Reviews from

in the past

Interesting space souls. Captures the spooky vibes of from souls games. Some neat boss designs too.

What a colossal shame. The combat and general souls mechanics are all perfectly fine (these guys clearly understand why souls combat is fun) and I like the way the game rewards you with mana for ranged attacks by taking risks with melee, but the world design is simply a mess: not only are mandatory areas locked behind doors whose keys are hidden behind obtuse secrets; not only is the fast travel system woefully inadequate for a game with this much backtracking and meandering design, but the biggest flaw is that everywhere looks the same: you will often (if not most of the time) be completely lost in dark metal corridors that all look exactly alike, with little to no signposting to speak of to help you orientate yourself on the way to your unspecified destination.

One of the final areas of the game requires crafting a space suit whose core components are hidden behind a secret wall or given to you after you no longer need it and the "bonfire" before the related boss fight is in the midst of an irradiated area that reduces your health to a fraction if exposed, forcing you to either change every time you respawn or keep the heavy suit all the time, which cripples your play style if you like to play with light armor and didn't invest in the stats required to wear the heavy space suit in combat.

Recommended only if you're extremely patient with exploring a confusingly laid out game world that will frustrate and infuriate you.

dark souls but we always play as skinny husk and it has respawning enemies

I used a Platinumb walkthru for this game and rather enjoyed it. But it's clear that without that guide I would have been running around lost for 10x what it took to finish with guidance. Game does a terrible job of explaining its mechanics and its world.

I think developers missed the appeal of Dark Souls by trying to focus solely on hard combat. This game is hard but why keep playing when it doesn't bother rewarding you for the effort. At least it has co-op, which gives it a passable 2 star rating.

Wanna replay this, might do that someday. It's a nice souls-like

Just a very unsatisfying souls like. Aesthetic is cool at times, thats about all its got going for it.

A soulslike that focus on exploration over combat.

If what attracts you from this genre is the tight controls, learn the enemies and everything related to that, then this game will be mediocre or unpolished.

Where this game truly shines is the enviroments, secrets and lore. This is its main hook, it presents riddles that are easily solvable to some (1 that is actually a few) of the hardest in any soulslike.

Hellpoint non brilla sotto tanti punti di vista, però i pregi non sono pochi: il level design è stimolante, il potenzionamento delle armi risulta accessibile e le bocche da fuoco sono un vero piacere. Il vero problema di questo titolo è il fatto di essere un'opera prima, con cui gli sviluppatori hanno fatto cassa e imparato qualcosa, infatti, un eventuale sequel potrebbe superarlo.

Jogão demais, bem diferente de outros soulslike

Excellent game, really captures the esoteric vibe and exploration focus of the best Souls games. Understands that it's not about the raw physical execution challenge, but rather the RPG-ness, the dire mood, the endless surprises. A little sparse on art but I think it captures the PS3 visual aesthetic quite well.

I thought this game was great. It totally got me into that Souls groove, and I couldn't put the controller down. The combat is immensely satisfying, and I even thought exploring the world and environments was exciting as well. It definitely has some rough edges and you can tell it's a budget game, but it perfectly quenched my thirst for a Souls experience

Es un soulslike. Tiene mucho espacio vacío y muchas texturas de las zonas se parecen entre sí como para orientarse bien sin mapa.
La historia es quizás demasiado críptica hasta bien bien entrado el juego y el final es un poco anticlimático.
Pero bueno, tiene ideas buenas, jugablemente no está mal y tampoco es muy largo. Yo recomiendo que se pruebe y se saquen conclusiones propias.

Dark souls knock off and not a good one at that

Aventura Rpg con estilo futurista, pero que no sabe aprovechar la premisa, bien podria transcurrir la historia en una ciudad subterranea y seria lo mismo.
-Enemigos poco variados pero con buenos diseños, si tu diseño es que al infierno se le han escapado los payasos.
-Hay muchas mecanicas de juego, pero ninguna explorada en profundidad.
-Me parece interesante el tema de las brechas y que el agujero negro influya cada X tiempo en la partida pero no perdono que repitan niveles para alargar el juego.
-A veces a la cámara le da por atravesar las paredes.
Conclusion: jugadlo sino tenéis otra cosa y queréis ver otros planteamientos de sagas como los Souls.

