Reviews from

in the past

Fun platformer. Wish the levels weren’t randomly generated and had difficulty progression

The game is pretty fun and fairly competent. The levels are bite-sized and it feels like a heavier, clunkier shovel knight. It's fun to get into a rhythmn of jumping in and out of levels quickly.
The scrolling of the screen made it a bit difficult to make out background details at times, but you'll get used to it. The level structure is straightforward but puzzling if it's meant to be more. It seems there's potential for 4 puzzle pieces but I've only ever seen 2 in one run. Maybe I'm just bad at it?
If anything this feels like a proof of concept that there's room for a 2D platformer on the Playdate.
I think this guy is the devil?

Fun enough, but I would have preferred an expansion of the game's mechanics, or some other depth

Very repetitive, and boring only after a few games. Nice visuals though.

Eu não consigo entender porque essas fases aleatórias são mais interessantes que só um menu linear de fases. Dito isso, se o controle do pulo duplo não fosse tão estranho, teria jogado mais.

Honestly I was just so happy to see the Campo Santo logo in the credits. RIP

Un juego desconcertante en extremo. El tono relajado y divertido de los niveles y el propio estilo de juego choca frontalmente con su premisa y objetivos. La idea de dejar scouts atrás para que sean consumides por las llamas me aterra lo bastante como para no querer terminar un nivel sin haberlos rescatado a todes, pero el juego tampoco tiene mucha más originalidad aparte de la que exhibe a la hora de implementar bien mecánicas de salto como Ducktales.


A baffling and disquieting game. The lighthearted tone of the levels and the gameplay itself clashes head-on with its premise and goals. The idea of leaving scouts behind to be consumed by flames terrifies me enough to not want to finish a level without having rescued them all. Unfortunately, the game lacks that much originality aside from being fairly competent at imitating the mechanics of similar platformers like Ducktales.

Game with interesting mechanics but gets a bit repetitive fairly quickly.

I thought this was pretty fun. Feels difficult at first but it's mostly fair, and the controls are responsive. It seems to be each run is random but stitching together little gauntlets that you will recognise and learn to deal with over time.

It didn't take long before I felt like I'd seen pretty much everything this game had to offer, I am not a huge fan of randomly generated games like this - I would have enjoyed it a lot more personally if it was just a small selection of levels. Still, I had fun with with it.

Game is fun to play and looks great, but is really lacking in actual content unfortunately. Disappointed to find the game is only made of randomly generated stages rather than anything actually designed, and also doesn't seem to have that many random 'chunks' to actually build those stages out of. You really quickly see everything there is to see and run out of collectables in no time.

I think the game had enough mechanically going on they could have made a 1-2 hour campaign of quick levels that progressed in difficulty and this whole game would have been a lot more worthwhile. It's okay.