issues went away per say but I was looking at it from a perspective of other game I like the black and white morality isn’t super well written but like, it sure is fun from a gameplay sense in this game

And maybe the game benefits from a simpler story to focus on a fantasy life sim

It’s an ambitious project and I’d be lying if I didn’t respect the hell out of ambition and trying to do cool shit with your game

The way you interact with your player character and how they interact with npcs and the world is very impressive and fun the fun ways you can complete quests is actually impressive, how armor and your character looks makes npcs reacts is really cool

Also the style has really grown on me

Combat is still a clunky but it didn’t bother me too much

As well as how this game gives the player exploration and choice without filling the world with empty space, now granted it’s not an open world but maybe modern games can learn from this fun albeit flawed fantasy life sim

I really liked this one, probably one of the first open-world (or, in this case, "semi open-world") RPGs I played back in the day. I especially loved how I could turn into a hero or a despicable villain, so I played it through several times.

I do think farting and belching at people is a solid tactic at courting them