When this dropped in my country in 2006 I legit lost control of my life for maybe a complete year. A beast of an rpg, absolutely fun if you know nothing of the developer. If not, it's still stupidly fun and kind hearted rpg with lots of barely functioning mechanics waiting for you to exploit them and overpower your character to the next dimension. Just don't play the remake, it's pretty bad.
If you play as a baddie you're a bad person irl tho.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2021


"I lost control of my life for maybe a complete year."

Story of my f*cking life, dude. From its release up until I was like in high school I would boot this game up in my family computer and play it every other month or so. I blame this game for my obsession for RPGs.

2 years ago

I understand you 100% brother