Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay is strong but not as good as Mafia III imo. Story however is incredibly tight and interesting. Fantastic game if you are into mob/gangster/crime stories/films.

Great fucking story, great characters and gameplay. But it feels rushed, the open world everything is so empty it feels like they had so much planned but it got cut. The story saves the game big time

This game was just a lot of fun from start to finish. The Narrative, Characters, Side Content were all crafted with a lot of passion. I beat this game a few days ago now and I'm still thinking about the ending, it was just so memorable. The amount of details in this game is simply amazing for a game of its time. The open-world was designed so intelligently and there are a million outcomes that make me wanna come back for more. There is a surprising amount of replayability in this game which I know I'm gonna love next time I pick this game back up. Gameplay wise it's definitely a bit dated now but it's nowhere near unplayable I still had a ton of fun with it. There was good balancing and weapon variety that would always keep it interesting. The Radio tracks in this game are great and remind me of how much I love that era of music. The Driving sections are solid but at times they feel a bit drawn out in comparison to the Mafia 1 Remake where you could have a companion there for company and the ride seemed much shorter as a result. Although I rarely ran into any problems with this game glitch/bug wise it did crash 3 times when I was in the middle of a mission so I had to completely restart so it was a pain at the rare times it actually happened. All in all if you like third person shooters with a great story I implore you to play this game.

Although I understand why the original version of this game was praised for its captivating story and immersive atmosphere, I can't help but view this remaster as a missed opportunity. It's difficult for me to identify any notable improvements over the original version. The frame rate remains disappointingly low, and historical glitches persist. I simply hope that d3t Ltd, the developer responsible for this remaster, won't be entrusted with the task of remastering any of my favorite old games in the future.

Orjinal oyunu nasıl bozabildiniz.

It was a really solid experience, but ending just kinda messed everything up for me.... Still really good story with great characters and with super good cutscenes. Gameplay is pretty solid too and shooting mechanics are satisfactory, close combat is rough but when you get the pattern you can get through melee fights very easily. Driving is ok i guess, but i really didn't like long and meaningless driving sections.

And i think this is an acceptable port. I downloaded og version thinking i will have a better experience but NOPE, turns out original version doesn't like when you have a powerful pc and get more than 60FPS. So installed DE and it ran very good. Not 165FPS, not 144FPS but it ran above 120FPS most of the time and yeah not really good for a remaster but game looks pretty and i can live with that.

I didn't play the original version (obviously), so i can't compare two versions but if you have old machine or less powerful machine you can rock with og version no problem. But if you have newer 7 level cpus and a monitor that supports more than 60FPS go for the Mafia 2 Definitive Edition, size is bigger but for me it was worth the waiting.

Now this... oof. I feel like this review is insanely unfair, but as someone who didn't play the original when it came out and doesn't have any nostalgia to it?

This game sucks.

The entire time it felt like I was playing a scuffed version of GTA IV, the story felt like it went nowhere exciting in its entire runtime, the characters had nearly nothing to them, Vito doesn't have the 'cool' factor Tommy has, and I kinda just... wanted it to end. Any character who had any sort of real personality either died or Joe. Who might have ALSO died lmao, I dunno.

The game is plagued with problems, crashes that cause you to restart a whole chapter at times, awful checkpointing, performance drops in the middle of nothing, and it kinda just stuck ass.

If I played this when it came out, I might've enjoyed it more, but as someone experiencing it for the first time in 2021 after playing a really well done remake, it just wasn't up to par. I wish they got the same team who did the Mafia 1 remake to do this one as well, because the quality difference is just ridiculous.

some bugs in the gameplay, but the story still shines here.

For me this was a revisit of a game that I discovered and enjoyed years prior between middle and high school when I first became interested in Mafia and Gangster films and media. going back to it now I was hit by a surprising amount of nostalgia but also was able to more clearly see the game's gameplay issues and some story pacing issues and the game's empty world map. However the game excels where it needs to for a mafia story, which is the dynamics between all of the characters, giving a great story that takes inspiration from both Coppola and Scorsese films alike. And so if you do decided to play this game, this is definitely the version to play

game holds up better on replay. weirdly felt easier on the hardest difficulty? remaster still sucks dick.

