Reviews from

in the past

Decepção, triste e chato. A coisa mais inovadora desse jogo são os gráficos no hardware novo da época

Difficult to say if this is the worst game I've ever played but it's absolutely the most upsetting

I was 9 when I first played this and I felt a genuine sense of loneliness and emptyness while playing. Negative emotions flow through my mind whenever I hear a sound effect from this game. I don’t exactly know what the opposite of nostalgia is, but I heavily associate that feeling with Sticker Star.

At least the music is good…

Was my introduction to the Paper Mario series.
I wish I played Thousand Year Door instead.
When I was younger, I played through to the final boss and then it felt so unbelievably unfun and unbalanced that I just gave up.
I still never have beaten it, and I never plan to.

Fuck this game. The first game to ever completely disappoint me. It's an awful RPG, the characters are obnoxious, not funny, and while it's visually alright, later games that continued its terrible gameplay themes look better. Not that I've played them because this game put me off a series I once loved. Perhaps origami king is alright so I might give it a shot one day.

Staying up tonight to get Paper Mario Sticker Star from the eShop at midnight! So should you!

This was so painful as a long time Paper Mario fan, Went in expecting a decent experience came out thinking what types of paper shrooms they was on to let this release. Every world is bland with a few exceptions then the forest segment… terrible level design and near impossible puzzle to solve without a guide. Overall decent music, bland characters and bad gameplay. Skip this one it ain’t worth it

The story of the game is good and the concept works. It has good parts of the game, but then this is probably the worst Paper Mario game for me. The fact that you need stickers to attack means you just farm the best ones and never get into fights with any enemies in fear of losing your stickers. I ended up avoiding as many things as possible and farming basic stickers. Not as fun as just attacking normally like in Bowser's Inside Story.

I will eventually finish the game, I got pretty far in it but then stopped playing it once the switch was released.

beating the dead horse even harder just to make sure it’s truly dead

This game is legitimately awful

look, i get it

sticker star comes at a time where unique mario experiences were released far apart from each other, and for them to give the standard mario treatment to a series that (at the time) symbolized how far an incredibly experimental spin-off series can take itself when given proper love and care, was understandably a motivator in the current outrage that sparked from this game. but if one were to ignore all that, and go into this series with this game as their first experience, they'd walk away thinking it was a fun time.

That was the first time I ever wanted to drop a game but I finished it anyway. The gameplay was... I dunno... boring...
I was really looking forward to finish it.

Look if I went back and played this now I would probably dislike it, but honestly when I was a kid I really liked it.

sticker collecting was awesome, everything else less so

I don't outright HATE this game but more of what it symbolizes. I'd honestly rather play this game again than finish Origami King

Better than Origami King, imo.

Bland. The game actively makes you not want to enter battles as you usually lose more than you gain. The best part of the game is easily Snifit or Whiffit as it's the only part of the game with charm and character.

I think people blow how bad it is a little out of proportion. Only a little though. You're better off playing almost any other game in the series.

I tried to get through this game because the idea of Paper Mario on the go is cool. I made it to World 2-2 and stopped, and it sounds like I'm not missing anything at all

A masterclass in exactly how not to design a video game.

Even 12 year old me who wanted to play TTYD for several years knew this game was ASSSS

I genuinely enjoyed this game my only complaints about this game is that the items needed to progress/kill certain bosses are annoying and can be tricky to find but other than that I like this game.

Worst Paper Mario game I've played.

easily the most overhated game i've ever played. shit was fun


It's bad, it's just bad.

I'm amazed that I somehow finished it.

I loved this game as a kid. To be honest I don't really understand the hate but I get that it took a huge step away from the RPG formula. I like the world map and how connected each world feels. The bowser fight is extremely difficult though. Im not going to call it over hated as I can understand that it has major problems

Full disclosure, I haven't played any paper Mario before the reboot on the wii, but I actually enjoyed this one. The idea of using stickers for combat is really cool, and makes it so you need to prepare different sticker sets for different bosses. It feels almost like a Mario and luigi game in this way.