Reviews from

in the past

I never played this game but hot damn is that music fire

A fun Persona 3 & 4 spinoff that, gameplay-wise, is based on the Etrian Odyssey series. Seeing the casts of both those games together is a real treat. Unfortunately the game drags on and overstays its welcome in the second half, but it's still worth it.

There's some interest here—the combat works well, the sub-Persona system adds modularity to non-protagonist party characters that isn't present in the main games, and the Etrian Odyssey aspects of the game—like map creation and the panic over an accidental FOE fight— work well, but the game very much overstays its welcome and the character writing is generally either devoid of interest or actively irritating.

4th dungeon really made me hate this game

The music is a constant bop but it's far too long.

Was fun in the moment but ehhh. persona four :vom:

Look what they did to my children

They butchered them

the story was great and the gameplay coulda been better


This is a weird one to rate because on the one hand, 3/4s of the game is repetitive dungeon crawling with mid battling and little to no story. However, I played the P3 route, in this route the P3 gang get way more development as a group, not only this but the last 1/4 of the game actually has a mindblowing twist and hits very hard personally. Also the voice acting, music and graphics (for the 3DS) is pretty superb, and Zen and Rei are some of my favourite Persona characters. So despite these issues, I'm still really happy I played this to be honest, it's inconsistency reminds me of Persona 3 giving it a lob sided feel to the game, but like Persona 3 the last bit of the game does justify the game for me.

Man I love so much about this game but the dungeons are so annoyingly cryptic and difficult later in the game it made me kinda hate this game, really liked the story and the new charecters, and of course p3 and p4 cast interacting was a treat. I love everything about the game except for the dungeons, I would say I hate the gameplay but the gameplay itself is ok but the dungeons make it so annoying cause youd be doing an annoying puzzle while encountering enemy on top of enemy.

Excellent crossover title for Persona 3 and 4, characters act as you would expect them to, in a less serious environment. Loses social link feature of 3 and 4 but gains more interesting dungeon exploring elements, and "strolls" allow characters to interact outside of dungeons. Changes made to the battles fit very well with the kind of game this is, giving you more time to explore the dungeons and ways to customize your characters. It's annoying that full XP isn't given to unused characters. Happy Naoto is the most powerful character instead of mostly useless like she was in 4.

If you're here to see your good friends from Persona 3 and 4 I'm very sorry they are done so dirty in this. The map making mechanics and combat hit just right though if you're the meticulous type.

this game is 40 hours too long and you can just play etrian odyssey instead... but the music does bang though

Made the beloved characters one-dimensional caricatures of themselves. Gameplay is just Etrian Odyssey lite, honestly.

I've figured out that Etrian Odyssey isn't really my thing.

Cultural Impact:

         █                                                                       _
  Kanji in Persona Q saying      The rest of the game
                     "I have the most girl
                                               and man power!"           


Empecé este juego en Junio de 2018. Me ha acompañado en distintos puntos importantes de mi vida, como mi viaje por europa, mis noches y días de trabajo, mi vuelta a clases en la facultad y en los días en los que reencaminé mi vida.

Me ha dolido despedirme de él, porque aunque quería terminarlo, ha significado mucho para mi; y me ha influenciado mucho a nivel artístico y simbólico.

Creo que además, me ha apelado mucho en su aprte final...y creo que es la mezcla perfecta entre los temas de Persona 3 y Persona 4.

Aún con todos sus defectos, a nivel de guión, humor, repetición, niveles tediosos y ser innecesariamente largo, creo que es esto precisamente lo que ha hecho posible que me acompañe estos últimos 4 años.

Años en los que he evolucionado, he cambiado, he crecido, me he equivocado y me he redireccionado. Amo que al final Elizabeth me recuerde esto. Al final, es un juego hecho para llegar al jugador de manera personal. Y lo he adorado.

Zen y Rei serán de mis personajes favoritos de Persona para siempre, porque de hecho fueron los primeros personajes que me atraparon de la saga. Son muy especiales para mi. í w ì. <3

Y no sé qué más decir... me duele el corazón.

bad persona game worse etrian odyssey game

Pretty good for a spin-off title. Dungeon design has some fun and difficult puzzles, but has some incredibly frustrating moments. The combat system is great, better than mainline Persona IMO due to the amount of different options there are and having the ability to equip sub personas on every character. There isn’t much of a story until the very end, but the character interactions are fun for the most part, but the characters lost most of their depth and I feel like they could’ve done more with the interactions. Chie and Akihiko in particular became really annoying and one note in this game.

Fuck this stupid game. The story was cool but the gameplay is atrocious.