Reviews from

in the past

Why does the game play itself

I'm getting better and better at noticing games that physically drain me. I only played this for two hours!

Sarcasm aside, this is really bad. The monetization continues the trend of "We're the bad guys in an dystopian story". The game wants to play itself and auto-activates auto-walking and auto-battling with every new quest. All of the systems are predatory, none of them are fun. Which is the reason I really can't praise the charming presentation - it just makes the game even more predatory.

You're all playing it wrong, this is actually a visual novel game. After all dialogue is the only thing that can't be on auto mode 😅🤣

Um jogo um tanto broxante, tendo nenhuma inovação além de uma gameplay nada flexível. Eu estava ansioso pra jogar até ver o quão limitado esse jogo é. Não tem muito oque falar, é literalmente mais um em muitos, só muda os personagens.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds no es un buen juego, solo es una maquina para sacarte el dinero usando cualquier medio que se les ocurra mientras ofrece nada interesante. El juego está aquí solo para que le des dinero, no para que juegues, cualquier apartado en el que tu podrías tener un mínimo de control puede hacer de manera automática.
A la persona que esté leyendo esto, te recomiendo que no gastes tu tiempo con este juego y vayas a jugar algo mejor como los otros Ni no Kuni.

This is my first gacha game that I dedicated significant time to, and I have to's awful. I hesitate to even call it a game. This was so painful because I love Ni No Kuni back on ps3. I can't even think of anything clever to say, it just makes me sad to see this.

Don't be fooled by the charming art style, music and character VO... This game is a horribly capitalistic mobile game through and through. It's just a barrage of unecessary things to keep track of, so many so-called rewards and checkmarks to obtain, all of them meaningless. The actual gameplay gets old real quick, to the point you'll actually glad that the game has mechanics built in to make you play the game less and let the game itself do it for you. Stay away from this good looking trash.

eff this game i’ve never played this game but i really hate how they just made it a genshin copy when the original ni no kuni games are such a unique experience and i love them and i hate this game

The Ni No Kuni series is easily one of my favorites in the history of gaming. Both Wrath of the White Witch and Revenant Kingdom are some of the most beautiful games the world has to offer with stunning visuals, exciting gameplay, and engaging narratives that tackle loss in extremely respectful ways. Ni No Kuni II is one of my favorite video games of all time and I will never forget my memories of traveling through Ding Dong Dell, opening chests in the overworld, fighting ginormous bosses, all to end a play session with a bit of castle management simulation. To say that Cross Worlds' spits in the face of me and everyone else who has fallen in love with this series is the understatement of the century.

I don't like taking my time writing out serious analysis where I go in depth on anything because most high effort reviews are cookie cutter (Yeah, I know, giving people who can barely write their own name the ability to write 'reviews' will either lead to awful in depth case studies or the lowest effort shitposts, go figure), so I'm just gonna skip the fluff and just talk about why this game is so insulting to me and the few friends who I've made through the magnificent Ni No Kuni series.

I don't think I have to state that microtransactions ruin a lot of good games, yeah? It's one of the few things all gamers can agree upon and this game is no different because of that. I understand mobile games need a way to thrive, but microtransactions aren't necessary to make an amazing free to play game. Just look at Overwatch 2 and Fortnite. Yeah, they exist, but they aren't essential to the experience. It just turns Cross Worlds into a slog. That alone wouldn't get the game a 0.5 rating, but then you have to throw in NFTs to a series like Ni No Kuni.

The Ni No Kuni games are animated by Studio Ghibli, so to add something as crude in comparison is genuinely infuriating. I've never seen good NFT are and I never will. There's cases to be made about good AI art (Look at Everything Everything's Raw Data Feel if you need an example on how to properly utilize AI art), but when I envision NFT art, I envision people who can afford sports cars but still pick their nose bragging in Discord servers about their monkey avatar they paid $1.3 million dollars for and them completely glossing over the fact that in order to make that avatar, more pollution was put into our atmosphere than a week of rush hour exhaust in Los Angeles. NFTs are fucking lame and everyone who purchases one is a retard who likes Rick and Morty and smells like cheese.

I have no idea how to end this as I'm writing this on the cuff, so I'll just end this by saying that do not play this game. I do recommend you check out Wrath of the White Witch and Revenant Kingdom, though. WotWW is a Pokémon esque real time JPRG and Revenant Kingdom is an action JRPG with life sim elements. Both have amazing visual, great music, and heartfelt stories.

