Reviews from

in the past

i played this and enjoyed it but then it suddenly showed my worst trigger and i had a panic attack so oof

It's a cool idea and has a decent gameplay loop - it's not a bad game but there's something just a bit hollow about it? Maybe a lack of polish in the UI or something

This was pretty good but due to it having multiple storylines (one of which is NG+ exclusive) with both good and bad outcomes as well as a few fourth wall breaky meta elements, the game requires to play multiple playthroughs to be enjoyed. That isn't a bad thing but doesn't do enough with either the storylines and varying outcomes or it's fourth wall-breaking elements to make playing the game beyond two playthroughs worth it unless you REALLY want to see all the outcomes. In which case. Have fun.

Also the game once thought I was a pirate even if i was playing a legit copy which was funny.

Semi interesting visual novel but it feels like a borderline ripoff of papers, please. Oppressive vaguely soviet regime, main gameplay loop being paperwork that you need to approve or deny, side plot about a secret organization trying to overthrow said government, you get the picture. This would be fine if it didn't do all of these things consistently less interestingly.

Evie is cool though, I like her.

Control the news media (within limits imposed by your boss, and later if he is arrested, the government). See the results. As far as games who educate through their gameplay, this one definitely does a good job of getting its point across. Your really get to see the results of your choices, and their impacts on people like your immigrant coworker, a local storeowner and your depressed comedian brother. What benefits one person might harm another. So, what choices will you make?

Probably would have been better if it was just a visual novel. The writing is kinda heavy-handed sometimes but it was fine overall.

tem um conceito bom, mas ele consegue ser feito tão mal, que é triste

better than the first one. but the gameplay doesn't support the multiple playthroughs they want you to do

Headliner: Novinews is imo a big improvement on the first Headliner. I feel like the choices you make have more impact on the world around you and it's not just black or white. The characters you meet are pretty fun to talk to and you have different option when talking to them, which is good for the replayability. The dialogue will change in some parts after you finished your first playthrough.

I would recommend this game for anyone that likes propaganda

8/10 would burn the city again