Reviews from

in the past

I genuinely cannot convince myself to come back to this game, it's that bad.

One of the most heartfelt soundtracks Intelligent Systems ever produced.

The only good thing about this game is the music. It's playable and has some fun moments, but it's easily one of the worst Mario games. Limiting simple RPG abilities was a dumb move and the story is essentially another generic 2D Mario plot with the same rehashed worlds/characters. Very disappointing.

I did not give this game much of a chance and probably for good reason

Look how they massacred my boy…

Not as bad as people say, it was short and sweet but I definitely don’t like it as much as what I played of TTYD

It's just so bad, the boss fights especially.

that shit look like the battle pass

monkey ass game that I didn't even like playing as a kid 10 years ago

Gimmicky, uninspired and abandoning everything that made the previous games so special. Much like a cheap dollar store sticker, this game will be faded and in the garbage long before it can leave an impression.

after years and refreshing my thoughts on this game, yea, I still kinda like it, probably due to nostalgia, but I had fun, still easily the weakest paper mario game that I've played, i hate the fact that you get nothing but useless coins after battles thats the one big problem with this game as everyone has said, and a little bit more npc variety would've been nice.. i now also see why this game is so hated, despite not generally agreeing with it lol. getting to hear the soundtrack again was worth the whole revist tho I'm not gonna lie it's better than the actual game.

Parecia mais divertido quando eu via let's play

combat sucks, story sucks, toad characters plenty.

"lol Sticker Star sux" is not a joke. It's not the lowest hanging fruit. Well, it IS, but the lowest hanging fruit is what sustained our ancestors in fair Lascaux. We are compelled to reach for this fruit to ensure survival and propagation of our wretched species who will, in turn, use the same hand which sought fruit to craft this absolute fucking abomination.

Experiencing Paper Mario: Sticker Star made me a worse person. Let me explain:

This is not a game. It is a flashing screen in which you may or may not have any influence on what happens. Decisions you make have no outcome on battle. Everything is preordained. I am thoroughly convinced you can select stickers at random in each battle and still come out on top. I'm convinced of this because I utilized this exact strategy in a second attempt during my 2020 playthrough. Because yes, I wanted to graft physical and mental pain in place of the looming existential caused by a pandemic.

I was only walled when it came to boss fights. You can skate by Large Goomba without using its kismet Thing sticker. However, in any other boss battle, you MUST use the invisibly assigned Thing card. There is no way to get around this. You will lose. And if you happen to not have the fated Thing card, which the game may or may not hint at, you must exit the battle, go buy the thing from the shop (or god fucking forbid, you never encountered the Thing, so now you must go track it down in the wild), and attempt the battle again. And you must use this EXACTLY ONE (1) Thing during the battle at the exact poorly-telegraphed moment to win with ease.

There is no strategy. There is no fun. Simply put, this was a $40 soundtrack released in 2012 with a completely unhinged (and un-playtested) visual experience included as a bonus. This visual experience slots into a Nintendo system, but again, it is by no means a game.

I will never forgive this alleged game for ruining an amazing series for no other reason than "Miyamoto likes Toad." If this is your favorite Paper Mario game, it is either the only one you have ever played, and thus playing it put you off the series entirely, or you are LYING. Or seeing the sexy Birdo/goat scene emulsified your brain using the 3D slider as a vector.

If it is your favorite game, or even if you think it's "good," then please by all means articulate a response. But your response cannot simply be "idk because I just liked it." Why did you like it?? What is there to like?? I don't understand!! I'm chained to this flesh prison until a zoomer can explain to me why this is an objectively good game!!


Nada de mal, mas não consegui zerar, então meu tempo de jogo é pouco

I have an acquaintance who firmly believes that Super Paper Mario and Sticker Star are on the same level of quality (which, in this case, is bad and irredeemable). regardless of their opinions on Super Paper Mario, they are wrong because this game is poorly thought on very fundamental levels

there isn't a lot I can say that people haven't already said. combat outside of bosses is useless at best and actively detrimental at worst, which sucks because the actual combat system is... actually kind of okay. there's no sense of progression for Mario as a character - even Super Paper Mario, which was light on RPG systems, still had concepts of leveling up and obtaining characters and powers

bosses themselves are rather problematic. in order to fight a boss without dying or being forced to use up every sticker you own, you are required to find Things throughout the world. you have to use it at the right time or else it doesn't work as well... or something like that. it's been a while since I last played

most of the humor relies on "haha we're paper isn't that funny?" joke that was used thoughtfully in the first three games, except that's their only joke now

I have only gotten past the first world and I plan to come back to Sticker Star at a later time. I want to hope that I can find some more positives that aren't just the art style and soundtrack, but other reviews haven't left me hopeful

This is one of the single worst games I've ever played in my fucking life, and is one of the most insulting pieces of media I've ever seen. No amount of being technically solid or looking or sounding good can save it from the detrimental effect it had on the franchise, and as far as I'm concerned, the franchise never recovered.

Terrible, pointless gameplay, a literal depressingly nothing plot, vapid level design, terrible puzzles, garbage bosses, uninteresting level design and locales, shitty writing, everything you loved about Paper Mario is gone and replaced with something else miserable, soulless, and hollow.

I spent 10 dollars on clearance for this game and still feel like I got ripped off.

Man, this game SUCKS.
At the start is, ok, but from there it becomes pretty confusing, first it wants to be linear, but then it becomes more open, the puzzles are like "hey you need a sticker for continue, but im not gonna give you any hint for find the correct one, so, good luck b*tch!"
The Battle system SUCKS, the history also SUCKS, just the graphics and soundtrack are good.

It wasn't god awful, but there's so much missed potential. The battle system was grating, there was no originality with no original characters, and the map system was kinda confusing. Music slapped though.

I almost feel like this near universally hated game isn't hated enough.
The half star point was for some of the soundtrack.

imagine the starry eyes of a teen picking up the next entry in their favorite series and that happiness fading away in two minutes. thats what this game is for me

A frustrating experience where every attack is a consumable. Hope you didn't accidentally use that unique sticker on a random fight when you need it for a boss/puzzle....

Paper Mario got Miyamoto'd and we'll never recover.