Reviews from

in the past

Fire emblem fates?
more like fire emblem fats..

The one route of fates that was tolerable

I had more fun with this one, but not that much more fun. I definitely like the siblings of Nohr a lot more, with the exception of Leo. None of the retainers on either side were really that great, but that also just goes for most of the cast of these games. I like the setting, and overall mood of this one more, plus it's more interesting when you're playing the villain trying to make things good. Corrin is the worst Fire Emblem protagonist, but if you're gonna play Fates, play this one.

Come for the hard as balls gameplay, leave during the incredibly garbage story.

This is more like it. Conquest is way better than Birthright in both story and gameplay. The level design is good and challenging. There are some little gripes I had with it, but the pros far outweigh the cons. One of the better FE games.

fuck this game. the story for conquest is nonsense. anyone who says they like this more than the other two are dumb because this is just as bad as the rest.

lol yes i like fates. boo hoo fe fanbase

Protip: Press the start button every time story of any kind shows up.
You can now enjoy what Conquest is really, and I mean, REALLY good at, which is the gameplay, and that's what matters to me most in FE. It's insanely replayable with so many dumb fucking builds you can create every playthrough, and with the really good map design and challenging gameplay, it's one of the most satisfying FE games to play ever made

i hate the way the routes are split up into different games lmao so im just copy pasting my review with minor changes. fates is the weakest of the recent games and its good for mindless fun if you ignore the main story which... sucks. both in terms of it being bad AND it being a shame that it's bad and you're better off ignoring it. i like reading supports and some of these are good and better than the main story LMAO. others feel INCREDIBLY flat and like a waste of space, especially when you find out the localization team DESTROYED many of the supports and changed them entirely, sometimes making characters completely unlikable. this is particularly sad in that they did this to the only gay option for women; her jpn supports were actually rather sweet if a bit basic, unlike in the english where they... changed it entirely and made her very unsettling? i know she's a tharja clone, but come on. the original jp version at least tried to make the relationship actually likable?

this is the route i enjoyed the most! i liked the gameplay here a lot actually even if it didnt really bring anything new thats very interesting, but the builds you can make are really good! story is frustrating and bland but like... whatever LOL i also did enjoy many of the supports for this set of the cast!

everyone says that fates sucks, but what less people will tell you is how good conquest's gameplay is. honestly just skip all the story shit, dont bother playing birthright and revelations, and this is some of the most fun ive ever had playing SRPGs

atrocious plot and awful characters but good gameplay!

Felicia is cute that's the best thing I can say about this game (and the two others).

I've never played an SRPG that actively incentives me to not fucking play it

I love playing my favorite game, Fire Emblem fates where the maps make me want not want to play along with half of the characters being unlikable or two-dimensional!

My first Fire Emblem. It's not actually that good but I still liked it...

i only played this game cuz xander was hot

Gameplay is awesome but story is ass cheeks

While better story-wise than its counterpart, Birthright, it still struggles from the same issues; a pretty two-dimensional cast, a pretty poor story, etc. This is the better Fates game, so if you're REALLY eager to play every entry in the series, play this half rather than Birthright and skip Revelations.

i remember less about this one than i do awakening.

Some genuinely great map design and the mechanics have been refined from Awakening... but holy hell the plot and the characters are awful. Like, easily the worst in this very long series kind of awful. This goes for Birthright as well, though the design isn't as strong there. I've never had this much emotional whiplash from one entry in a series to the next. I loved Awakening, but because I'm not really much of a gameplay oriented person... I hated this.

Soooo much waifu bait. Story’s uninspired but I love lots of the characters.

fantastic gameplay. i felt like a brain genius when i beat this thing on hard/classic without any deaths. but the story. holy shit lmao. "corrin here let me show you that your evil adopted dad is actually a blob demon. no i can't show anyone else. yeah i dunno the crystal broke or something. better go subjugate an innocent nation as per your evil dad's wishes so that you can eventually make him sit on a magic throne that will reveal he's a blob demon"

not a lot in terms of story but the gameplay is nice, art direction and atmosphere is solid and some of the characters are great. it's not a masterpiece for sure but not as bad as some make it out to be

Camilla is the most perfect female specimen ever conceived. Oh yeah the story is a joke but the game play and soundtrack are top notch as well I guess.

my fight or flight instinct when it comes to fates

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This one doesn't have rinkah but still good I guess...

Camila is best girl but that's all you're gonna get out of this game

The only route in fates that has some salvageable aspects

Despite mostly great map design and challenging gameplay the story and characters drag this down so much that it made it hard to finish this game. A false sense of moral ambiguity and unlikeable characters. This was the first game to make me realise that you need a decent story/characters to enjoy great tactical gameplay.