Reviews from

in the past

eu e o yu narukami somos a mesma pessoa... bizarro '-'

the best game i have yet to play. i can't even begin to describe what this game has given me

Descubrí la saga hace un par de años con Persona 5 Royal y fue, sin duda alguna, de lo mejor que había probado en el género. Me enamoré de cada personaje, las historias, los confidentes, el combate, la música... La suma de todo hacía un 10 redondo y deseaba jugar los anteriores pero el tema del idioma en un juego con tanto texto me tiraba para atrás. Con la traducción y el Game Pass, pude meterle mano a la entrega anterior a la que me enamoró. Había leído que era para muchos el mejor de la saga. En mi caso no lo ha sido, viendo un buen trecho de diferencia entre este y el 5 Royal.

La historia me ha durado unas 70 y pocas horas. Ha habido una cosa de aquí que me ha escamado. Resulta que el juego tiene como 5 finales, siendo dos de ellos exclusivos de la versión Golden. Pues no sé si yo hice algo mal o fue un bug, pero la personaje para poder desbloquear este contenido (una confidente que se te presenta al principio del juego) jamás me salió fuera de la habitación terciopelo, con lo que no pude subir su social link y me tuve que contentar con el final del P4 original (por suerte, me olí la tostada de la trama de lejos y sin guía, pude sacar el mejor de los tres finales restantes por mi mismo). Sin alejarme de la historia, diré que me gustó y me encantó la relación de los personajes, pero sí es cierto que no me atrapó de la misma manera que sí hizo el 5. Esta trama también es oscura y cruel, mostrando los pecados del ser humano y la bajeza de éste, me mola cómo maneja la saga estos temas para representar sin pudores la vileza del ser humano.

Aún siendo más corto que el anterior, se me hizo algo más pesado. Las mazmorras son bastante insulsas, son todas iguales pero con colores distintos y poco más. Los combates son los de siempre, dejando claro que si algo funciona, no es necesario cambiarlo. Sí me noté más de una vez, especialmente a mitad de juego, algunos puntos de dificultad bastante mal medidos. Con miedo a esto, de cara al boss final me dio por levear un poco y puede que me pasara, ya que fue un paseo.

La parte de social link está bastante guay, empatizando con los personajes en sus historias personales en más de una ocasión y mostrando preocupaciones reales. Combinado con el apartado artístico (personalmente, el toque añejo de principios de los 2000 me encanta) y con una buena banda sonora (pero infinitamente por debajo de lo visto en P5R) hace que avanzar en el calendario sea más entretenido muchas veces que la propia parte rolera de mazmorreo.

En general me ha gustado, es un buen producto y si ya has toqueteado SMT o Persona, no debería defraudarte. Sí es cierto que esta vez no me ha atrapado ni la mitad que lo hizo su sucesor y algunos momentos se me hicieron pesados. Me noto algo jodido por no haber podido disfrutar del contenido Golden sin comerlo ni beberlo, lo cual me deja un sabor amargo de "no he completado del todo este juego". Aún así, muy disfrutón, fácil un 8.5.

adachi vine boom

great vegetables

Nem terminei, mas já acho peak

This review is going to be corny as hell, but I don't care.

On occasion you'll see people describe a movie, show, book or TV series as "life changing". Something that goes beyond "extremely good" for them. Something where not only is it great but the story or elements connects with them at the right time. For myself, that game is P4G.

Early 2021 Winter, around the middle of the COVID pandemic. The preceding years had been the worst of my life. I was recently gifted Persona 5 Royal for the preceding Christmas, but didn't have the console to play it on at the time, so I purchased Persona 4 Golden on Steam instead.

The game opens with a blast of joy as "Shadow World" is the first introduction to the game with its "anime opening". Immediately I knew this game was going to be something special that I hadn't personally seen before. What follows is a contemporary RPG (and social simulator) of students becoming friends as they solve a murder mystery. The contrast between the game's jovial presentation and music contrasting with this darker plot is something I hugely appreciate. It shouldn't work but it does.

While this game's story is "power of friendship saves the day" that's been done thousands of time before and something that's become trite, the execution of this in P4G made it the first time I really understood it in a story. The bonds these characters have with each other allows them to help one another get through their struggles and overcome their own difficulties, while the social link system in the game highlights this. The eerie boring town of Inaba soon becomes a place you never want to leave, due to these characters' side stories and social link connections made in the game. Ultimately, this group of friends (built up over the course of the game's story) is in contrast to the game's antagonist. A character who ended up where they were at in life (at the game's start) because they never made connections with others. A fate the game hints could have befallen any one of the main cast had they kept others away. This basic theme goes beyond the surface level and really explores why the "power of friendship" is so important. It's something that I needed to hear at the time and caused me to make an effort to reconcile with old friends in real life that I had grown distant with. It's a simple but powerful message: life is what you make it and no matter where you are in life its best made with others. On top of everything else its why I'd define this a personal "life changing" game, as well as the sheer joy that this game was to play during the otherwise miserable period of the pandemic lockdown.

