Reviews from

in the past

Whenever I played this with other people, they'd rather go back to Mario Party Island Tour instead. The main game mode here just wasn't very fun.

Really neat concept, character dices are dumb and I can use amiibo to get an advantage early but it's neat anyway.

It was a better game than island tour, but I wouldn't say a better mario party game. Though it did have some good minigames.

A bit of a twist in the series, and it is a fun experience overall. It sucks you can't play all the boards unless all of your friends own a copy of the game though.

fun game but doesn't seem much like Mario party

A unique twist on the Mario Party formula. But being unique doesn't automatically make something good.

Had some fun with the Coinathalon though.

Good Mario Party game. Worse than Island Tour but still good. Changes to the board were less than favorable but Nintendo made it up with the mini games. By that, they had a high amount of high quality mini games in this game. Get this game if you don't mind some board changes and changes to the game's interface as a whole

Minigames kinda suck, but it's alright

Don't really remember it, but I know it was worse than The Top 100 so I'll give it a worse score.

Jogo perfeito, lindo, maravilhoso e extremamente divertido, recheado com minigames que me fizeram e ainda irão me fazer perder horas do meu dia graças a sua qualidade e tremenda diversão, eterno amor por esse party game que me fez mudar meus conceitos sobre esse gênero.
Fiquei muito "viciado" e preso na maioria dos joguinhos, principalmente os de "coins chaos" que são os mais atraentes aos meus olhos, porém todo o resto é muito bem feito da mesma forma. O game te instiga a jogar todos os modos, aqueles quais são desbloqueados a cada vez que você sobe de nível, nesses modos de jogo o player além de ganhar XP também desbloqueia novos minigames para serem jogados logo de cara no menu do jogo quando quiser. Esses modos são muito bem elaborados, seja os de música o qual o jogador tem de selecionar um instrumento e uma trilha (da saga mário) e tem que acertar o timing perfeito dos botões, ou seja os de boss fights os quais vários players (bots ou online) são alocados para um mapa com desafios até chegarem no chefe, a batalha sempre é um mini game diferenciado e MUITO bem feito.
Fico horas so jogando o jogo de pesca do tanto que amei esse game por exemplo, Mario Party Star Rush ganhou um amor muito especial por mim porque eu sinto a verdadeira essência de um videogame dele: a pura diversão, e epero que eu passe muito mais tempo nessa obra prima ainda

everything about this game is mindboggling, just not a whole lot of fun occuring

Honestly not too bad, but not too great either.

A strange spin on the Mario Party formula, Star Rush once again reinvents the wheel and it's result are middling. The fact that all players take their turns at once doesn't really make the game feel more balanced or engaging and the side content on offer here is just acceptable. It's also hampered by being on a 3ds as Multiplayer is more difficult to do. Skip this one unless you think the side modes interest you enough to justify purchasing it.

Better than Island Tour I guess? This one is more tolerable but suffers from the same problem of not having the original Mario Party gamemode in it.

Decent game, the only things stopping me from calling this game good is Toad Scramble being the main mode and the fact that there aren't that many minigames compared to the other Mario Party games.

Team scramble was super decent. But you can tell your friends dont wanna play it again.

The rest of the modes are just overly simple stuff. The Amiibo mode is super lame. This couldve worked with more refinement but as of now, it sure is a modern mario party.

Fun modes, but what are the odds that you will find at least one person who owns this game?

ngm gosta do meu amorzinho, mais eu amo meu amorzinho :(

Mario Party but they forgot the minigames



I thought this game was actually half decent, which certainly seems to be a minority opinion. Star Rush did a great job of scratching the Mario Party itch for me on a portable level, and the gameplay itself had more to offer than Mario Party DS. I guess I have a soft spot for it.

any other handheld mario party game are ehhh

i dont wanna HEAR it, nintendo youtubers. this game SLAPS

It's better than Mario Party 10 I guess but everyone can say that about themselves

This and Paper Mario Color Splash released like, 1 day apart, and I had to pick between this or that, and I ended up going with Color Splash, so I didn't play this until last year. Being a Nintendo fan in 2016 was hell on earth I never wanna go back