Reviews from

in the past

I love this game and I may even like its story more then Persona 5 but some parts have not aged well. Also, the combat and level structures in P5 are just better.

The best Scooby-Doo game of all time

really very cool! i watched my boyfriend play

Definitely a great beginning for anyone wanting to get into the jrpg genre

Persona 4 is the worst between 3, 4, and 5 in my opinion. This doesn’t make it a bad game. In fact, I really really enjoy it, but it just doesn’t have the same impact as the others to me. I love the combat of Persona 5, but at times the story can be predictable and annoying (morgana), but the game is still my favorite of the 3. I love the story of Persona 3 and the themes it presents, but the combat is a bit annoying and dated compared to the future games. Persona 4 is sort of a mix of the two, having both good story and good gameplay, but not as good as the heights of the other games. Inaba truly feels like a second home to me, and I loved basically every character in the game. I probably smiled most during my playthrough of Persona 4 than probably any game…ever. This is still a must play and for only $20 on all modern platforms it’s an easy recommendation, even for gamers on a budget.

Every single character is good except Teddie

Probably has the most spoiled twist villian in any videogame ever. Improves on the gameplay of persona 3 in every way. I still like 3 more but I think this is the perfect entrypoint into the world of Persona

It made my eyes hurt a lot, the PC edition. Maybe if I can find a fix I'll pick it back up...

I love these kids. Thank you Giant Bomb.

Best soundtrack. Has the best persona awakening scene in the whole franchise imo

peak atlus performance

great vegetables

Was interested in the story until it didn't move for 60 hours. Got the bad ending by answering one question wrong. Never want to replay. Actually bad. Fun facts, I rank Fallout 76 higher XD.

Persona 4 takes a refreshing approach by placing us in a small rural town in Japan, providing a nice change of pace from the bustling metropolis setting typically found in the Persona series, which contributes to very well to the narrative and the mystery thrilling tone of the game.

Its cast is one of the best i've ever seen, not only in their vibrant designs but also in their authentic portrayal of teenage behavior. Atlus made a deliberate effort to capture the essence of real teenagers, showcasing their loud, impulsive, and immature nature, not only with other people, but with themselves as well, which aligns with one of the main themes touched by the narrative. Its was amazing to see each one of them growing and developing maturity on the course of the journey and Social Links events, which one social link character interwines with another (Dojima and Nanako for exemple), creating a REAL sense of connection between the characters and their personal issues.

Even the antagonist is particularly noteworthy. While he's identity may be predictable with careful observation, he is effectively portrayed as a pathetic loser shaped by his own actions or lack of them. This character serves as a mirror for what the protagonist could have become if not for the bonds formed by the main character, highlighting the impact of the people around him, and creating a compelling contrast.

However, there were moments that left me puzzled regarding the complexity of certain characters. They initially appeared to be one thing but revealed a deeper meaning later on. It seems that Atlus aimed to touch on more serious topics but had to navigate around potential controversies, resulting in a somewhat veiled approach. Considering the game's Japanese origins and cultural sensitivities where some topics are considered taboo or harmful, these handling choices didn't come as a surprise to me.
It was a little strange to me? Yes, for sure, but i had to go with that in the end.

Overall, Persona 4 Golden was a AMAZING experience to me, in its narrative, its excentric characters, in truly valuing the mechanics of social links, emphasizing the formation of bonds built by the protagonist, and ultimately, the effectiveness in creating a tone of mystery and suspense, knowing how to be "colorful" and "fun" at certain times and becoming something eerie at others.

>i think i like this more than P5 and P5R by the way, sorry makoto nijima fans :(

made me into a full-fledged streamer

I beat this a while ago I just completely forgot to log it, it was alright. I know this game is beloved to many people and I understand why but I just didn't like the writing and the gameplay didn't captivate me enough to care. The music of course is incredible and the game has some great moments (mostly Nanako) but overall I think it was a good game but not one that interests me particularly strongly.

Não tem sensação melhor jogando videogame do que chegar em casa e ser recebido com um "Seja bem vindo!" da Nanako enquanto toca Signs of Love de fundo.

Esse jogo deve ser o que tem mais "alma" de todos o que já joguei. É especial.

