Reviews from

in the past

Whenever anyone brings up Ninja Gaiden on the internet, you will more likely than not hear them talk about the original, or maybe the modern games (and maybe even Dead or Alive if you are one of THOSE people). Which is a shame too, because the other Ninja Gaiden games, for the most part, still hold up pretty well, even if they may not be as good as the original, at least, in terms of the original series.

After the success of the original Ninja Gaiden on the NES (and not so much the arcade version), a sequel, Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos, was released two years later, and I am happy to say that it is a great follow up to the original. I wouldn't say that I like it more than the original game, because that one I have more memories with, but on an objective level, I would say this game is better than the original, but only BARELY.

The story is once again pretty complex for an NES game, once again helped out by the cinematics, which are just as great as the original game, the graphics are still pretty good, even if they are practically identical to the original game, the music is once again a banger, the control is practically the exact same as the original, and the gameplay is more of the same fantastic, fast, and frantic ninja gameplay we come to expect from this series.

If I were to describe this game, I would say it is Ninja Gaiden again, except with more stuff to mess around with. Not only are there more stages, bosses, and different level hazards to put the player to the test, such as wind, flashing lights, and ice (by the way, fuck ice physics), but there are also new weapons and power ups that you can mess around with, such as one where you can make up to two clones that follow you around and attack things at the same pace as you. All of this make the game much more enjoyable, fun, and yes, difficult then the original game.

This game, in terms of difficulty, is even more difficult then the original. Not by much, but it is a noticeable increase, and once again, it can get annoying, but not enough to make me give up. And again, like the last game, whenever you die at the bosses in the last act, you get sent back NOT to the beginning of the act, but the second part, which isn't as bad, but considering that the final act has five parts, it is basically the same punishment. So it is good to see that nothing has changed between installments.

Overall, while I still prefer the original over this, I would consider this a fantastic follow up of the original game that in some instances is even better than the original, with plenty of threats and challenges to take on that the original made so iconic.

Game #55

Definitely an improvement from the last one. Aside of the more detailed scenarios and new weapons, Ryu has a much better control (like FINALLY being able to attack when hanging from a wall). The story is slightly worse for me, but it has also a more fair difficulty I'd say. I'd say it's more fun than its predecessor.

Huge improvement over its predecessor. Much less frustrating and plays much better but the final two stages are AIDS with their enemy placement and spam. The final boss (consisting of three phases yet again :) ) also sends you pretty far back like the first game does but thankfully not as far and resumes the fight from the phase you died on.

The music on the rain stage makes me think of a Washing Machine commercial. it is a total bop.

This is the best in the NES Trilogy. Lots of cool gimmicks and varied stages design. The final boss is a very good challenge but not cheap like in the first game

One of my favorite NES games. When I was in high school this was one of those games that I learned in and out. To this day I try to revisit it when I can and never get tired of it. The stage gimmicks, new abilities, and better balance just bring this game head and shoulders above the rest of the trilogy. Only thing holding it back from a 5/5 is that the story is easily the weakest of the three. However, story is not exactly a dealbreaker when dealing with most NES games.

This is my absolute favorite, #1 on any list game.
The first game was good, but man…they cranked it up with the sequel.
The pulpy atmosphere, the lush (by NES standards) cutscenes, the fun new power ups (orange ninja clones!).
The bad guy is fun and appropriately villainous, with a face only a Cobra Commander could love.
This was the first game that I really took notice of the soundtrack. I even ended up buying the OST on vinyl a couple years ago.
All this to say this game is bad ass. Go play it!

(Esqueci de marcar esse no backloggd) consegue superar mil vezes o primeiro, acho que definitivamente o melhor da trilogia.

They stole the ninja clones from Irem’s Ninja Spirit but you can’t fault them for all the power ups they crammed in here.

Solid game that it's still difficult

Such a hype intro and smooth controls

Igual de bueno que ninja gaiden 1 pero con mejora grafica y un mejor desarrollo de niveles.
Tiene unas canciones que flipas dirian los españoles.

Cool game but it’s a complete pain in my ass and I hate it.