Aside from the story, the gameplay is pretty fun and makes the most of turn based combat. The "one-more" and "all out attack" systems are successful in their own right, while shuffle time is immensely enjoyable to "metagame", even if doing so makes your own character overpowered. Collecting and fusing Personas is fun as well and adds a lot to it. The music in this game is something else and it is personally my favourite OST in any game as of writing this review. Every track perfectly matches what is happening on screen. Events like the "December 3rd" had me close to tears, while other parts in the game are rather funny with characters like Chie, Yukiko or Yosuke just goofing around. The banter between the cast of characters is great to watch at times.

Genuinely the only single criticism I have of this game is Teddie's "pervy" moments, which is the Japanese anime trope of "Ecchi comedy" that is downright uncomfortable to watch and I'd rather not be in the game at all. In total there are 2-3 scenes like this in the game all instigated by that annoying bear. If that was pushed aside, this game would be my #1 greatest game of all time and something I'd consider flawless, as this is the only flaw I find with the otherwise masterful game.

At some point in the future I'd like to replay this game on PS4 to 100% completion. In my Steam playthrough I didn't get all the achievements, although I did beat the 2 "bonus dungeons & bosses" for the "True Ending" and epilogue (where I had someone on fan discord server help me get to the latter, as both can be rather cryptic to get to without knowing how). They are well worth doing and the "true final boss" is underrated for sure, as while it does feel "tact on", it is the thematical culmination of everything the lovable cast of characters have been through on their journey and the musical score of the final fight perfectly reflects this.

10/10. If I open a new log for my PS4 playthrough I'd likely just copy and paste this review, as there's not much more I can say without going to spoilers. An actual must play game for anyone interested in turn based combat, anime or story driven games in general.

Definitely a really good and beatiful Game, like all the Persona games I´ve played so far.

Would recommend.

I suppose in a sense I was disappointed with Persona 4 Golden. “Murder mystery slice-of-life JRPG” should’ve been a shoe-in for my favorite game of all-time, but I don’t think Persona 4 ever fully lives up to the potential of that premise. The game never really feels like a murder mystery in the sense that you as the player are never really encouraged to think through the case and actually try to deduce anything—largely the party just stumbles into answers—and the slice-of-life stuff is extremely hit-or-miss (I’ll get more into that later) but ultimately I think a lot of that disappointment comes from simply going into the game with the wrong expectations, so I was still able to enjoy it for what it is, and coming off of Persona 5 Royal, Persona 4 Golden is very much another enjoyable entry in the series.

Persona 4 Golden establishes the vibe early on, before the game starts in fact. One of my favorite parts of the whole game is the opening movie, where all of the playable characters do these silly little jigs to this very cheerful music. No matter what happens later in the game, good or bad, this is generally the vibe.

Persona 4 Golden’s greatest strength is obviously its characters. On the whole, I would say that 4’s characters are more thoughtfully written than 5’s, with more going on in their personal lives and a greater sense of introspection coming from each of them that makes them on the whole more interesting to learn about as you progress through their Social Links. Where I’m a little more torn is when comparing the group dynamic in 4 to the group dynamic in 5. I’m not sure that I would say the Investigation Team’s dynamic is quite as strong as the Phantom Thieves’. They have some highlight moments for sure: the band arc, the school trip, the ski trip, and especially the epilogue (seriously, the epilogue is so good, without spoiling specifically what happens, I’ll just say that I wish most JRPGs had a scene like Persona 4 Golden’s epilogue) are the strongest of the game’s slice-of-life moments, and really work to sell you on the group dynamic. However, I think the character interactions between 5’s cast members are a lot better than the ones in 4. Whereas in 5 the Phantom Thieves all casually rib each other as friends do, in 4 it comes off a lot more like just straight bullying and not at all infrequently downright harassment, which is extremely uncomfortable to watch.