Decent souls-like. Coop worked well and was done better than souls. Liked the setting and visuals, but the gameplay was stiff.

"One would be ill-advised to consume this in its current state, or its original"

I backed this game on Kickstarter; after playing the pre-alpha demo on the campaign's page, I asked myself "would I actually want to play a whole game like this?" The answer was, and is, yeah, sure. I bought another copy of the game to play on console. I really wanted to like it. I posted on both the discord server and the forum (which was basically dead because the discord exists).

For most of the game's development, periodically checking out the alpha and beta versions of the game was a kind of tug-of-war between how much of the game was technically finished and how much of it was mechanically finished. I would usually either find myself unable to progress early on because of glitches, or be able to explore well into late-game areas because the lock-and-key progression simply hadn't been set up or finalized yet. I bring this up not as a criticism, but just to make clear that while I haven't gotten very far in the final release of the game, I have seen most of the content on offer here, even if I don't have a real grasp on how it's been structured. Though I will point out there are some aspects of the pre-release versions that I preferred.

The game leaves a terrible first impression. Graphics settings are becoming more common in console games, but it's pretty unusual for a console game to not only have V-sync options, but to disable it by default. The narrative presentation being entirely in text and gibberish voice acting becomes a lot more acceptable once you actually find characters in the world to talk to, but when it's just a disembodied voice it feels really cheap. The tutorial's exit is gated by a boss that has way too much health, does way too much damage, and inflicts a status ailment if you're too close to it. The opening area does have a number of side-paths where you can gather more experience (Axions), and find more specialized weapons (a dagger for dexterity builds, a concrete slab for strength users), but there is no decent armor anywhere in the tutorial. The strangest part is that in one of the pre-release versions, there was an armor set in one of those side-paths, and I have no idea what made them change that.

The fact that levels are separated by loading screens rather than being a single continuous world (as in the Souls games that inspired it) is both a blessing and a curse. The biggest upside is that once the game opens up, the world is very interconnected, since they don't necessarily need to worry about how it would all logically fit together. The obvious side effect of this is that the game does not logically fit together, and it's basically impossible to form a mental map of the more labyrinthine areas of the game. Not to mention that it just feels kind of cheap, even if I can mostly excuse that since this is the first game from a new, small studio.

The general game-feel is mostly solid, I think it's the closest anyone has gotten yet to making a game feel like a From game (even if they sure as hell haven't captured the aesthetics). Combat is pretty engaging once you get far enough to start upgrading and customizing your weapons, but until that point it's a slog. Platforming isn't exactly one of the game's strengths, but it's definitely interesting to see a Souls-style game with a heavy emphasis on such mechanics. The platforming section in the observatory is very effective at showing off both its strengths and weaknesses; sliding up and down the vertical rails is fun, basic traversal is fine, anything that requires precision or mid-air control is a crapshoot. In of the pre-release builds, doing a light attack in midair functioned similar to an air-dash, but from what I remember it was stiff enough that it didn't help much with precision.

The art direction is one of the weakest areas of the game. Some enemies straight up look like a Zeon Zaku, one of the bosses looks like alien Dhalsim, there's an entire faction and area with a gold art-deco aesthetic; I don't actually know whether or not they made their character models in-house, but I could easily believe that every single piece of art in the game was purchased on an asset store. Most of the game is grey metal hallways, and half the time doors are completely indistinguishable from the walls that surround them. The death screen is genuinely embarrassing to look at, it's the kind of thing I would expect to see in a 2010 mobile game.

Despite everything there are small bits of the game I appreciate. The first time I saw areas like the Sohn District and Arisen Dominion I felt like the level design was strong enough that this game had real potential, if they could pull everything together. The amount of branching paths and the weird world-tendency-esque systems make it feel like there's a lot to uncover, even if a lot of it is more of the same. It seems like most of the major players at Cradle are former Ubisoft people, and if this is what they want to do and it's working out for them then I definitely think it's for the better, and I want to see what they do next, but I don't think this is a particularly strong start.

If you're somehow just absolutely starving for more Souls, you might get something out of this. I'd say most people won't.

