Reviews from

in the past

This is a port of the 3rd game in Konami's arcade series. Developer Genki added online multi-player & extra features to the console versions. It's feels like the real GTi Club arcade games, compare that to the PS3 GTi Club game which looked good but did not feel true to the arcades.

It really packs a punch in terms of gameplay. A nice journey of unlockables and increasing difficulty. The later races demand a lot of skill so don't be fooled into a false sense of security in the early stages. A real gem of a game. Plus, you can still play it online today with a modded Wii!

Every car in this game has an anime girl paintjob, what's not to love?
Well, the fact that you have to play for hours to unlock difficulties that won't put you to sleep is a big flaw, but easily avoided nowadays when saved games are easily available online.
Now, GTI Club's review scores were extremely negative back when it came out, this does make sense since it came out at the time where arcade racers without dozens of hours of content where seen as disposable trash. I of course think that that approach to game analysis is extremely flawed, especially so in such a unique title.
Like the arcade games that preceded it Supermini Festa's course design is extremely open, and the care that went into making the courses resemble their real counterparts while still feeling like cutesy miniatures is evident. Both of these factors coupled with the very distinctive handling model that mixes accesibility with some respectable depth and a roster of playable cars composed entirely of compacts make Supermini Festa stand out from most others in its genre, a big feat considering how vast the arcade racing genre is.

Review of the PSP version.

I never kept my love for the PSP a secret. It's the console that I probably played the most in my entire life, and despite having to replace the battery every few months or so, I still play it to this day. Here's a game deep in the trenches of the PSP library, that turns out to be one of the best arcade racers on the console. If you know how stacked the competition is, you'll know that it's an impressive feat.

From top to bottom, the game feels so charming and confident. The graphics looks quite impressive especially for an handheld title, and it aims for a realistic look without looking bland. Despite that, the satisfyingly wacky physics, cartoony animations and eclectic pop music injects a full sense of whimsy into the game. It's so fun to see your realistic hatchbacks spin around like a cartoon character getting whacked in the head after hitting other cars. It's very clear that the game want to have fun, but they ain't making a fool out of themselves to do it.

The game takes you to France, UK, Italy, US and Japan, as you drive in inner city areas that represent their country's architecture, distilled into great racing tracks. There's shortcuts to find, steep hills to climb, sharp corners to slide through. All the tracks use a lot of verticality, which helps to make more interesting designs, both gameplay and graphics wise. The environments in each track also looks amazing, from the seaside theme in France to the iconic Tokyo-esque urban design.

There's a bunch of fun modes other than just racing, like the "tag you're it" mode, coin collecting, tomato festival (basically Mario Kart battle mode lite), and car soccer. As you progress through the main quest mode (basically a series of races intertwined with the non-racing mode) you can unlock new hatchbacks to ride, and unlock cosmetics and upgrades for the car you're currently using. The main quest mode is very straightforward, and while it starts easy in the beginners level with no way to speed up the difficulty progression, the game is just so fun at its core that it never really bothered me.

All in all, GTI Club Supermini Festa is a blast to play and a feast for the eyes. Like the hatchbacks the game features, it's a neat, charming package that is much impressive than it might look at first glance.