Rating: Z
Genre(s): JRPG, mobile game

Le jeu se joue mieux par lui même

i played this for a while right when it came out, the game plays itself, everything runs on auto. a waste of battery but the story and cute world still had me hooked for a few weeks

There is a lot to like about this game. Great graphics, decent sound design and side quests, good menus, beautifull world etc.
I have no doubt a lot of effort and love was put into the game, but sadly there is a mix of the most common Mobile and MMO sins that really drags the game down.

Unpleasant tutorial windows comming up everything you want to do, a lot of uncessessary and boring conversation text that slows the pace of the game a lot, meaning you will go through 20 minutes of mashing A until you can really play the game as you would like.

Intrusive tutorials forcing you to click in certain parts of the menu one for one. Auto-combat and auto-walk seems like a nice addition but just makes the game play itself meaning you almost don't need to interact and get yourself watching boring grind/missions for most of the game.

I haven't played A LOT of the game, just a few hours, so take it with a grain of salt. But this tutorial made me have no interesting in going foward at all

why'd they have to make it an nft thing :-(

Ghibli-esque artstyle as a front for, no exaggeration, the game equivalent of fracking. Set your phone down on the table and do something else while it aggressively autoplays through quite literally all of its content. With blockchain integration and NFTs proudly on the game's roadmap, how can you not be excited to let this piece of shit suck your battery dry.

This game is the saddest one to review for me, because i love Ni No Kuni, and a NNK MMO really was a great idea. The game do have good ideas, but the gameplay sucks being so automated, the microtransactions are predatory and bad, im not even talking about this being involved in a crypto scam.
Really, LV5 destroyed my favorite game, absolutely butchered all my hopes. The only reason its 1 star is because i like the graphics, characters and the return of familiars.
I hope they fix this game, or fans open a piracy server to fix themselves. Albeit, i really doubt anyone cares enough for Cross Worlds for this to happen.

I love Ni No Kuni series, but I despise autoclickers. I just pressed one button and this game was played itself.

Gonna put 2.5 stars only for graphics and music which I really dig.

Now make third game please

Como a maioria dos MMORPG mobile, ele é uma vergonha.

Gameplay ruim e sem graça, além de pouca variedade de habilidades.
O arqueiro nesse jogo praticamente é um espadachim de tão perto que ele bate, já que o alcance é baixo e os inimigos são super rápidos.

O jogo tenta te mandar pro automático diversas vezes, tive que desativar muita coisa pra começar a jogar sozinho e mesmo assim, quando seguir a missão tava ativado, ele já começava a batalhar automaticamente.
Ele tenta tanto te forçar a ficar no automático que quando tu clicava pra seguir missão, ele mostrava na tela onde tu deveria ir, mas se tu desativasse pra poder ir manualmente, o jogo desaparecia com a marcação, eles não querem que tu jogue de verdade.
Um jogo que não quer que tu jogue, isso nem faz sentido, eles conseguiam falhar no básico.

Além de novamente ao invés de PERSONAGENS REAIS, tu tem alguns modelos bobos que tu customiza, eles nem ao menos tem falas no jogo se não me engano, ou seja, um personagem sem personalidade, chega a ser ridículo.

Outro problema gravíssimo é o sistema de equipamento, é tão confuso que desisti de entender

A única coisa nesse jogo que é legal, são os gráficos, o estilo é muito bonito, mas os defeitos são tão grandes que somente o visual não é capaz de fazer esse jogo se tornar decente, espero que esse jogo morra e reutilizem o universo dele pra criar um jogo de verdade.

La idea era interesante y estuve bastante tiempo jugando... El problema es que al final dejé de ponerle interés porque me cansé, quizás un día vuelva pero ahora mismo no

Why they always gotta lock up some cool world building and new lore and characters behind these damn mobile games. 😭

i'd put 5 stars if they didn't paywall the game and add nfts, they slaughtered one of my favorite sagas

graphics look great i mean its ni no kuny
the game it self is so bland though and just kinda plays itself

Lets just get this out of the way; This game literally fucking plays itself, and it's not even good at it.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds was unfortunately my introduction to the series, and I can honestly say that it is possibly one of the worst that I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing. Cross Worlds is so unbelievably grindy that not only does the game actually need to play itself to progress, but even if you do sit through this slog, you'll never actually complete the game. I don't know a single person who has actually finished this game or knows the entire story because it's locked behind hundreds of hours worth of grind hell. However, alternatively you can skip only a portion of the grinding by spending an incredible amount of money since this game has an even worse amount of microtransactions littering it.

For some reason I put about 100 hours in this game before I decided to call it quits. While I was playing it felt like I was actually playing an idle game where I would occasionally check in on my grinding progress so I could readjust when needed.

Overall, don't download this game. It's not worth your time. From what I understand the other games in this series are infinitely better, so if you are interested in the art style and story, I would recommend checking out this series other titles.