I’ll say this the first half is very good and even better than the first. Interesting level gimmicks while still being challenging and enjoyable. To me the game is both more fair and fun than the original. Beautiful graphics as well. It felt like I was being tested in some pretty enjoyable ways instead of just having a bunch annoying enemy patterns thrown at me all at once. That is for the first half. The first half offers some good set ups for the story and some fun action stages that rely less on the bullshit enemy placement of the original and more on interesting set pieces. The second half is when the god awful enemy placement returns. It’s pretty fucking aggravating late into the game and it quickly loses a lot of its fun factor. As for the story I commend them for the cutscenes and presentation because that’s all great. The story itself is very lazy and just a boring retread of the first but less interesting. Same exact set ups and plot beats. Sure the original is no masterpiece in storytelling but for the time it’s entertaining and gets the job done. They could’ve taken in further in the sequel but they unfortunately got lazy. Still I don’t hate this game. It’s extremely well made and fun to play. And tbh the first half is very fun and special. But the moment you get to the second half the game design gets even lower than the low points of the original and it’ll make you wish you were playing that game instead. Also that final boss can fuck off. Again it’s basically the same shit as the original. It literally repeats 2 of the 3 forms from the first games final boss but it’s just unfair in this game.

Um dos primeiros jogos que eu vi ter cutscene, com uma dificuldade alta, mas muito satisfatória, tendo como ponto negativo os malditos passaros que consegue ser mais chatos que as medusas de Castlevania

pretty solid sequel to the first ninja gaiden. Honestly the difficulty in this game isn't that bad, the stages are the hardest part in this as all the bosses are pretty easy due to the new item pickup that clones you up to 2 times which lets you shred their HP and thankfully the game isn't as evil as NG1 sending you all the way back to the first stage if you die to a boss.
I still think I prefer 1 slightly more but they are both pretty close.

Conheci esse jogo pela internet depois de mais velho, e cara... deviam dar atenção a isso, você mesmo! jogador de dark souls.

Same issue with the first game, though not as bad since it starts you at the beginning of the stage rather than the act when you game over. Fun but overly difficult.

Notable improvements on the game however, still has a decent amount of bs that holds it back. A bit better than the first game.

While still very fun to play and look at, something about this just didn't feel right even with the new Clone power up.
Like, either the enemy placement or level design just felt annoying at points, tho I'll give it that the wall climbing is pretty neat.
Oh, the fact that it doesn't heal you between the final boss "phases" is stupid, and they do the fakeout thing twice is like, bruh.

Ele é tipo o um, só que deixa ele menos dificil pras fases, arruma a mecânica de se prender nas paredes (mas ainda é uma bosta), só que dai tu faz os bosses serem na mesma dificuldade menos aquela porra daqueles dois bixo gordo fudido, mas dai tu tem que enfrentar eles com a vida que tu saiu das fases QUE NÃO É MUITO e isso faz ser um dos jogos mais frustrantes que eu já joguei MESMO COM SAVE STATES

A rota final é tão ruim quanto a do primeiro

One step forward and one step back with this one. While it's clear that this game is more sophisticated than its predecessor in a few ways, a whole new set of issues appeared to fill in for the old ones. Enemy spawns were the biggest problem I had with the old one and it was partially fixed. Level design I found to be more annoying on average compared the the first game- at the very least for the first half. The last level is just as fucked up and forces you into a boss gauntlet at the end. The extra ninja upgrade is really cool, but can be really annoying when it induces extra sprite flicker. They also obscure enemies coming from behind.

All positives are about the same as what I said of the first game. I'd call it a worthy sequel but not exactly a better game.

its still hell without cheats with cheats its fun and much more engaging than the first game.

La música sigue increíble, la jugabilidad apretada y la dificultad endiablada.

its fun when the sword actually hits the enemies

This was really good the story and the cutscenes were great this was a lot more difficult than the first one still a great game though.

Una mejora considerable del primer juego, al tener un diseño de niveles mejor planteado y variado, un combate más sustancial gracias a los nuevos power ups, jefes más divertidos de enfrentar y una abismalmente mejor presentación y apartado artístico. La narrativa sigue sin ser especialmente buena (por no decir que llega a ser peor que la del primer juego culpa del cambio forzado de antagonista y una carencia de nucleo emocional en el conflicto), y que el respawn infinito de enemigos sigue presente, pero en general es una secuela superadora que hace bien muchas cosas que el juego anterior hizo mal.

One of the best action platformers of the 8-bit era without doubt. It took the few issues the first game had, improved upon them, and then added polish everywhere else. Great visuals, music, and the improved level design keep this one going all the way to the cinematic ending.