Reviews from

in the past

I fear it may become too samey and boring

Pretty cool platforming ... fun story

Some neat ideas, but the gameplay just isn't that interesting.

Primeira jogo que eu zerei na vida, boas lembranças

Tried it out for the sake of a Game Pass quest, didn't feel too compelled to stick with it afterward. It had some cool ideas, but the overall flow of the gameplay was rather bland.

This game is so stylistically different from its predecessor, Max and the Majic Marker (2010), that quite a few player probably didn’t realize they were even connected despite the naming of both games.
Beyond that though, Max and the Curse of Brotherhood is a much more polished game than the first installment, giving the player more creative freedom when it comes to puzzle solving as well having a much more interesting art style.
The gameplay is also pretty good, not exactly groundbreaking but easy to understand but deep enough that it doesn’t get repetitive too quickly. While there hasn’t been any announced follow up in the near decade since the game’s release, it’s a property that could really grow if given the chance.
Fun little game, especially if you can pick it up for cheap or play it on Xbox Game Pass.

pretty okay platformer, also pretty short. finished it on the day i got it

This looks cartoonish at first but the atmosphere (as I remember it at least) is imposing and stuff looks like nightmare fuel. The gimmick makes it a really fun and great game over all

Joguei com meu pai no x360 e jogavamos juntos quase todos os dias ;D SAUDADESSSSS

listen no one’s under the impression that this is the peak of game development but it’s pretty fun and harmless!

jogo de plataforma normal, quase não lembro de nada

Cool creative platformer, but maybe a little repetitive

Gameplay - 8
Trilha Sonora - 7
Gráficos - 10
História - 8

Nota - 8.25

I played this way back when I was super broke and I got it on GWG, and god do I hate this game .

after getting 100% on this game here is what I have say. This is a pretty good game. yeah, sometimes it does get repetitive, but it still is fun. Also love the way the game looks. But if I was going for just 100% achievements, I would give 3.5 but I was going for 100% everything which brings my rating down. one small mistake on a level can led to a death and then you have to restart the level to get the no death medal. Besides that its a nice game on game pass.

Very fun game. Was really frustrating trying to get all the collectibles though and I never got to finish 100%ing it.

I got this game on sale and finally got to play it. I enjoyed the game as it was a side scrolling puzzle game. If you are expecting a game with power-ups and fighting enemies, this may not be the game for you.
Despite what some people may feel, the graphics are great, I just feel the character models is a little dated but nothing can be classified as ugly. Alot of care went to the cut scenes.
The voice acting is actually really good for an indie game.
My issue with the graphics and level design is, you cannot distinguish between what is a platform and what is cosmetic that the player cannot interact with You gradually get new abilities in the game and the puzzles can be a head scratcher.
The game does encourage you to try creative ways to get though. The length is appropriate, especially for what I paid (about $7 USD) and highly recommended at that price.