Aged like milk, but not as hard as 1. Still very worth it for the story. BETTER GRAMPHICS WOO. Just glad to have it on something other than Xbox.

Masterpiece. Amazing story and gameplay.

I think this game is worth the money that it is especially if you get the mafia trilogy the mafia trilogy is a pack where you all there of the games mafia one mafia two and mafia three I have completed mafia 1 and 2 but I am currently playing on mafia three I don't want to go into to much detail because I don't want to spoil the game for anyone I played this on my ps4[ just to let you know] and I liked it and I generally enjoyed the time I had on it there is something at the end that I am really mad about [its not about the story its something else after you complete the story] but if you come from mafia one the controls are a little bit different but it took me close to no time to get used to it and the game is just a lot different from both mafia one and mafia three the bad thing about the mafias games for me is that when you play mafia one you get used of the controls the when you go onto mafia 2 you are used to the controls of the first game thinking they will be the same but to be honest they are really not the same then you get used of the mafia 2 controls then when you go to play mafia three the controls are completely different from mafia 1 and 2 but except for this the game is really good

A remaster that doesn’t quite hold up, yes there are lots of elements of this game that are great however this remaster is simply just a downgrade. Plenty of performance issues as I played and the open world feels sort of… empty. Not much to do other than the main missions. Main missions feel well paced and great up until the last 5 chapters imo. 2.5/5 for me (would’ve been 3/5 if it wasn’t for glitches)

What a masterpiece, the story, the pace, the reality, it's not one of those tales where everything happens in an instant and you become the President, it's a grind and it's painful.

The friendship binds you beyond the screen.

My favorite game of all time.

This game is perfect when it comes to pretty much everything, replayability, narrative, characters, controls, and graphics.

A sloppy remaster of a great game.

I love the original version of Mafia II, but as of the time I dropped this game, it's unfortunately the worst way to play the game. Particle effects have been downgraded and yet the game still runs worse despite looking the same (at least on PC, may be better in comparison to the original console release). All three DLCs are lackluster with only Joe's Adventures only really being worth the play to bridge a small gap in the story. Odd graphics glitches such as melting faces and AI outright breaking in the remaster is what leads to me to give it a poor score.

Go out of your way to try and pick up the original on Xbox 360 or PS3, and stay far away from this remaster.

So while Mafia 1 got a full remake, Mafia 2 settles for a remaster, Although calling it that seems generous.

Starting with the positive; The game is now in 4K on the newer consoles. Some of the textures are improved, and a few of the main cast have more detailed character models. That's about it though, and even this comes at at cost. There's far more visual glitches and bugs in this than I remember from the 360 version and the still 30fps framerate frequently stutters (even on Series X). It's also missing quality of life improvements that are in both the Mafia remake and Mafia 3, like road signs appearing to direct you to your objective so you're not driving staring at the mini map.

The game itself is still decent. Although it was a little jarring coming from Mafia 1 remake. The first entry has gentleman gangster Don "No cursing on the premises. There's a million words out there, and the man who needs to resort to "fuck this" and "fuck that" is just ignorant or lazy." Salieri easing you in to the game where as Mafia 2 has foul mouthed, whore obsessed Joe "When you measure seven soft, you don't got to be good with words" Barbaro with you for the whole game. That drop in classiness extends to the whole game.

Mafia 2 ramps up the misogyny and has a solid amount of racism (especially against the Chinese). Now I know this is a game about criminals in the 50s but the way the game handles this stuff just feels...immature. It wasn't in Mafia 1 and Mafia 3 approached it in a mature way. here it just comes across as there for the sake of it.