Which brings me to my three biggest problems with Persona 4: Yosuke, Teddie, and the lesser half of the slice-of-life scenes. Here’s the deal guys, the middle section of Persona 4 is kind of a drag compared to the rest of the game. Similarly to Persona 5, the plot in Persona 4 moves pretty slowly during the game’s second act, so to make up for it they fill it with these slice-of-life scenes, which would be fine in theory, if not for the fact that the writers decided they were just going to take two of the longest-standing members of the party and turn them into terrible people all of a sudden. Yosuke, initially very much your Ryuji-esque bro-type character, at the end of Kanji’s dungeon pivots into being a homophobic creep and never really recovers from this, his only real redeeming moments afterwards being ranks 9 and 10 of his Social Links, which were admittedly kind of sweet. Then there’s Teddie. Teddie, Teddie, Teddie… I can’t even, when you first meet Teddie, he’s just this funny little goon who constantly makes bear puns. That’s great, I love bear puns! I thought, “Man, if Teddie just keeps going like this he’ll be way better than Morgana!” And then… then… then halfway through the game it just all goes down the drain. Imagine how Morgana treated Ann in Persona 5. Now imagine that, but ten times worse, and also directed at every other female party member. That’s Teddie. In terms of its slice-of-life scenes, for every epilogue or band arc, Persona 4 Golden has a beach day, or God forbid a trip to the hospital (seriously that scene where they all go to get physicals might be one of my least favorite scenes in any RPG ever) and usually it’s either Yosuke or Teddie’s fault. I’m just glad the plot starts moving again at the end of the game so that those sorts of scenes start to thin out a bit.

Anyway, returning to things I like about Persona 4 Golden, I wanted to talk about the presentation, or more specifically, the voice acting. Persona 4 Golden has some of the best voice acting I’ve heard in gaming; most of the time dialogue is accompanied by these static portraits, and so to pick up the slack, the voice acting is super expressive. Take Nanako (best character in the game, by the way) for example. Initially I thought that Nanako’s voice acting was a bit sloppy, as she slurs a lot of her lines, but then I thought about it for a moment and realized the delivery was actually really clever, as that’s how a child like Nanako would say those lines. Other characters, like Chie, are really good with the volume control, allowing the dialogue to convey a specific amount of emotion, whatever that specific emotion might be. It’s the little delivery details that make the voice acting in this game really stand out.

I could go on but those were most of my main points. I was going to talk about all of the characters like I did in my review of 5, but I realized I didn’t have a lot to say about everyone like I did there. I don’t want to spend too much time talking about gameplay, since a lot of it is identical to 5’s, but I will say this: the randomly generated dungeons, though they did get a bit repetitive after a while, did not feel nearly as major a downgrade as I thought they would. It was smart of the devs to never actually increase the dungeon lengths, as I think they would have started to get annoying if they extended significantly past the ten floor average, combat being a lot slower in this game.

Lastly—and this isn’t a problem exclusive to Persona 4, just something that I realized while playing—Social Links are actually really stupid from a writing perspective. The characters are weakened by them because nothing that happens in the Social Links can be too major, otherwise they would affect the plot and necessitate major rewrites; and the plot is weakened by them because the major moments of character growth found in the Social Links can’t be integrated into the story to make the narrative more interesting. They only really work from a gameplay perspective, because boy are they satisfying to unlock and watch. I’m not really sure what the solution to this would be; this sort of system works in a game with a larger cast like Fire Emblem, because the plot doesn’t have the time to develop every character and make their arc integral to the narrative, but in a game like this one with a smaller cast, it just doesn’t really make sense to have character development and characterization moments be optional.

Marie is hysterical, and respectfully, anyone who thinks she's cringe didn’t get the joke.

É simplesmente uma obra-prima e é impossível negar. O melhor jogo da franquia Persona. As músicas são perfeitas, as lutas são insanamente boas, os personagens... Chorei com a despedida de cada um. Masterpiece.

Buen JRPG, aunque se nota que ha pasado el tiempo. Mi mayor problema es cómo se conectan los eventos de la historia, y que se nota cómo Golden fue un parche al final.

whoever created the boss against hydlide jim deserves to be killed

Still one of my favorite games ever and if anything Golden new content enhanced that feeling. Really enjoyable dungeon crawling, lovable cast of characters, the theming of bonding really well explored and even make some of the things I dislike in the original better. And of course, killer OST. The new dungeon isn't as good but at least I liked the plot and SLink. And the other SLink is great. This game is amazing, was such a great memory of my teenage years and Golden made it even better.

It has it's problems but I still love it just as much today in 2023 as I did back in 2013 playing it on the Vita. Great characters, stylish presentation and amazing soundtrack.

You were truly a remarkable guest.

Um jogo simples porém incrível, gameplay melhor que seu antecessor e inferior ao seu sucessor. Você se diverte bastante com os personagens, que inclusive são o seu ponto forte. Os maiores problemas vem de incoerência da história (nada muito grande) e a simplicidade das dungeons, que são bem parecidas com a do jogo anterior, porém mais cativantes mas ainda sim não tendo diferenças gritantes. Gosto desse jogo demais, pra mim pode ser um dos melhores que já joguei, afinal mudou minha vida.