I've greatly enjoyed my time with Hellpoint. It's the one soulslike I've played to have exploration comparable to DS1 and DS2, and that's where Hellpoint really shines. Irid Novo has a multitude of branching and looping paths with plenty of secrets to uncover. There's even a handful of "sequence-breaks" built into the map if you're thorough enough.
Combat is serviceable, but bossfights are comparably lackluster when the Souls meta-series is the primary metric, and sadly online co-op had severe de-sync issues last I tried it. My sole other primary complaint is that a few rooms felt unduly spartan. There's one side-room I particularly remember from the Archives that felt unfurnished and unfinished, almost like a placeholder.
Besides all of that Hellpoint deserves some real praise for including LOCAL SPLITSCREEN CO-OP, and on PC no less!
I'm looking forwards to someday doing a full run in said local co-op.

Mais um souls like genérico com combate ruim, fases chatas que te faz se perder toda hora, cheio de inimigos chatos que te matam toda hora, mermão esses devs de souls like nunca pegaram a essência e a filosofia de Myazaki e saem fazendo jogos do estilo só pra ganhar dinheiro fácil, vão se foder na moral

Un quiero y no puedo constante de juego. Tiene muy buenas ideas, algunas las sabe ejecutar muy bien pero otras, sin embargo, son un verdadero desastre. De verdad que me sorprende sobremanera que tenga tantas reviews positivas cuando a mí me ha parecido un juego tan mediocre y olvidable, y mira que he intentado que me guste, pero hay una serie de puntos negativos que quiero resaltar porque me parece completamente absurdo.

Para empezar, ¿por qué el plataformeo parece sacado de la Play 1? Saltos y movimientos extremadamente toscos; las plataformas a veces no captan bien el borde y te caes aunque hayas llegado; zonas extremadamente difíciles y enrevesadas para no recibir ningún tipo de recompensa o algo demasiado básico para estar tan escondido... Un verdadero desastre. Podría decirse que en todos los Souls son un desastre, pero ¿por qué este juego tiene que cometer los mismos errores? ¿Por qué no es capaz de enmendar los errores que ya saben que cometen los juegos a los que está copiando? Además de que tenemos un botón de salto que se podría haber implementado mucho mejor.

Una de las mejores experiencias de los juegos estilo Souls son los jefes. Combates frenéticos, difíciles, en los que tienes que buscar el punto débil o adaptarte al estilo de lucha. Pues en este juego todos los bosses contra los que te enfrentas más adelante en la aventura serán enemigos normales. Tócate, los ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Mari Loli. No sólo me parece muy vago por parte de los desarrolladores no haber creado otros tipos de enemigo para cubrir esos puestos, sino que encima le quitan toda la presencia y la emoción a los combates de jefe de zona. Sólo hay 4/5 combates contra enemigos que no volvemos a ver en ninguna parte y que tienen una gran importancia narrativa, el resto son completamente banales e irrelevantes, simples obstáculos en nuestro camino.

Y por último, el sistema de combate. Contra los enemigos normales parece que va bien, fluido, diferentes movesets para diferentes tipos de arma, las armas a distancia son las que sustituyen a la magia en este juego en cuanto a viabilidad... Pero todo cambia cuando llegas a los jefes. Hitboxes inexistentes, atraviesan paredes, obstáculos del escenario, a veces golpeas en zona acertada y no cuenta como golpe válido... Un verdadero desastre.

Es una verdadera lástima que este juego me haya decepcionado de esta manera, porque encima fue un regalo de cumpleaños, y es una temática y estilo de juego que era un acierto absoluto.

What do we have here? And here we have a huge research station-colony in space, which is making circles around the black hole itself. Unusual, right? Yes, in addition to this, this action has game mechanics that affect the filling of locations with enemies and secret places that open only at a certain moment of the influence of this very black hole on the station.

This is a competent souls like. It feels solid enough. Anyone who enjoys the genre will find some fun here. Some...

I had my most fun with the start of the game, but as the game opened up I started to feel underwhelmed with the areas and enemies. It's been a few months and I can't remember anything about the second half of the game. >_<)

If you need a souls fix this isn't a bad choice, but it definitely isn't for everyone.