Reviews from

in the past

The clearest example that a game needs more than gameplay to survive. Outside the gameplay this game fails so so hard in every direction. Art, design, music, graphics, content, laughable story and a weaker roster than the game before. Seriously disapointing.

I don't think enough people gave this game a chance and it died a sad death. The gameplay of this game far exceeds any other MVC game.

People weren't lying when they said the combat is actually pretty solid. Surprisingly so, since Capcom seems to have spent this game's entire budget on voice acting

The writing in the story mode is pretty awful, though. It's just as bad as the MCU films... actually, that's not true. Dr. Light calls for murder at one point so it might actually be better than the writing in Marvel films.

This game should have been the best MvC instead it is the worst

Not a fan of marvel vs capcom

3 pq sale dante nomas(te amo dante👍)👍

This game feels like it had the budget of 30 cents and a piece of paper

MVCI is the fighting game equivalent of an ugly chick with an amazing personality. The production values are a complete shot in the dark, with some characters looking excellent and others looking like their models are unfinished, and the roster is a hodgepodge of obvious and really lame Capcom picks, MCU-approved Marvel picks, and a lack of many fan favourites from both sides, owing to a production cycle rife with Marvel mandates and Capcom budgetary restrictions. Yet, its gameplay is some of the most fun I've had with a fighter, with an excellent netcode to boot. Maybe I'm easy to please, but at the prices you can probably find the game at nowadays, it's well worth at least a try if you're looking to scratch that VS itch.

not as bad as everyone says lmao it’s still fun but yeah the problems with this are super blatant…

An OK fighting game, but a bad MvC game.

The tag of duos is back and it's ok, but come on now we don't have any X-Men, I mean whot?!, thanks Disney, anyway some of the characters are good and the story is interesting not the best of the best but if you want to watch Capcom and Marvel greatest character interacting each other you can play this.

gameplay was good, but thats about it. looks ugly and the characters selected feel like an ad. such a shame

Best gameplay in the series
Lack of content

This game is ugly as hell but man is it fun. Some of the best tag mechanics in any team fighter. Didn't deserve the fate it got but at least there's still a portion of us who enjoyed it.

As a fighting game it's solid af and mods fix a lot of the visual and audio issues

I don't blame anyone for not giving this the time of day tho.

not as bad as everyone says it is. yes the graphics and roster isn't great but the game mechanically is really good and its definitely the most beginner friendly V.S. game which isn't a bad thing

MvC: Infinite foi a minha primeira tentativa de dar uma chance a essa franquia de jogos da Capcom em parceria com a Marvel e infelizmente não tive uma experiência nada boa, a mecânica chega até a ser divertida por ser bastante frenética já que essa é a proposta desses jogos agora o que peca de verdade é o enredo que é extremamente medíocre comparado ao que a DC fez com a série Injustice, aqui não existe uma profundidade do enredo como os jogos da DC e sim uma desculpa para os heróis se juntarem e combaterem um mal maior, os diálogos são fracos e "infinitamente" sem convicção das coisas que acontecem e da coerência dos dois universos se interligarem, você vê que os dois universos não se encaixam de maneira nenhuma trazendo aquela sensação horrível de estranheza do que você está vendo com uma infinidade de clichê e piadas que novamente não se encaixam, claro não posso falar que os outros demais da franquia tem o mesmo problema já que só joguei esse de fato mas pelo que eu vi daqui em comparação com o que a DC vem trazendo na série Injustice a Marvel tem muito o que correr atrás...

This game plays great, the story feels like a cartoon one off episode. The roster is missing the iconic xmen that brought the series to life in the first place. capcom should take this franchise more seriously and give it a better budget

How do you take a concept as cool as Ultron-Sigma and fuck it up??? The cutscenes were boring, the plot made no sense, the framerate was god awful, and the gameplay itself was just BAD. There's no good reason to play this game when 3 and Dragonball FighterZ exist.

this game is really really fun, but it looks like shit and is lacking in content compared to most other fighting games, especially ones in this series. the story was fun though, i'm a sucker for a stupid fighting game story.

This game is not that bad. It is just a big step down from the rest of the series. The game looks ugly and the infinity stone system is stupid. I do love how they made X a character and having sigma as the big bad of the game is awesome to see. The game is still fun to play and mess around with like the rest. But compared to everything else its just not really worth it.

Ehhhh, I played it like once and completely thrashed my brother at it, never played the story mode and dont know if I ever will...