Reviews from

in the past

I would give it an even higher rating if the base game wasn't Persona 5. The new content is simply amazing

Persona 5 Royal does it's absolute best to iterate on and improve so many aspects of the original game that it's hard to list it all. This game manages to make the best turn based JRPG battle system of all time even better, which is an accomplishment that cannot be overstated. The new story content is also some of the best writing we've seen in a Persona game to date, and it stands above the writing in the original release. The only complaints I have are pretty minor and mostly apply to the writing in that original release, which P5R does it's best to smooth out, but it isn't 100% successful in that regard.

One of my favorite games ever made, I dearly love the Persona franchise and after being a little let down by 5 I can safely say this satisfies my expectations completely

It might not be the best at everything it does but P5 is personally my favorite game in the series

So far the improvements are good and the extended story makes the game feel more complete. New characters are kinda just tacked on if I do say so.

Definitive version of P5, adding a lot of QoL improvements and a great new story arc. One of my favourite RPGs.
Loses half a star bc you still can't skip the beginning 3-5 hours which makes playing multiple times a huge slog

My favourite game ever with more content. Obviously I love it.

Royal makes the original release obsolete. The new characters, aside from Kasumi, fit into the story extremely well, and the new events make another playthrough less of a slog.

it's like finding a really good food combination. sure i like mac and cheese, but now there's tuna fish in it and i'm in heaven

Most of the problems I had with P5 vanilla's story were amended, resolved, or otherwise improved upon by Royal's extended story. Gameplay additions make it easier--but honestly, I think it's even more fun to play than vanilla, too. Sooo satisfying.

i've lost and gained all my sanity points a dozen times over playing this dumb game that's way too long and full of nonsense but i love it and don't regret any of my 170 hours spent in anime tokyo

I've got to commend P5R on the fact that it assumes all Persona 5 fans must already accept that the pacing is a lost cause and lean in even further into its absurd longevity.

But maybe when I feel a game doesnt respect my time when I play it through a fucking pandemic and am stuck in my house playing vidya more than ever before, it can actually fuck off.

There's good changes in Royal, from the minor to the more substantial, and there are things I like a lot about P5 in general. Its art style is fantastic, the soundtrack is a banger, it's very cozy. Royal makes appreciated changes to combat, bosses and dungeons, and theres a bunch of little things improved throughout the whole game.

The extra story content in this game should absolutely have been like the Answer in FES where you can just launch with it. Yes, the Answer is garbage, and there's a bunch of little changes in the main story but 90% of the game being a retread of a story that doesn't really stand up to the scruitiny of me getting increasingly frustrated at it.

And the thing is, if P5R was an edit, maybe with an extra story added at the end seperately like the answer, it could have been really great. Persona 5 is a game that could have more interesting story content added whilst also being shorter. Dungeons and characters could be consolidated, the introduction could be shortened, the calendar could be made basically half as long - but Royal does none of this.

It's a shame, really. If this game was 50 hours instead of 100+ I could probably see past more of it's issues. Until then, fuck it.

How is it possible that a 10/10 masterpiece just got an upgrade?

A good revamp of the original that manages to make $60 for Persona 5... Again!! not feel like a waste of money. The postgame is somewhat mixed, as it's easily the best and most interesting part of the game, but coming after (an admittedly trimmed down) entire Persona 5 it makes the game feel like its dragging on for way too long

Got to take Makoto out for white day so it's perfect.

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Fixes all my problems with the original Persona 5 and then has the audacity to have its new content be some of the best content in the entire Persona series.

It's like persona 5 but the design of the palaces doesn't make me want to bash my head into a wall, wow! Gets an entire star taken off for the Okumura palace and another half star added for Maruki as a character.

Improves on Persona 5 tenfold, adds some nice QOL features, gives us some new confidants, make mementos more interesting, and we get a new final dungeon and boss to boot. Seriously, this game is a huge upgrade from vanilla.

Persona 5 Royal improves on Persona 5 in every way, unfortunately this way is so disconnected storywise that it almost acts as an entirely seperate experience to the main game, being thematically an almost condemnation of the main game's storyline due to how disjointed the two narratives are. However, it is a superior storyline in almost every way, discarding many of the awful villains employed before in favour of one that had some pathos and connection to the themes of the Persona series as a whole of the exploration of the self, rather than the exploration of society the original Persona 5 opted for.

Gameplay takes a simultaneous leap in interesting ideas and a large stumble in difficulty due to said ideas, the new systems at play all make an easy experience absolutely trivial, an example being Persona traits add a lot more customisation to personalising a Persona's playstyle and ability usage but it becomes apparent this system isn't balanced at all, like giving Alice the ability to make instant death spells cost no SP, resulting in Alice killing every encounter that doesn't have an immunity to death instantly and cancelling out most late game random encounters. Ultimately, Persona 5 Royal shines in what it doesn't share with it's predecessor, and what it does share looks even worse in comparison.

One of the best games of all time. From likeable characters, memorable designs and great story. Truely my only issue is with kasumi/sumire's story arch as she feels forced but the base game and other new things completely make that minor fault still ok.

I bought and started this game around the beginning of quarantine (probably around March) and finished it in about a month. Anytime I wasn't working on the last undergraduate classes I would ever take, I was playing this game. It comforted me and kept me sane during a very lonely time in my life. I've since moved apartments and am living closer to some friends of mine, but this game was there when I needed it most. So thank you, Atlus.

this mf cat is PLAYING DARTS

1. Great combat system
2. Parts of the story were very engrossing (the beginning and end)
3. Some great characters

1. Hit and miss story - some sections were great, others felt lacking
2. Too much repetition - after about 15 hrs I realized that half the dialogue between the main characters on days in between dungeons was just them constantly saying some variation of "will the change of heart work? i have doubts.... did we do it? idk we'll just wait and see" over and over. this went on for almost 80 hrs...
3. Bad Pacing - Breeze through a dungeon in 1-2 in game days, and then you're forced to sit through hours and hours of dialogue with random side characters who have basically 0 impact on the main plot.

Idk overall i feel like this could have been great but it's just way too bloated with hella pacing issues. If the average playtime was cut down by like 40 hrs and some of the countless hours of dialogue with side characters was cut it would have been far more enjoyable imo.

one of the most narcotic video game experiences i've ever personally been a party to. excessive in every sense.

It's a great game, while not the best story, it's still damn good and fun to play while also having a great soundtrack and good visuals.

Un juego larguísimo y con mucho contenido, con una historia demasiado edgy pero disfrutable al fin y al cabo. Sin embargo, el juego es demasiado fácil, incluso en la dificultad despiadada, donde yo jugué.