First Persona game and one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

Mon premier Persona, j'ai vraiment adoré faire le jeu. Je pense que c'est le plus équilibré en terme de histoire et de gameplay

I was SUPER surprised by Persona 4 Golden, I wasn't expecting to love it but I did. I might even prefer the cast and story of Persona 4 than Persona 5 which I adored! The only thing that holds this game back would be the dated gameplay but it is by no way boring or bad. It's awesome, I seriously enjoyed it and heavily recommend it to those that have only played Persona 5.

quit twice in the middle of secret laboratory 💔💔💔

all my life seeking to seize
all the homo men, YEAH

If Yosuke was just a little less homophobic this game would be perfect

Wow do I have mixed feelings about this one!!

More so than P5, this game definitively captures the highschool experience. At best this means you'll be hanging with friends at the food court, going on trips together, and even starting a band!! At worst this means you've got a total fuck head in your friend group who is an actual pervert and totally demeans all of the super nice girls you hang with every step of the way. And also everyone is at least a little homophobic!! These are the types of mems you make in high school that haunt you at random moments a decade later. (So yeah this is the most accurate HS simulator ever).

Outside of that though this game totally rocks!! The rpg and visual novel balance here is as good as ever, having you switch to one just as you start to get sick of the other. Also why did they get rid of shuffle time?! Throwing a little gambling game after battles that lets me manipulate rewards is always satisfying. Would love to see something like this return!

So basically this game is incredibly addicting, gorgeously stylized, has an infectious soundtrack, and has some really lovable characters who I will remember forever. It also has a recurring bit where everyone makes fun of the only fat girl in school who is animated to look like an actual Junji Ito monster.

Every day was not in fact great at my junes...

Words can't describe how much I related to this game or how it made me feel.. The game's story will always have a place in my mind and the warmth I felt while playing it is something I had so much fun with (p.s rise is the best)

The power of friendship. Probablemente de mis juegos favoritos, no he conectado tanto con un grupo de chavales como estos en mi vida. Se nota un poco que tiene sus años el juego, ciertos "palacios" y bosses se hacen tediosos (no pun intended) y extremadamente largos, pero aún así ha sido un viaje espectacular.

So since I reviewed Persona 3 Portable, we might as well also look at the other Persona game that got a release on modern consoles recently. Persona 4 Golden was originally released in 2012 for the Playstation Vita where it was trapped until its steam release in 2021. Thankfully now the stream port (with some new small additions that have also been added to the steam port) is available on modern consoles!

I feel like a direct comparison between P3P and P4G is almost unfair. P3P was the cut down port while P4G was the spruced up extra version that Atlus loves releasing of Persona games. As Golden is the spruced up version of the original Persona 4, it is 100% the definitive Persona 4 experience. The new confidant that is required to open up the new dungeon id say is of controversial quality among the fandom. However, the additional content is welcome all the same.

Persona 4 in general is a great contrast to Persona 3 before it and even Persona 5 after it. Persona 4 is very colorful and cheery in tone. Some fans think that this lightness in tone clashes with its murder mystery plot somewhat. I am of the opinion that Persona 4’s plot doesn't really clash with the energy that the game gives off. The game's aesthetics, while not as strong as Persona 5’s, really makes you feel like you are in a television. Persona has done a great job through the most recent installments having there be a progression in aesthetics. Sometimes it isn't really fair to compare them between games, especially with the large gap in time between Persona 4 and Persona 5’s initial releases, but I feel like I would be doing readers a disservice by trying to ignore the comparison altogether.

One thing that really irks about Persona 4 with this re-release is the dungeons. While they are procedurally generated like persona 3’s Tartarus, the different zones give off the vibe that there should be a set map. Especially after Persona 5’s cinematic palaces being fixed, going back to Persona 4’s dungeons feel lacking and lifeless in a game where its energy is its biggest strength. At least in Persona 3, the tower’s layout changing every time you enter made logical game sense, the dungeon floors being randomly generated here is basically hand waived as what Persona players should expect. Overall, Persona 4 also has a bit of a smaller cast in comparison to Persona 3 and 5. This lends it a good balance of having a wide array of party members without feeling like your time with them is limited or not worth trying to complete (aka the Haru problem in Persona 5.)

Persona 4 overall still stands up on its own laurels. After the release of Persona 5 Royal, trying to not compare what Atlus has accomplished with its latest installment over Persona 4 is impossible. Persona 5’s gameplay improvements make Persona 4 feel a bit old and clunky in comparison. Taken by itself, Persona 4 Golden is still a great RPG and worth your time, especially on the Nintendo Switch and the ability to take it and play anywhere.

This review was cross posted from The Fig Tree website. You can read the original article here: