Reviews from

in the past

The best ROMhack I ever played. Not too hard yet not too easy, don't require hard moves to progress, made lots of original stuff, uses a better movement physics for Samus (closer to Fusion & Zero Mission), the game is fast, entirely new and beautiful.

That unbeatable New Metroid Game feeling. Feels almost like playing Super Metroid for the first time again.
Only flaw I've found so far is how I wandered aimlessly for ~two hours due to thinking I couldn't access the next progression zone without some item I didn't have. When in reality I just missed the platforms I was supposed to run-jump to due to camera shenanigans. Hyper was smooth sailing afterwards.
I always had a goal or objective in mind guiding my traversal until the end of the run. The only real pitfall I can see is how the map reaches a potentially exhausting size by the time you have access to all zones to explore.
I rather enjoyed how the bosses were remixed and built upon from Super.
On the whole it felt like a slightly harder Super Metroid sequel. Though I'm not sure if being able to harvest energy and ammo by destroying most enemy projectiles is an intended mechanic. Hyper would be much harder if you couldn't so easily attain these resupplies. Anyway I highly recommend this to any fan of Metroidvanias.