I understand why people love this game, and I definitely enjoyed it, but it definitely fails to hide its age especially when put up against modern RPGs. The writing holds up incredibly well in the traditional Atlus fashion but the combat and dungeon aspects, from the actual dungeon exploration to the boss fights, are pretty bland and tedious. Tremendously carried by the VN aspects of the game, which of course are fantastic.

I always stand up and do a backflip whenever after school track plays.

this game also changed my life

It has everything that makes persona so amazing. The characters, gameplay, everything is just so perfect. I'm sad that it's finished. I hope a remake happens.

Великолепная JPRG с великолепным сюжетом, геймплеем и персонажами. Отложил, так как устал от геймплея после прохождения P3. Обязательно вернусь и пройду до конца

Played through this 4 times for 100% on both PC and Playstation. Adachi was great

Por onde começar...?

Conheci por recomendação de um amigo meu e, infelizmente, pela correria do dia a dia não consegui comprar (levando em conta a falta de tempo). Entretanto, com o isolamento devido ao corona vírus, curioso, comprei Persona 5 Royal. E claro, me apaixonei. Mesmo com +200 horas, só queria jogar mais. Esse mesmo amigo já tinha me falado que o Persona 4 era o melhor (na opinião dele) e pensei, "Acho difícil o 4 ser superior ao 5!". Acabei queimando minha língua.

Começando pelo único ponto "fraco", claro, na minha opinião. Como joguei Persona 5 Royal antes, senti falta de uma interface diferenciada e o sistema de "Baton Pass" que deixa a batalha em turnos - um sistema que não gosto, mas acabei gostando conforme fui me aventurando pela série - muito mais dinâmica e menos repetitiva. Entretanto, levando em conta o ano no qual o título foi lançado, o sistema de lutas é bem divertido. Conforme você vai elevando os social links e quando colocam certos membros na party, existem algumas interações especiais que são bem divertidas de se ver.

Persona 4 Golden é uma obra perfeita de VÁRIAS formas. A história é fantástica! Me prendeu do início ao fim e, particularmente, não achei que demorou para "entrar no ritmo". Quando percebi, já estava viciado e totalmente envolvido na trama. É muito difícil uma obra tão longa prender o consumidor apenas com uma ótima história e é aí que entra a MAESTRIA da Atlus na criação de suas personagens. Antes da minha experiência com Persona 4, ouvi muito que, quando terminaram o jogo, sentiram que estavam se despedindo de amigos reais. A princípio achei um pouco exagerado, confesso, mas, mais uma vez, paguei pelo que falei. Depois de jogar os Personas 3 e 5, afirmo que o cast desse jogo É o melhor (na minha humilde opinião, claro). Ao mesmo tempo que dei muitas risadas ao lado deles, também me senti triste, fiquei com raiva e isso com uma frequência MUITO maior se comparado aos outros títulos da franquia (ainda vou jogar o 1 e o 2).

Continuando a falar sobre o elenco, além de tudo que já mencionei, o que os torna mais reais é a forma como suas imperfeições são apresentadas. Nos outros jogos, por mais que sabemos que as personagens apresentam defeitos, parece que isso não tem muita relevância. Já em Persona 4, nós vemos como nossos amigos enfrentam seus problemas e são expostos, sentem medo e aflição de admitir e se aceitarem e, para mim, isso é uma coisa muito "bonita" de se ver. Quantas pessoas não mentem para si mesmas e, muitas vezes, nem sabem? Você já parou pra pensar hoje se você também está se inibindo? Ou se enganando? Em alguns casos, as pessoas até sabem, mas não tem coragem de encarar esses problemas e vivem reféns disso. Todo mundo já deve ter ouvido que "O maior inimigo do homem é ele mesmo". O que precisamos é de coragem pra nos ver como realmente somos. Esses são os verdadeiros "óculos" que Persona 4 nos apresenta.

Por quê você ainda está lendo isso?? Compra logo e te garanto que é impossível não se tornar uma pessoa melhor depois de passar um ano na cidade de Inaba. Você vai aprender muito e ainda vai estar se divertindo.

Espero que se divirtam muito!
"Everyday's great at your Junes!"