Reviews from

in the past

I don't like any case except the last case but I REALLY like the last case.

It wasn't as good as the first one, but you shouldn't treat the game like it's not as good as the first one, or you'll think it's not as good as the first one. Try to respect Justice for All, and you'll be rewarded with a better experience.

A little bit worse than the first game, because the first case and the third case aren't exactly amazing. The final case is an absolute roller-coaster ride though. This game also struggles the most from gameplay bullshit where it'll want you to be really specific on where to press/present evidence.

Not quite as consistently good throughout as the first one but has a few great new ideas that keep it from being inferior. The psyche-lock mechanic helps the flow of the game, preventing from feeling too stagnant. The new characters were all delightful, as expected. I feel the most notable thing about this game is the final chapter, or more specifically the gimmick revolving around it. It uses it own gameplay in a way that recontextualizes the familiar mechanics in a very interesting way. I would say the biggest knock against this game is the lateral thinking you need to do in order to progress. It's not uncommon that you would need to think outside the box, but more often than ever did it feel like I would never have figured things out without some help. That said the punishment is never severe enough to be too much of a bother.

O último caso salva esse jogo

thought this one was flaccid even back when i was super in love with these games

The psyche-locks prevent the investigations from becoming dull and none of the new characters are a bad addition. The questioning theme in the first game was way better though.

Last trial is one of the single greatest things ever written

Hot take, but this is top 3 aa games. Everything about it is just well done, starting from the humor, fun gameplay, great cast, and engaging cases. Exactly what a aa game needs. Unfortunately, Case 3 has to exist and ruin everyone’s opinion on this game. Case 4 is peak fiction btw. 9/10, 4.5/5

this game is a wild ride i cannot believe how much of it is dedicated to a bunch of obnoxious yayhoos trying to fuck a sixteen year old and i ESPECIALLY cannot believe that that is also the case that solidified this game’s theme of the law and its systems being designed to enforce the law and prop up the social order it protects rather than see justice done, which is good shit that gets explored throughout a bunch of cases that i simply did not have nearly as much fun with as the first game.

i was baffled by the choices of returning supporting characters; generally hated all of the new characters (bar Pearl who is fine but also mostly a blank slate here and clearly only exists because Maya is written out of the aide role for two cases); find Franzisca Von Karma to be a very shallow replacement for Edgeworth with an obnoxious gimmick whose ultimate development that could have been is denied when she’s unceremoniously ejected from most of the last third of the game with little fanfare; and to top everything off the music is notably worse which is highlighted whenever a banger from the original game gets reused back to back with a new track.

AND YET the part where you PLAY IT is much improved! The trials are as fun as ever even when their subject matter sucks ass, which is a blessing; the investigation sections are better paced in general even though a few of them still feel obnoxiously aimless and drawn out with too much walking around and a lot of arbitrary triggers; no case goes for more than a couple days which doesn’t actually lead to shorter cases because instead everything is just structured to flow a little better.

So it’s a real mixed bag. Some absolutely dogpiss writing in this one, and three of the four cases are mediocre to “wow this better be the worst thing this series ever does because holy shit” but that fourth one?? Pretty good. Preeeeeetty good. And I just enjoy the moment to moment play of this game, and I like Phoenix and Maya they’re just fun to hang out with. I hope the next game is more consistent and generally better.

no matter what though this will always be the game where Maya said “that monkey doesn’t fake the funk on a nasty dunk.” and that’s maybe the funniest sentence i’ve ever read, so i’ll always have that

The weakest in the series imo, but still phenomenal. Says alot about the series tbh

Probably the most nuanced Ace Attorney game thematically speaking.

I still like it regardless of some of the middle cases being kinda.... something...

O segundo jogo da série Ace Attorney traz algumas mudanças em relação ao sistema de erros, e novos casos a serem resolvidos, junto de novas mecânicas.

Entretanto não há uma tanta ligação com eventos transcorridos no jogo anterior, nem um grande arco que envolva os casos, tornando o título bem independente do jogo anterior, com exceção das referências aos personagens já falecidos.

A introdução de novos e mirabolantes personagens continua sendo um charme especial da série.

(Played via Ace Attorney Trilogy on PS4)
HOLY SHIT THAT LAST CASE WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!.......... and the rest of the game wasn't that great.

Justice for All simultaneously feels like a step up and a step down from the original. It has neat new mechanics that expand the very concept of Ace Attorney's gameplay, but it also drops the ball with the pacing in a lot of areas making some investigation segments a bit of a slog to get through.
With that said, I still enjoyed playing through all the cases. I thought the stories were pretty enjoyable, I liked the little callbacks to the first game, I thought the murderers (aside from the first case) were really great and well thought-out, Pearl and Franziska are great new characters, the soundtrack quite slaps and it's just a really really good game that still has a lot of what I love about the original. And man, Farewell, My Turnabout is an absolutely sensational way to end this game. They really went hard with this final case, it's tense, it's exciting, the trials are great, the investigation bits don't drag, the twists are awesome, the unfolding of the story is amazing. The ending, man, oh my god it's just phenomenal. This is my new favorite case in the series and honestly it alone was the reason I gave the game an 8 instead of a 7.
So yeah, I still adore Justice for All and I think it's still a really solid entry in the series despite all issues. I'm definitely replaying this at some point in time, I do have a soft spot for it.

Even though it is a good step-up from the last game in several key areas, gameplay in particular, it also fails to live up to the hype thanks to its inconsistent storytelling quality. Some episodes are great while others are not very good at all. Overall, its still a good game, but not a very consistent one at that.

this one introduced franziska the goat

The fourth case is considered to be the best case in the game. While I do agree that it's great, but I prefer the second case over the last one. Also franziska is in the game.

I wish franny would make me her slave

A definitive step down from the first game. Eventually I'll try to drag myself through the last case.

The end is worth some of the middle game slug

Game 2 baby

Great series, weakest link of the trilogy but not bad at all by any means!

Really good sequel, overall more balanced and fun than the precious one. The magatama mechanic helps a lot with the investigation part.

2-1 is mostly fluff and forgettable, 2-2 is pretty good, 2-3 is bad, and 2-4 is fantastic. A step down from the first, but the high (2-4) is higher than the first game ever got. Franziska Von Karma is a very annoying new character, the whip gimmick gets old quickly, and I think she's just not as fun to go up against as Edgeworth, which makes his late game return a welcome one. Pearl is a much more likable and funny addition to the series.

As for gameplay, I felt this game had more frustrating moments than the first, both in terms of pacing and in how unravelling the cases seemed overall less logical than the first. A lot of moments where you have to present a specific piece of evidence where another one should have led down the same line of thinking, or the game wants something out of you that isn't very clear. Overall, I had fun, but it could definitely be tedious in parts.