Reviews from

in the past

This is where the Rei fishing meme comes from...?

Anyway, it’s fun, cute, and weird. Very little actual point-and-click, so it’s kind of just like watching the worst episode of the show.

More like Neon Genesis Evangelion Girlfriend of Mid

very awkwardly paced - it auto reads and at a Very Very leisure pace. it's grating

the second half tries to do things that aren't be unoriginal slice of life bullshit but ends up being just an unnoteworthy series of downer scenes with no real impact to them, again not helped by the pace
because of this it's in a weird spot where the blatantly bad fiction first half has some appeal and the second doesn't really - as a whole it has more integrity and tries to do more than girlfriend of steel 2nd but it's harder to recommend because again it goes from bad but funny to just not good - while that one is bad but funny with some extremely cringeworthy moments sprinkled, exemplary bad fiction that doesn't even try to leave that realm

i like mana's hat
shoutout penpen

did we need to see her boobs on the mana ending, really
the special edition ending is one of the worst endings of all time though

Minha primeira VN, e bem... foi bem legal, não achei arrastado e até que foi muito divertido, parecia que eu tava vendo um grande episódio de Evangelion.

Mas sobre ele, eu vim com expectativas erradas, pensei que ia ser um simulador de romance tosco com os personagens de Eva mas foi diferente, foi uma historia mesmo que envolvia romance, e a historia passa bem a vibe de eva.

A atmosfera, o silencio nas cenas, as cenas desenhadas, tudo passa uma vibe de Evangelion mesmo, mas ainda assim é bem simples e comum a historia, nada nivel do anime mesmo.

É bem bacana a interface e a tal ''gameplay'' que ele tenta colocar, de voce andar pelos locais, é legal pra conhecer mas jesus amado é muito confuso, principalmente naquela parte fudida de chegar na loja de livros... perdi muito tempo naquilo

Sobre os finais, o da Asuka achei muito tosco, mas até que... realista? talvez combine com o shinji, sei lá eu to maluco.

O do meio, é bem fofo só que acaba da mesma maneira que o do Kaji, só que puta que pariu do NADA os caras lançam uma cena de nudez mané, maluco eu ri igual um arrombado quando isso rolou.

O final do Kaji é bem feliz e isso é legal mas ainda assim foi nada de mais, nem cheira nem fede. Acho que define o jogo essa frase, é fodase pra caralho, mas foi uma experiencia muito bacana e a Mana é uma personagem bem carismatica, com toda certeza melhor do que a que foi introduzida nos Rebuilds.

Recomendo quem é fã de Eva dar uma olhada no jogo.

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Um jogo que envolve romance, triângulo amoroso, drama, plot twists e robôs gigantes.
Não sou muito fã de VNs, mas eu precise dar uma olhada no jogo textual(se esse for o termo incorreto, peço perdão aos fãs) da minha franquia favorita e confesso que não me arrependo, apesar do jogo passar uma realidade muito diferente do que é no anime, o que eu já tava esperando.

Achei fofo o romance ingênuo e gentil entre o Shinji e essa nova personagem da franquia. Aqui não tem tanto foco na vida dele como piloto do Eva, mas sim como um adolescente que está descobrindo o amor. Tem um final agridoce que eu até gostei, mas eu acho que existe mais de um final para essa história, assim como o anime em si.

Recomendo fortemente para quem é fã do anime.

Man, first time i heard this game was so cool to me, and playing now, no regrets, feels like a great movie about evangelion, i love it, i could understand that more than the entire series, but yeah, game is beautiful, the music, and the atmosphere, like the first half of eva and the goofy episodes that i love, i got the asuka route, so try and get other route, believe me, game is good.

You could put Eva BGM over the most boring ahh shit and still have it be enjoyable, but they do spin a cute story here which I'd honestly have loved to see developed beyond the confines of being a pretty basic 3 hour VN here but alas. Specially enjoyed the choppily animated backgrounds like all the escalators in the NERV headquarters (I don't know why, they just ooze late 90s PC swag). I just wish I stayed put and didn't check the other endings I didn't initially pick because while one of them was fine, the other one had tits (they really couldn't help themselves huh) and the other other one (which wasn't even in the original version,afaik?) was just legit fucking dogshit.

Se podrian haber ahorrado lo de ir moviendote por zonas y simplemente haberlo hecho una visual novel al 100%

Se me hizo cortisimo (porque es cortisimo el juego)

nem é um jogo mas eu achei muito legalzinho, 4.5 pela história de aquecer o coraçãozinho (btw eu "joguei" a versão de psp)

Yeah I watched a YT playthrough of it but I sat through the whole thing and saw all the endings (even the additional PS2 one) so I'm counting it as played, whatever. Mana's lovely. Made me more depressed about my life than I already was lol.

i like this one honestly, it feels like one of the middle episodes of the show. the HORRIBLE midis on the win 95 version are pretty amusing tho lol.

Pretty decent visual novel, the story is somewhat repeated from the show but has new content and some new characters. Some of the endings are pretty wacky and ridiculous

Simplesmente o goat dos simuladores de namoro.

As a teenager first getting into anime with Evangelion, I was always so intrigued about this untranslated PC game that I would read about on forums but never get to play.

In reality, I shouldn't have been disappointed that I wouldn't get to play it. It's an extremely basic visual novel that's only about 2-3 hours in length and the ending is determined by a single multiple choice prompt right at the end. The writing is pretty generic VN romance fair, with the characters' personalities only having a vague similarity to their anime counterparts. It's as though the writing team had the characters and plot hurriedly described to them over the course of a short elevator ride and had to scrape together something without being allowed to actually watch the show.

Also, I'm not sure if this is only on the PSP version I played, but the game is permanently set to auto-play, so you can't pause or save until you reach one of the very few interactable scenes that amount to selecting a dialogue prompt or moving to a new location. This would have made it impossible to take an unplanned break if I hadn't been able to pause the emulator.

Girlfriend of Steel is short enough to maybe be worth looking at if you're particularly curious about a piece of internet anime nostalgia, but I couldn't really recommend it.

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ive been saying i would finish this vn for like a year now so im shelving it, really impressive, shinji falls for the most obvious trick ever

aii que legau *-* é tipo evangelion só que sem problema mental e trauma muinto bacana gostei :-D

Impressive that this feels so close to an episode of the show in its structure, but also it doesn't feel like it's really fits at all with in the story. Basically, it's exactly what you might expect the Evangelion VN to be like.