Reviews from

in the past

FFXV Episode Aranea died for this smh

Juste testé la démo, ça suffit à voir que le jeu n'est vraiment pas top...

Marvel and their terrible writing have been a disaster for the entertainment industry

Square Enix’s fantasies take different forms, but none are quite like Forspoken. This action RPG’s fantasy isn’t final and blends its fantastical elements with a splash of modernity thanks to its unique isekai premise. But rather than being a refreshing take on the types of games Square Enix is known for, Forspoken is a deeply flawed experience that jumps from gripping highs to embarrassing lows, while all too often occupying the mundanity between those extremes.

Read the full review here:

Yeah, we can blame Joss Whedonism for the writing in this yadayadayada… but this brand of quippy banter that doesnt make sense half the time has been par for the course with SquareEnix major release for a while now and especially with FFXV and Stranger of Paradise so like… why are you people surprised? Because of the project Athia hype? There’s also literally an option to turn off the banter in this game which I havent seen anyone talk about, so just do that if you can’t stand the writing. Tbh havent played much of this game, half the reviews I’ve seen are how it feels unfinished which is unsurprising for this project, but the other half of the negative reviews I’ve seen are just straight up racist or misogynistic so… yeah fuk u nerds I hope to get into this soon.

Gotta give it to Square for their commitment to mega dark angsty depictions of New York between this and Parasite Eve

Forspoken is genuinely a decent game and I'm really struggling to see what people as a whole are disliking about it.

At no point did I find the dialogue nor story 'cringe' as everyone else seems to, infact, it's just the same as most open-world RPG's - which is baffling to me.

I actually quite enjoyed the story, and my major criticism for the game is that it was a little bit too short.

Graphically, yes, it's been downgraded from the initial teasers and announcement - which, as a title built for the PS5 is disappointing, but it's still not the worst looking game I've ever played.

The open-world is pretty much the same as most modern open-world games, littered with locations to explore and 'complete' - and hundreds of chests to collect.

There's a surprising lack of side quests though, which is annoying given the story's length.

The combat, however, is the main draw for this game. It's something different and is incredibly engaging, once you've gotten the hang of how the spells work and using them combined with Forspoken's parkour system becomes just delightful to experience.

I will absolutely be spending the next 30 hours collecting everything in this game - and would not be mad at a sequel.

western art, as a form, has evolved to a point where only purpose it serves is hate consuming for youtubers with furry png oc's who produce 10 minute essays on a daily basis

Demo Thoughts: Somehow worse than FFXV in a lot of aspects. Combat honestly kinda feels like ass. Basic melee attack has no feedback because of the lack of hitstop, unimpressive animations with no punch too them. Auto-parkour kinda sucks because there's a chance it will just send you flyinng off of stuff if there's too much shit lying around (like the bridge area with all the crates and barriers and shit.)

I'm ever so thankful for the option to keep the chatter to a minimum because this games dialogue can be dreadful, though I also see that as an unintentional admittance that the writers know the incessant banter is annoying.

Most likely will play it years down the line or at least in a few months when the price is reasonable for the amount of enjoyment I derived out of it, which wasn't much.

Played the demo of it and decided that was more than enough for me

some games should not be allowed

It’s a masterpiece of being hot trash

Even though I was a little disappointed because of its grandeur (I expected it to be more epic than it was), Forspoken is far from a bad game.

I believe that most of the people who badmouthed the game didn't play it and were only influenced by the media, but of course the game is far from perfect...

For me, its main weakness is certainly the story and the quality of its script, in addition to being really simple and easy to predict the progress of the story. But I must praise its final plot, which even though it was simple I liked (after all, I'm a very simple guy in general). But the conclusion could have been faster.

And the strong point is obviously the gameplay which is really good, it's really fun to do some parkour in the mountains and jump off the cliffs (I even got butterflies in my stomach when I jumped)...

Another point that I really liked was its open world that really had a lot to do and was also quite beautiful.

Well, in general it's a good game that is very wronged, but that clearly has its problems but nothing as serious as they're talking about.

In the future I intend to revisit Athia to make a beautiful freeroam gameplay when I have time.