The gameplay itself is mostly good although the majority of my deaths felt cheap, Vito can only take a very small amount of damage and the game frequently drops you in front of multiple enemies nowhere near cover or an enemy through a doorway you can't see 1 shots you. It's made more frustrating with the long gaps between checkpoints.

Overall it's still a fun game but I enjoyed it a lot less than I remembered the first time around.

Difficulty spike in Chapter 14 caused me to bail on this game. Age has not been kind to this game. It blew my mind in 2011 when it came out, but in 2021 it's difficult to play, looks bad, and the story is just so-so.

Mafia II is an amazing game. Mafia II: Definitive Edition is not. Sure its on newer consoles and comes with its (awful) dlc but this is a downgrade in many ways and is bugged all the way to hell. Even streaming the ps3 version on Playstation Now with bad internet would be a better experience

Eu tinha memórias muito boas desse jogo e estraguei elas jogando ele novamente. Apesar de uma história muito boa e personagens marcantes, nada tem muito desenvolvimento e fica enjoativo rápido. Alguns bugs e algumas animações mal feitas, mas um design marcante para o mundo com suas músicas, carros e armas de época. No geral é um bom jogo, só envelheceu muito mal e no final das contas, apesar de a história ser boa, é mal aproveitada e acaba sendo apressada do meio pro fim do jogo.

an alright game that is undeniably inferior to the first from a story perspective. not gonna bother comparing the two considering how different their gameplay is but as a "definitive edition", this is far from a flawless experience. over a year since launch it's still buggy and very inconsistent performance-wise. not in any position to comment on how it looks compared to the original version because i never played it but it's just baffling how much was let slide with this release that still hasn't been properly patched. all of the radio station music is incredible though and the atmosphere is unmatched, i will give it that

My rating for this game would likely be much lower had I played the original mafia II because after seeing gameplay of the original, this is a really poor remaster as the graphics aren't all that much better apart from a few good looking cutscenes here and there and this game can get pretty buggy.

Despite that though, as someone who hadn't already experienced this game before, I really enjoyed this game for the most part. The characters are really engaging and the story is fantastic. Not massively overblown and dramatic, alot of the activities within this game seem really realistic as to what would go on in an organised crime group.

The melee combat, while extremely simplistic, is very fun. The guns are nicely authentic for a post - WW2 game but I don't find the gunfire to be all that satisfying, it's a little bit flat.

I liked this game for the story largely, the charm and realism makes it a really fun playthrough but like I said, as a remaster it's very flawed

Como eu queria ter vivido nos anos 50, entrado pra mafia e morrido antes dos 30

Why play this when games like Witcher or Skyrim exist?

funny, good story

checkpoint system SUCKS especially if you're playing on hard

they fixed the bugs on the older version, but added more, some sound bugs (the music of the cutscene keeps playing in gameplay; the character dialog is playing twice).

You can explain about all the cringy shit when you realize 2K Czech was involved.

Still a pretty solid little experience. Breezes by. The open world isn't meant for exploration but you can stumble upon some neat details and entertaining A.I. if you fool around. Gunplay is still weak. There's nothing to it. I remember thinking the melee was so deep and I'm just out here holding X down and watching the A.I. make a fool of itself.

4 needless porno mags out of 5.

Decent if dated game. The soundtrack is great and there are some fun set-pieces throughout (namely the window cleaning mission). However, whilst the game has a really good final few hours most of the plot is plodding and a lot of the missions are simply driving between locations.

The actual gameplay has some pretty major issues. Gunplay is clunky and unforgiving and the checkpoint system is ludicrously unbalanced - Once my game crashed 20 minutes into a mission and when I loaded back in I had to start from scratch.

This brings up the other major issue: the bugs. The game is full of technical issues. In the ~10 hours it took me to beat this game it crashed 3 or 4 times, textures constantly popped in and out with a slew of visual issues, and repeating audio forced a few more restarts.

It's not a bad game but this remaster feels low-effort at best.