Reviews from

in the past

The basslines in this game are ingrained into the folds of my brain.

dunking never felt so right

never broke so many "games" and rims.

The original NBA Street was a breakthrough at the time and deserves a lot of credit for ushering in a new era of arcade sports games.

It's still fun to play today despite having some limitations of being the first game in the series. Its direct sequel, NBA Street Volume 2, is widely considered the definitive game in the series. Nevertheless, I enjoyed going back to the beginning and revisiting where it all started.

Fun game with a lot of style. the original characters were cool and the stages are very distinctive one from another. Nice game.

Rented this back in the day - a fun arcade basketball game. But it doesn't hold a candle to its sequel...

Vol 2. was goated…this was close

An absolute GameCube classic man sadly it doesn’t hit the same anymore but still a alltime favorite

Completely unrealistic basketball is the only type of basketball I'm interested in, video game or otherwise, thank you very much

Unexpected fun basketball game I got when I was 11 or 12. I know it’d still be fun to play today. Remember maxing out my character’s height and eventually stats. Goaltending is allowed so just imagine how unstoppable you can get.

A stone-cold classic and a game I will still regularly toss in the PS2 to unwind.

"Michael Jordan's back!!"
"Gone MJ! Do your thang!"
Michael Jordan was always on my team. I remember the npcs exclaiming about him often. Had a lot of fun playing this game. I got into basketball as a preteen, never played on a team or anything irl but enjoyed shooting hoops.