Reviews from

in the past

My first FE game and one of my favorites of the series. Difficulty was just right throughout the entire game; perfect for newcomers to the series, like myself. Very competent plot for a FE game, interesting and multi-faceted characters to get to know, plus a very tangible and established setting. Majority of the maps were designed well and I liked the 'Bonus EXP' system. Wish it was in more FE games. Only gripe I have is the difficulty doesn't increase much on Hard, save for the last boss.

no sir, i don't have a retirement fund, but i DO own two copies of this game. so it all balances out

I spent $200 on this game and only kinda regret it
Update: I sold it for $280 and I only kinda regret it

Ike's games are the zenith of Fire Emblem storytelling. It is unfortunate that nowadays they kind of look like ass. It is also unfortunate that they're so slow. Play it for the story and the world and the characters anyway. This is definitely one of the most underappreciated games in the series.

I'm glad I bought this before gamestop sold it used for $50+

my ike made my friend quit smash his name is omar

Ike says fuck racism and I clap like a goddamn seal

they finally made a good fire emblem

in 2005


imagine making these games for years while still letting mounted units be as dumb as they are in this one

This is a fantastic game, but a very dense one. It definitely feels like of those type of things that improves each time you play it, but getting into the habit of playing it multiple times maybe hard because of how heavy it can initially. But once you know your way around it this baby gets running. I just kind of wish more was done story wise, cause the key plot of Ike punching racism across a contient is enough to make an even longer more fleshed out game out of

A true gem and a proof why Nintendo was just really really bad at marketing.

I am in love with this title and it's a shame these games didn't sell well back then. The characters are fun, the world building is by far the best in the series, the music is engaging. This is a perfect starting point for newcomers into the FE series. I just love how it was made with the sequel in mind and the overall concept is just perfect for me.

I personally would have loved the maps to be a little more difficult as any above average unit can obliterate the enemy (if there aren't any pitfalls lol). The writing gets a little tedious after the first half but nothing too much to worry about. Most of the mechanics like bonus exp, forged weapons (you can paint them omg<3) and a bunch of units can be considered overpowered.

Aside from the terrible fight against a certain someone, the gameplay ties in great into the story which is what I love most about the series. The support conversations took it away for me. They are genuinely well-written, the discussions after each battle are not only fun but also helpful and farming supports without the need of standing beside each other is god-sent. I do hate that the amount of conversations per game is limited, but that's replayability, I suppose.

Really fantastic game which directly ies into the perfect b*tch slap with its sequel. Highly recommended.

Had a ton of fun with this game. I love the variety in characters and their abilities. The writing for them and for the story in general is also really good. After having played the GBA ones, it's nice to have the variety of a big map. The chapter where you fight the Black Knight is bullshit and I hate it.

MVPs: 1. Ike 2. Oscar 3. Soren 4. Astrid 5. Nephenee

The pinnacle of Fire Emblem. Amazing story and characters. Even side characters like Jill and Harr have great arcs. Every part of this game feels fully realized and fleshed out. Only flaw is that the battles are slow, but it's really not that bad, as I've beaten this on consoles several times, and 99% of people who play this in 2020 are gonna be playing on Dolphin with access to a speed-up key.
This is the bar in which I rate other Fire Emblem games, and honestly, games in general.

Experienced FE players should skip straight to hard on this one, since normal is insultingly easy and dumbed down form the JP version. This is a pretty good FE game that gets way too easy in the mid-game, but then picks up toward the end. There's a lot of additions and changes here and there to the previous games, some of which are cool but some of which I'm not the biggest fan of.

I remember being so excited by the prospect of Path of Radiance in the lead up to its release—I was so obsessed with FE7 and Sacred Stones that I must have cleared them at least couple times each already, and was just chomping for more Fire Emblem—but bounced off of it so quickly. The switch to 3D textures and character models was so clunky in a way that seemed antithetical to the beautiful spritework and expressive animations of the GBA titles, and I just couldn't square it. I put it down probably around chapter 10 and forgot about it for a long time.

Picking it up again 15 years later, I'm shocked that the story and characters weren't at least enough to carry me through back then. This thing starts with a bang and handily maintains its momentum for a while, and for some time I was convinced that Path of Radiance is one very best games the series has to offer. The story is exciting, the tactical gameplay is satisfying as ever, and it has a great roster of characters and support conversations. Beyond these elements, which you can typically expect from most quality Fire Emblem games, it also has what is perhaps the best world building of the bunch—the nations, history and inhabitants of Tellius are drawn with such delicacy, and the developers masterfully drip feed the details behind its sociopolitical climate over much of the game. It sets the perfect backdrop to be easily swept up into the story of Ike and his company of mercenaries (a nice deviation from the nobles who typically lead these games as well).

I can't help but think that all this momentum and intrigue dies off considerably in the last third of the game though, when most motivations become known and the focus shifts away from uncovering the history and truths of the world in favor of becoming an all-out offensive against enemy nation of Daein. In fairness, all roads were leading there from the beginning, but there's an abrupt flatness in the execution of this portion that can be so deeply felt considering how great the material that comes before it is. This switch translates to the gameplay as well; despite being one of the easier titles in the series, I found Hard difficulty a satisfying mode until at this point, when my group began to feel so powerful that most deaths could be chalked up to careless mistakes as opposed to poor strategy, and the map design and enemy placement became consistently less interesting as well.

Still, the goodwill it had built up until that point made Path of Radiance compelling enough for me see it through to the end, and I'm glad that I finally did after all these years. While it falls short of being one of the series' best, it is still a very, very good entry that deserves the love it has received over the years.

the tellius games are honestly the peak of fire emblem IMO, its one of the few fire emblem games to have a compelling story while simultaneous being a very fun game

Would be a 5/5 if there was a more challenging difficulty

PoR's great, but also every horse unit is stupid busted. You actually get so many busted units that snowball into murder machines so early on that the game becomes a bit too easy to just steam roll through. The skill system also destroying skill scrolls if you take them off of a unit also kinda sucks

LVL 1 Racist -> LVL 99 Actual Facist Emperor

Just an extremely solid SRPG

Most maps are excellently designed and the story is pretty decent. Ike learns that racism is bad.

I used to play around a lot the Fire Emblem on GBA when I was in late elementary and middle school, but this is the first one I've completed outright. Love me a good strategy RPG, the cast is colorful enough and the pre-rendered cutscenes give it a nice edge, although they are rather sparse. The only real plot that is gripping involves the father, and the payoff comes a little late in the game and rather quick, I also didn't really get the motive of a certain betrayal that's a key twist, and the villain to me left an overall weak impression by the end. Still, love these mechanics and the vast amount of upgrades you get until your battalion of paladins is basically unstoppable.

Spent a lot of time watching the in-game tutorials (side-note: fantastic short video tutorials) hyping myself up, playing out cool strats in my head, just to realize that the game is way too easy on normal mode and you can't change the difficulty unless you start a new playthrough. Don't feel like doing that 3 hours in, so will return in a few months.