Animações são muito bem trabalhadas, os poderes são divertidos, a locomoção é rápida, a luz/iluminação é deplorável e a história é aceitável. Famoso jogo mediano que pode ser interessante em uma boa promoção, história principal dura ~12 horas.

Cuando vemos una nueva IP con ideas interesantes y gente detrás de renombre, esperamos que salga algo bueno y si se puede, innovar en un genero mascado como el mundo abierto. Pero, no hace nada por innovar y se estanca en ser un juego antiguo de una época lejana.

No me quejaría de esto si fuese de un creador como Dead Space con Calisto o con una compañía más pequeña, pero viniendo de Square Enix... es bastante decepcionante. No hace casi nada bien, se salva alguna magia si eso, pero todo a su alrededor es inservible, nuevos equipos, explorar.... Una decepción con todas las letras.

who the fuck in new york names their daughter fray

esse é definitivamente o pior jogo de 2023 até o momento, o gráfico é horroroso mesmo no máximo e com ray tracing ligado, sem contar que mesmo numa rtx 3060 o jogo nao consegue nem manter os 30 fps com tudo no mínimo e dlss ligado. a história é uma tranqueira nojenta de ruim, faz parecer que sword art online é bom perto dela, os personagens não te cativam nem um pouco, as piadas são ruins, o roteiro é previsível e preguiçoso além de ser lotado de conveniências. a unica coisa que minimamente presta no jogo é a gameplay e nem isso presta pra ser sincero, totalmente confusa e cansa depois de 20 minutos, ela consegue ser pior que a do final fantasy xv, mal tem variação, eu vi os mesmos golpes durante 2 horas, o jogo tbm é extremamente fácil, mesmo no dificil tu so vai apertar rt/r2 ou mouse ate o fim do jogo sem desafio algum. pra finalizar com chave de bosta, a atuação é uma carniça imensa, o áudio do jogo é todo estourado, a trilha sonora é podre e o unico ponto positivo é a gata de estimação da protagonista, é literalmente a unica coisa q eles se esforçaram pra fazer

Force Pokin: The Eric Adams Experience

bought this becuz i was expecting it to be worse with all the hate and a bad game sounded fun. dialogue can be cringe but there is so much worse out there lol. Haven't finished so idk if the story is any good but so far the gameplay is really cool.

SpongeBob The Cosmic Shake will be better.

Marvel this, marvel that, how about you marvel at these burgers im grillin, come get some

Played the demo. Evidently someone took Twitches Too and stretched it into a shifting foundation for an open world adventure game. Weird blend of Infamous and Monster Hunter when it comes to the gameplay design. Lush environments, and colorful costume designs - clearly derived from equally Disney-influenced concept artists. Bland, boring, dumb. Even the graphics are a let down - and this was a true disappointment, not nickpicky, as even on highest settings it felt like I was playing a game at a resolution two steps down from native. Even the cutscenes had pixelation!

Why do we allow garbage like this to happen

I'm conflicted. On one hand, I really liked the atmosphere and the graphics of the game. Forspoken's world is a beautiful one, movement feels smooth and - if your PC can run it - you're gonna see some really cool stuff.

However, the writing is horrible. Frey seems like the hollow shell of a character, completely unrelatable and honestly, kind of annoying. Seeing things from her perspective conjured intense feelings of frustration because she was so unlikable. Maybe that's on me, though. I just don't enjoy being an asshole, even in video games. I hated most of the dialogue in the game, stiff and unrealistic.
I want to see some complicated female main characters in gaming but this is just not the way to do it.

Combat comes across as a chore. While it looks amazing, the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. You're able to pull the same moves over and over again - just press attack a few times and you're done with the encounter. The game lacks variety.

Honestly, I've played worse games. I'd actually say this one is okay. But considering the price tag, I can't really recommend Forspoken to anyone.

Game is kinda fun. Yeah the dialogue is cringe but so is everyone on this website lmao

fyrstu tveir tímarnir eru algjört prump og rugl, en svo kemst maður í heiminn og þá er hann bara mid

It's fine the combat is fun the story is solid it's nothing amazing but it's nothing horrible ether. it's very middle of the road. I do think this game is over hated.

I'm only a few hours in, so my rating doesn't yet reflect the entire game (and who knows if it ever will) but so far it's Fine