Reviews from

in the past

Same game as the first basically, but from a different narrative perspective and with different primary enemies. More gruesome than the first, so I'd only recommend playing this if you are comfortable with what could be considered torture porn in some parts.

They tried too hard to make this as disturbing as possible and sometimes it came out as too over-the-top for my taste but otherwise I enjoyed it.

A good storyline and a frightening experience but not quite the original imo. Still a pretty decent DLC

La exploración en este DLC es menos intrusiva con sus indicaciones y te permite explorar algo a tu voluntad. Los enemigos son más interesantes con una trama más enfocada, y los escenarios que te encuentras sí llega a tener sentido que sean dentro de un espacio cerrado.

De resto... ehhhhh opino igual que el juego base (leer mi reseña acá ) Y le pongo peor nota solo porque sus sustos son increiblemente más estupidos que en el juego base, la IA se le frió el cerebro más de una vez, en ocasiones volviendo a su punto de spawn teniendome LITERALMENTE AL LADO o congelándose en frente mio. Tambien que no tiene sentido que el protagonista de este DLC te dan el contexto de que está prácticamente en bolas, sin ningún ítem de por medio, pero igual puede escribir en su anotador invisible... Ya no quiero saber más nada de esta franquicia.

(watched a youtuber play) literally the only piece of outlast that i have genuinely enjoyed

more of the same as the original, but with even more of an obsession with dick trauma and a monster more memorable than any of the base game's but for all the wrong reasons

Just the same as the first game, but a little shorter. Honestly, Whistleblower is almost a little better in story purely because it runs parallel to the main game and it's nice seeing the little bit of touches in the story

Story's okay. Same old same old Outlast.

I missed the end cutscene i was texting my friend

Eddie Gluskin really went all in on being a chaser! (he chases you)

"Another Idiotic Main Character, Another Romp Through The Same Asylum"

I also played the Outlast: Whistleblower DLC, and my thoughts about that game are pretty much identical to the first. For every section that seems like it would be fresh and creative, Red Barrels decided to gut gameplay and revert to the same old loop as before. The story here is pretty nutballs, and is really just a placeholder for another romp through the asylum. It is somewhat cool to see some events through the eyes of another moron (he sent the whistleblowing work...dumbass), though he also gets caught in his own share of messes while trying to escape. This DLC was a failure in my opinion because nothing was really changed or improved, it was just "more". For this, I have to go with a Not Recommend once more.

Final Verdict: 4/10 (Below Average)

A quicker length and less monotonous tasks lead to this DLC being just as good as the original Outlast, if not a little better. The improvements create an experience with very few dull moments, and it's a good way to spend an October evening during spooky season.

Considero a DLC melhor que o jogo original. Recomendo!

Might be better than the original outlast. A far shorter package, it never outstays its welcome with cheap "OH NO UR STILL STUCK IN THE HOUSE EVEN THOUGH YOU WERE JUST ABOUT TO ESCAPE" moments that plagued 1

Yeah so basically this dlc addon whatever the fuck you wanna call it, is better than the first outlast game. It take's its much shorter length and and is able to make something somewhat resembling a story, because they dont need to stretch it out so that the price for a full game is reasonable. The groom is EASILY the scariest fucking person I have ever seen in a video game, and him and that room of hundreds of hanging bodies probably scared more than anything bar P.T.

Shorter, scarier and hints at something interesting about sexual assault with its villain, but then does nothing with it.

Not as scary as the original game was, but this DLC feels very original and completes the whole story. I loved the ending.

Prefer this one to the actual main game, pretty b-grade slasher flick material and kinda goofy, but I like that shit and that scene where the antagonist threatens to saw the MC's dick off still sticks out to me and was more memorable than anything in the base game at the very least.

mi opinion de este dlc es la misma que la del primero (
Los enemigos y diseño de este juego están mas elaborados, además, su corta duración le juega a su favor.

DLC mais completa que já vi, sinceramente eu gostei muito desse complemento e acho que poderia ser maior no caso da gameplay, tirando isso a DLC não erra em nada e o final é surreal de bom!! Espero que a Red Barrels esteja trabalhando bem no Outlast Trials...

BITCH NAH i watched my fav streamer/ytber, (von) mase, play this it was mad funny

Tão divertido e opressor quanto o primeiro jogo. Recomendo demais!

Reveals more of Outlast's story through the perspective of a different character. Rather than viewing this as a separate entity or add-on, I see this DLC as a crucial component to complete the Outlast experience. It's decently shorter than the main game and contains many details of the plot that weren't clear before.